Suggestions from Agri-start

Grayslake, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi! I was looking at the Agri-starts co-op and was thinking that some of these might work for a spot inside where I want some (eventually) big potted plants. It's on the big landing between our 2nd and 3rd floors. There's a big west facing window way above the landing (at the same height as the 3rd floor windows). We may not ever put a blind on it just because it's so far above the floor, but whatever we do it will be something we can open somehow to let in light. What I wanted to do was keep several (at first I thought 2, but who am I kidding? :) big pots under the window and put them out on the patio in summer. I'm great with outside plants but not so much inside ones. Also will have to keep the cats from digging while inside, and have lots of squirrels, chipmunks and birds outside. While the plants are small, there are other places I can keep them. I was also thinking it would be cool to keep more than 1 plant in a pot (a small colorful one with a larger green one, etc) at least while they're relatively small.

I looked at the site to pick some out and it's awesome but the variety is dizzying! I don't know where to start. Anyone have some suggestions?
Thanks in advance
Sandy (grrrlgeek)

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Hi Sandy,
I grow a lot of these types of plants,but I find them difficult for me to grow them inside my house.
But growing them in the greenhouse with lots of warm humidity and good air circulation,they really do fine.
I find that spider mites love to prey on the underside of the leaves of the Alocasia.
It's a constant battle trying to keep them at bay,I am constantly misting the back side of the leaves,although it can be done,it is a job of always checking them daily,because they will attack the plant quickly and take over fast as the spread like wild fires.
Might I suggest a large ivy type philodendron or even a parlor or Bamboo palm for your landing,as these will grow into nice size plants with less the problem.

Grayslake, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks Don, now I see why most of the people talking about these are in the south or have greenhouses!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Your welcome

Danville, IN

Look for 'Cat Palms', which are very easy to grow indoors. They have them at WalMart locally. Other palms that would do well for you are any in the chamaedorea and rhapis groups (lady palm, bamboo palm, parlor palm), and the most easy to grow Kentia Palm (but very expensive). Avoid the areca palm, which is commonly sold, but not good for indoors. Other great indoor plants that get large are any of the ficus (weeping fig, fiddleleaf fig, etc.), dracaenas (corn plants, etc.), larger-growing euphorbias, and aralias. Most of these can be found as good-sized specimens at great prices at big box stores, and that's a good way to see what will grow well in your situation (if they don't do well, you're not out much money). They are often sold as patio plants in the spring here in the Midwest, and the selection is great. However, they are usually shipped direct from outdoor growers in Florida, so have some adapting to do farther north. Growing them outside for the summer, out of full sun, will allow them adapt and be ready to go in the fall for use inside.

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