Poor baby's needed

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)


and, LOL! Th e "aww" was about the kitty, not about your britches, ROTFLOL!!!!!!

This message was edited Feb 12, 2009 6:04 PM

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Poor kitty really needed some "poor babies".

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I'm going to up the bourbon and make a slurpy cake (hic)

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Yum! Yet another reason to come to Canada!

Santa Fe, NM

Yeah, that cake seems like just the thing! I went to a local chocolate maker, The Chocolate Smith, yesterday to get some valentine choc's for my sweetie. ( I hope he will share! ) They are very good and very expensive. The tiny store was packed with women and they were tasting everything and just taking their ( sweet ) time. Fortunately, there were samples out on the counter. I wasn't buying that much so I probably sampled an equivalent amount while I waited! Not really. But, a goodly amount. Worth the trip. Here's the kind we like best, " Sierra Blanca ". Big, thick squares of chile/lime flavored white chocolate filled with chunks of dark chocolate and a chocolate fudge-like substance in globs!

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Oh roybird, that ought to make anyone happy. Yum! Guess I better go find some for my DH. He isn't much of a chocolate connoisseur though. He just wants as much chocolate as possible.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Anything that involves chocolate globs must be to die for. I'm always afraid to go to Bernard Calabeaut because I'm not sure I will fit back out the door when I leave. You know what I'm craving for Seal Heart Day? Those little red cinnamon hearts. My mom always give them to us on Seal Heart Day when we were seedlings. http://www.candy4u.com/redhotcinhea.html

Santa Fe, NM

Little red cinnamon hearts are good. My mother was really in to making valentines. She bought very pretty paper and we made special valentines for our special people! She sent one to her old piano teacher every year.

Reno, NV

"Seal heart day" Lol. Ok now I'm going to have to go make my honey a seal heart day card.

Roybird- going to bed for a day sounds awesome. Sleep always seems to get put on the back burner and it's so important.

Kyla- drool

Angele- oh gods that's a sweet and tragic kitty.

That picture is 2 years old, taken when she was just a couple of months old. Her life started out very badly ~ even though we had had her for 6 weeks when this photo was taken you can see she was still a little thin. She is most definitely a spoiled and much loved kitty. The apple of her daddy's eye.

Reno, NV

What happed to her?

The start of her life was very sad but chapter 2 and on has been wonderful

She was found in a huge dumpster, (not by me), and brought to the local vet. He was going to end her life because he thought she was unadoptable. She was dehydrated, very sick and starved. I'm guessing she was 5 weeks old. I heard about her because I was working at the newspaper and built the ad for that vet every week.
So I called Kent & asked him if he would like to come see her because if I brought her home she wasn't leaving! He told me to bring her home. From the moment she arrived at our home she belonged, it was if she knew us and knew our home. She was in terrible shape with a large open wound on her paw, ear mites, emaciated and filthy. She purred right through a bath and for days wanted only to cuddle with one of us; especially Kent, hence her name KC for Kent's cat. I had to go back to work so she really bonded with him, like a baby duck does to its momma :-)

We had lost our dear Polly (cat) almost exactly a year before. She was 24 and we had her from the day she was born - her momma was a dumped stray that adopted us and of course had kittens. Momma was a real beauty and we found a home for her and the other babies.

lol... you really got me started!!!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Wonderful story angele. I luv rescue storys.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Great story! I had a cat once -- came home and found it in the kitchen with a card table blocking the door and a bowl of milk on the floor. I though, oh DH must have brought home a cute little gray kitten. I didn't bother it because it was asleep. When I returned home my cute little gray kitten was an orange striped kitten. After a good sleep and a bite to eat she had cleaned herself up. My then DH, not the current one who is allergic to cats, had found her under the gas meter at the liquor store. We kept her the rest of her life and she had a litter of the most beautiful long haired kittens I have ever seen. We found homes for all but one which we kept for the rest of his life. You got me started, too!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Did I ever tell you how the crazy ole cat was actually supposed to be a black and white calico named Salomi?

:-) paj, too cute about the color change! we love our babies so

tell, tell! daliahnut, tell!!!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

On a very cold and frosty night at about 2 am I was working in my office and I heard a cat crying. I was in a 3rd floor apt at the time and so I bundled up and went out to see what was amatter. I started down the lane and a small black and white shorthair raced out from the shelter of a garage door. Obviously a lost pet so I scooped him up and took him in from the cold. I had nothing to feed him but salomi so I called him Salomi. No one claimed him from the SPCA so I adopted him. As I was filling out my adoption papers I noticed that Salomi was a described as a 1-2 month old orange medium hair tabby! Not a black and white 4-6 month old shorthair Too funky weird so I went back to check it out. Salomi was there being claimed by a father with a very excited, tearful little girl. In the next cage was a strawberry blonde powderpuff hissing and dancing around and trying to look very ferocious. (It was the crazy ole cat disguised as a kitten). He has been trying to look ferocious ever since.


Reno, NV

What great stories. My first cat clover was a foundling. Next door neighbor heard a funny noise under her deck and found a 2 inch long kitten with an umbilical cord longer than him. Her husband wouldn't let her keep it so she come over to us. I feed him with an eyedropper at first and ended up finding the mom. She was a feral who decied to live with us for a while. He was a short haired white cat with a black tail and three black spots on his side. Best mouser ever. He disappeared when he was 5 or 6. Coyotes most likely.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I had a female from a feral once. She was a phenomenal hunter but she wasn't people friendly at all with anyone with me.

Reno, NV

Clover was pretty much a lover.
I almost ended up with a little feral female last summer. My sister saved it from a trash compacter. It's a recycle facility so they pick up old trash can, compact them and ship to be reuse. It had climbed into a trash can, couldn't get out, and then ended up with more can pilled on. They heard it just before it was too late. The kitten imeadeatly fell in love with her and followed her around the office all day. Ended up being taken home by one of the staff their so we get pics of it now and them.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Animals really appreciate being rescued. I have never seen one who didn't love its new home.
On the other hand, I was once given two dogs by some people who were moving away. Those two dogs never took to us like the rescues or even the one pedigreed dog we bought. They just couldn't get over been given away by their original family.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

That is so true paj. Dogs really bond to their peoples if they are cared for.

Reno, NV

Oh, I hope Chico can move past coming to live with us.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Oh, I bet he can. I think these two dogs were unusual. They didn't get moved until they were eight. And we still really enjoyed them, but the bonding just wasn't as strong as with our other dogs. How old is chico?

Reno, NV

I think he's 5 or 6. I'm hoping that the fact he's come and visited us before will help. The last couple of times he's stayed with us he follows me around. Not so much with my honey but I think he may like women more.

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

We inherited my grandmother's cat when she passed away. I was 17 at the time. "Cat" was a Siamese with an attitude. She would not accept us. She had been used to going up on the roof to be let in the 2nd story window by my grandmother. She did this at our house. My mom reasond she was looking for my grandmother. Problem was, we didn't have a 2nd story and Cat couldn't get down. We found her but it had been over 24 hours and Cat was pretty desperate by then. My brother climbed up and brought her down. That rescue response kicked in and Cat made the transfer. Its funny also because my brother is not a cat person and didn't relish the attention from this attitude filled Siamese.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

That is too cute. Did you bro ever warm up to Cat? My DH is not a cat person but I was a package deal with the crazy ole cat. Now he's Mr. Softie and the crazy ole cat has him wrapped around his paw.

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

He did warm up some. You have to be pretty cold to not warm up when somebody lavishes affection on you and tells you how wonderful you are.

heyyyyy duchess, I'm thinking about you :-)

Reno, NV

Thanks Angele. I got your wonderful note and the seeds. Got a big smile out of them:). I'm back from my hidding from the world week now. It was a nice change of pace.

Did you happen to Hoodie Hoo at the sun while you were Hidey hoing?

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