Waiting For Spring So Show Your Clematis!!

Monroe City, MO(Zone 6a)

I can hardly wait to see all my Clematis blooming!

Here is 'Vyvyan Pennell'

Thumbnail by grannyh
Monroe City, MO(Zone 6a)

This one is Clematis 'Carnaby'

Thumbnail by grannyh
Monroe City, MO(Zone 6a)

Clematis 'Niobe'

Thumbnail by grannyh
Monroe City, MO(Zone 6a)

Clematis 'Multiblue''

Thumbnail by grannyh
Monroe City, MO(Zone 6a)

Clematis 'Henri' .......just starting into it's second year blooming.

Thumbnail by grannyh
Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

oooo, yes please do!
I need to decide what I want to get to put at my front entrance.
I have a big trellis there and did have a climbing rose but it didn't do too hot because it didn't get enough sun.

Grannyh your clematis' are lovely! ♥

Monroe City, MO(Zone 6a)

Thank you, 2rbs!!~This Clem is called 'Polish ?????' I got it about 12 years ago at Home Depot and I guess I didn't keep the tag and I can't ever remember it's full name, but I do know that "Polish" was in the name.

Thumbnail by grannyh
Delaware, OH

granny, if that is a polish spirit vitacella is sure is a nice one. thanks for the beautiful reminders of the approaching season.

Monroe City, MO(Zone 6a)

Hi Niobe~ You think that might be what it is then? There are so many purple Clematis and it gets a little brain-racking after awhile trying to hunt a noid down.

Here's a close-up of 'Niobe' I got started in a different area two years ago. It was the second year
of growing for this one, also,...... in this spot anyway.

Thumbnail by grannyh
Delaware, OH

if the tag said polish...it probably is. but you sure have a green thumb. how long have you been growing it?

niobe is one of my favorites. here is on e of my niobes from last summer.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

here is multi blue from last year.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

ya'lls are awesome! I wish I could find a pic of mine that wasn't dormant. I got a new computer & haven't loaded my pics yet. Who knows where it is.
Sad thing is, I don't even know what kind I have. I think it's a HF Young, not sure. The blooms are huge though.

Monroe City, MO(Zone 6a)

Your Clematis is just gorgeous, Niobe!!

If you find your pictures, 2racingboys,....please post it!!

I understand where you're coming from...I have a Clematis 'Will Goodwin', Clematis 'Victoria', and a Clematis 'Mrs. Norm Thompson,...but I'll be darned if I can find those photos anywhere. DH says he thought I took some photos over to my sister's house...I probably left them there!!!!

This message was edited Feb 10, 2009 8:33 PM

Delaware, OH

guernsey cream will be my first show stopper to bloom. i have guernsey cream in most of my clem areas so i can be inspired to get thru all the work in each garden.
i highly recommend guernsey cream. it is an early blooomer but the easiest white for me to grow.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
(Zone 4a)

The only white one I have is John Huxtable...I hope he does very well this spring and summer.....remember he was a new one I planted last year on my new pergola!

Monroe City, MO(Zone 6a)

Ooooooh!!....a pergola!!! My DH is supposed to build me one this year!! When he wanted to know what I wanted for Christmas (2008).....I said "a pergola!!!"

He agreed to it....so we shall see!!!

(Zone 4a)

Here is a shot of my pergola...built last year.

Thumbnail by DawnLL
Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

oooo, nice! I can't wait for dh get get my gazebo put up!

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Dawn, I have John Huxtable and it is doing very nicely after only 1 year. I'm expecting a bigger display this year.

Thumbnail by venu209
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Gorgeous pictures! Y'all are giving me Spring Fever!

Here's Etoile Violette.

Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Comtesse de Bouchard

Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Heather Herschell

Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Duchess of Edinburgh

Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Monroe City, MO(Zone 6a)

Shirley1~Your 'Duchess of Edinburgh' is stunning!!

(Zone 4a)

Venu I am glad to hear that....here is a photo of mine.....

Thumbnail by DawnLL
(Zone 4a)

Shirley your photo's are always stunning.....love all your clems!!!!

Here is my wall of clematis....

Thumbnail by DawnLL
(Zone 4a)

Ville de lyon....just planted last spring....

Thumbnail by DawnLL
(Zone 4a)

Comtess de bouchard is now one of my fav's......I just love pink!

Thumbnail by DawnLL
(Zone 4a)

The President....love this one too...it has done well for me from the time it went in the ground.....

Thumbnail by DawnLL
Delaware, OH

dawn, your clems are amazing.
here is a mature villa de lyon.one of my favorites. this one is in full sun,which
gives the faded look to the blooms, which is one of the features of villa de lyon. in partial shade, the blooms keep a darker color.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
(Zone 4a)

Thanks Niobe. I can't wait for mine to look just like yours!!!! Honestly! Mine is in full sun too.....I have a feeling she will be one of my fav's too once I see more of how she will behave....I do love the colouring though....

Delaware, OH

to me the range of coloring and the length of time the blooms linger makes villa de lyon one of the all time best clems.
full sun really brings out the beauty.

her is another villa de lyon mixed with prince charles. all pics from last year in my garden.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks granny! You have some wonderful Clematis!

Dawn: the Clems are going to be beautiful climbing your pergola! Can't wait until they put on a show for you!

niobe: your Clematis pictures are always spectacular! I especially like Ville de Lyon growing with Prince Charles. A delightful combination!

Delaware, OH

thanks shirley. there is a little rubromarginata showing in the photo too.....another small flowered must have that is very easy to grow, never disappoints. don't know why it is not in wider distribution!

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
(Zone 4a)

I have always wanted that one in the above photo Niobe...no kidding. I have always wanted it but NEVER seen it any greenhouses here....that is one I wanted to plant on my pergola originally but could never find it here. I don't order online so that isn't an option for me. If it isn't around here I just don't get it.....do you have more photo's of that one? If so please post!!!

(Zone 4a)

Ha one more thing Niobe...if you ever plan on dividing that one keep me in mind....I would love a piece of that! Gosh that sounded funny didn't it? LOL LOL.

Delaware, OH

maybe i should make some cuttings from it this year. i never do that, but maybe i will. i could use a few more of them..they are so vigorous they make a good fill in.
i got mine originally about 7years ago from chalk hill.

Monroe City, MO(Zone 6a)

So does any Clematis lover here do anything special to help their Clems with growing and blooming?

I throw down some ColorBurst (Lowe's) every Spring around the base of each plant, ........and once a month Spring to Fall, I put down some used coffee grounds.
Other than that, that's all I do for mine.

Anybody else have any interesting suggestions for helping them along?

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