maranta (prayer plant) care

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I hope I don't wear out my welcome with all my recent questions here; thanks everyone for your patience! I have a maranta that came in the same gift basket as my philodendron and dragon tree that I've asked about recently. I thought I had killed it last year, but it has now come back, although it has only bloomed once in the 3 1/2 years I've had it. However, it does not really trail like I think it's supposed to, and I'm wondering after reading about it in PlantFiles if it should be in a different spot than my 2nd floor family room with big skylights. Is that too much light for it? Any tips on helping it bloom again?

North Augusta, ON

I have 2 of them. The best looking one is in a terrarium in a North facing window. The other one is in a South window but behind a lot of bigger plants. The secret with these guys is in the watering. They do not like to dry out...yet will rot if over watered.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Hm. The north side of my house gets almost zero sun because of the proximity of the neighbor's house. I could try the dining room, which has south facing windows, but again because of the neighboring house the light never gets very strong. I'm afraid the living room with west windows would be too bright. threegardeners, do you mist yours? I read somewhere that they like to be misted regularly.

North Augusta, ON

My North side gets zero sun too, and the plant is in a terrarium...they don't need sun, just light, and since this is a Canadian north window it isn't a lot of light either!! The one in the terrarium is healthier because of the humidity in there...the other one is less so because I don't mist it.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Ok, I will try misting it in the dining room and see if it seems happier. Thank you!

North Augusta, ON

No problem!! And remember, they aren't fond of direct sun.

Medford, NJ

Better to stay on the unwatered side with these, as overwatering is sure death. You just don't want to leave them dry for too long either. Very picky plants. I have had several, tried growing them in hydroponics, everything. Now I have one that has been going good for a few years, I have it growing in a mix that is mostly orchid bark, so if I do overwater, it doesn't get all bogged down, the bark breathes and dries out quickly. They like lower light and will even bloom in it.

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