Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, just sent 24 hatching eggs with a gal here. A teacher friend is going to hatch then in her class room. That ought to be fun!

Was at a Long John Silver fish resturant the other day and you would have thought I was seaside with these guys bouncing off my car grabbing my extra fries!! I had to roll the window up because they were actually trying to come inside. Had six of the beggers pounce me! LOL!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

And humans use Bird Brain as an insult.. LOL

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Flying rats is all they are arent they! They woud dern near take the fry out of my hand. They follow the garbage trucks inland and they are becoming a nuisance everywhere! But ok, I had my fun with them. I had too many fries so I was being a nice! Least the flowerbed is not on their menu and they did not follow me home!!! Crazy things they are!! And derned near as big as the leghorn chickens here!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

LMBO! The sea gulls hang out at Mc Donalds here. hehehe

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

They used to hang out at the land fill back home. I wonder what that says about McDonald's food? LOL

Clarkson, KY

{{{better than I thought it was...}}}lol

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

ROTHF!!! Those guys at Long Johns though, LOL!! They tried to get into the vehicle and would come at me feet first! They got three brite oarange webbed toes that almost acted like they wanted to grab the food!

hmmm... landfills..

....who was that that said.. "many parts are edible"!! LOL!

Oh oh, no, that was Uhl Gibbons.. MANY PLANTS ARE EDIBLE...

Oh well correct me if I am wrong...!

Ok, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, get the heck off my steering wheel!! LOL! Nothing like a front seat full of feathers!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ok, speaking of food, I was going to grow some sunflowers... can the chickens have the seeds whole from a giant sunflower???

Clarkson, KY

My roosters eat 'em. The hens only go for the smaller seeds, and then only occasionally.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, I suppose I can try a handfull to them to see. Lord knows I got a pile of seed from 17 heads like that one in the pic.

Yep, the rooster ate them.. the hens were fussy with them, but I suppose if I let them in the pen and they get soft from any rain or start to sprout, the hens will enjoy them that way too then.

Clarkson, KY

I think they also tend to go for them more when the need grit. DH will sit and shell them with 10 hens gathered round waiting to get the seeds........cute;)

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I was thinking of growing some for my chickens. There are sunflower seeds in my game chicken feed. They eat them first.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, I dont have time to shell them but maybe I can crush them a bit.

Looky here, a new "chicken" in the house! LOL!

Silly Robin laid right in my nursery can! We have plenty of trees, but the derned Robins seem to prefer our fence posts, tops of the dog kennel, almost near the ground and one on the porch even which unfortuneatly was her poor choice as a nasty stray cat got her. Wew must have a dozen low setting robins around here. They have to zoom up to dive bomb you! Not a pleasant thought of getting a beak in the armpit!! LOL!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I have a robin nesting in my purple plum tree in the front yard. She has been sitting through 8 days of rain now. A real trooper. She has 4 eggs. I'll try to get a pic when she is gone.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Different robins nest.. and OH how I got sassed at when I took this pic! LOL!

There are 4 in that nest!

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

i have barn swallows in my coop. they seem content to stay in all night. cause they get locked up when the girls do..i'll get pics when the babies hatch..i love watching them..when we have the shop big door open they fly in and chirp as if to say "here we are". they always do that in the spring to tell us they are here..


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I love barnies!! They returned, but have not started nesting. The dang sparrows steal their nests and irritate the heck out of me. Its beyond me how neat and tidy a barnie is, but come a sparrow, that filthy rat of a bird has to take a haystack for a conndominium. Filty critters too.

Least the barnies are great for biting bugs.

There is an old wives tale that says if you have barnswallows in your barn, you will never get hit by lightning.. hmmm... now I got to beg to differ on that a tad. Unless they meant that the building woud not be struck, because by God I was tickled last year by a bolt that hit the fence 50 feet from where I was standing in the doorway to my coop and got a wee bit of a sunburn. What ever ya do, dont play near me if its fixing to rain.. this is about the 12th time now I have had a close encounter with the God of lightning. The hair goes up and then boom! Last years strike, however was by far the closest to feel the sparks hit me too.

I absolutely refuse to enter any golf course! I have been nearly smacked in the head with a flying tree, looked more than my fair share of tornados in the face..and nope, no way not going to the golf course.

Those tornadoes were freaky enough and had one time with two on the same day. hmmm and both on a Mothers day about 23 some years ago.. so nope nope nope, no golf courses please. Im not pushing my luck that far.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, its been a while since I checked onthe nest in the nursery can! The babies were fully feathered

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, my rooster Pretty Boy passed away last night. Dont know why. Just found him this morning. I did not think he was all that right the night before. He just kept sitting on a hens nest and was not his perky seelf.

I have no more roosters.

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

so sorry abou your roostetr.he went over the rainbow bridge. but he had a good life with you, and will look over you and the hens..i dont have roosters with this bunch of gals and i'm glad i dont..i dont need them for the eggs..never have liked the way the roosters treat the girls..
again i am soo very sorry


Humansville, MO

hi all
sorry about your roos
well we finly got my chickern out of the house
my hb made a chickern run
will take picture

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks guys,

Hey elle, hurry up with those pics! We all want to see!

Humansville, MO

hi all
here are some

Thumbnail by ellesgh
Humansville, MO

hi all
that the new pen we got 29 chicken in it
here a picture of my chickern

Thumbnail by ellesgh
Humansville, MO

here 1 more

Thumbnail by ellesgh
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Awesome elle!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well here is one of our buff orp hens.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Latest baby robins just before they left the nest. One of my few surviving ones due to a stray cat that has been ravaging the birds nests this year. grrrrr....

Clarkson, KY

Love the pics, BB...wish to heck we BOTH had a way to train cats to just munch starlings and such...rrrrghhh.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Amen to that.. but its bad owners here, they dump their pets literally on the curb and expect others to take care of them like we need more pets when we got a house full.

Cats are the worst. There are some roaming here that are wild and gad forbid you catch one and it bites you. Heck with or without rabies, a cat bite can be very serious and very infectable. So then they are out their breeding and carrying on and it never ends. And even if they are not breeding, they are killing the songbirds. Some dead birds I have found are barely eating so you know they are doing it for their witchy pleasure and for sport.

Then they tease the neighbors dogs, the dogs bust the fence and OY. They go after others livestock and the livestock is on the road and one thing leads to another. I get so sick and tired of having to tend to other pets that are taking my quality time away from my own.

Just found another poor bird that was a cats chewtoy.

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

hi BB yes i know the problem with peopel dumping pets off here too..we have 140 acres so they figure "what the heck". well sorry to say but when i see a ferile cat that someone dumped off, they dont last very you said they bite and it is nasty..i cant take chances since my grandson lives next door and there is another 1 yr old i wont take chances..and i spend too much money on feed for my "birdies" to let them get munched..
i'm a good shot with the .22


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

You go girl! Heck, animal control does not want them either. I guess if you got them for pests, what else can ya do. ORKIN does not do them either LOL!

A friend of mine is a nurse and her hubby got bite by there pet cat and OMG, the infection from that dirty mouth and this was a house kitty.

We had 120 acres before we downsized. SO I know what your going through.

Hugs to that grandson in your keeping him safe! Beware of dogs too!

Catch ya later.. I have to run to the feed store.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


C'mon and get him girls!

Ouch ouch ouch.. talk about being hen pecked!!!



Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

13 hens + 2 mater werms = food fight thats PRICELESS! LOL!

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

gotta love them chickies!!!!!!!!!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Yeah.. and dont it figure, I got two of the broodiest buff orps alive and no fertile eggs for them to set. Whats a momma hen to do without a roo!

Met Fluffy and Pincushion. Um, Fluffy is the one on the right incase you could not tell!

Never seen such s broody molty hen in my life!

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

thank god my comets arent broody..i wouldnt have any eggs to sell..i have trouble keeping eggs for myself! LOL they are going like crazy..everyone says they are way better than that stuff or as they say the runny stuff in the stores!!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well meet Veronica. Shes one of my leghorns looking for a mate. Sounds like we are gonna need one for my standing egg order....

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

I know the feeling..i have so many standing egg orders that the "girls" will have to go on overtime!!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Wish mine would get back to laying. I moved them to the new house and they are still abit overwhelmed. Time those pullets started paying me back for their feed, also. LOL

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