Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I have never heard of horses getting fleas either.. Mine never have had them or mites.

But no, these were fleas on baby chicks.. probaby came in on the carton they came in. The adult birds will pick the bugs off most of the time. I am pretty positive now that they came in on the chicks and then as the season got on, they were every where being a really bad your for them and the first time we ever had them. And of course the stray animals around here does not help.

There is a flea thread started here and for that you can go to:

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

We had a really bad year for ticks last year. They were everywhere. You had to be extra careful when you went trail riding. I'm hoping this hard winter we're living through will have taken care of that problem for this Spring and summer.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ticks are a menace here to and that lime disease.. Oy. Hope they will not be too bad this season. we had a good cold winter so that may have killed some adults.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY TO ME! My chickens decided playing in the mud and pookying up their eggs was their best prank on me.

Presenting, my dirty dozen...! Well 16 hens.. thats not bad now that they are getting into the swing of laying again! I got one really big egg in that batch that I lay odds its a double yolker!

Lodi, United States

Oh THAT is bad. My chickens do it too....but that is some really serious pookiness.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Ewww LOL

Don't get none on ya!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Thankfully, the mud has dried here.. it's not so bad now..

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Its slippery here.. we flood. My coop is a disaster area...needs a spring cleaning, then a rebed. Dang roof leaks.

Lodi, United States

My sons wrapped mine in plastic when it sprang a leak. It has worked well, so far. We don't have summer rain, so I will have plenty of time to do a real repair for next year.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, when ya get done with repairing yours come on over!! LOL!..

Our coop is an old shed. We used to have sheep and the pony in there.. then one year my friend gets to brainstorming and unloads a pile of chickens on me. About a year or so ago, we had partnered some 200 show, breeding, meat, bantams and ornamental birds. Now I am down to a pleasant 17 birds in the flock. We had a ton of different breeds.

We no longer have sheep or goats. Those critters were very hard on that poor building, but the guy that built it used cheap lumber and well, its rotting out now and soon I suppose we will just end up bulldozing it. Getting anymore you cannot go up on the roof.. you may just fall through!

I have a porta shed that the birds can go in....but right now its also a storage shed and with tools. Been known to raise a few birds in our greenhouse too.

Well, looks like another day of rain expceted. So soooo much for fun outdoors.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

My coop is a worked over dog yard. The rain comes down the hill behind it and goes into it. I dug a drainage ditch at the bottom of the hill behind the yard but it doesn't take care of the whole problem. Also, only one end of the yard is covered. I want to reroof an old stone building next to the dog yard and fix that for the chickens but I can't get to that project yet.

Humansville, MO

hi all
my hen house is small but dry
i got 6 hen and 1 roos
their yard is a mess right now because of the rain
i finly got 6 egg yesterday

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi elle, well my hens and roo do stay dry as they will roost and have dry ares in the coop, but yep, we are soggy from the rain and until that lightens up a tad, I cant get the darned coop clean.

We need to dig up a water pipe too that froze this winter.. you get one thing done and another needs tending.

Humansville, MO

it sure does
between the chicken and goat and rabbit they keep me hopping
we got a small 40 a farm

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hey you are bigger than me!! we got 25a

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I have less than a 1/2 acre in two different locations. :(

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

we used to have 125 acres.. I cannot tell you how upsetting it was to have to move. The whys and wherefores and all. It makes me sick just thinking of it.

This message was edited Apr 2, 2009 3:00 PM

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I have access to 5 acres, but limited funds, time and resources..

If I could just quit my job.. LOL

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Be nice to quit and retire.. but whose doing that in this depression? Utterly peeves me when the governmeent recognized that THEY are in a recession, the rest of the poor folk like us are all in a depression.. always have been always will. Makes ya sick dont it how "they" continue to only think of themselves. Take from the poor until they got nothing left. Oh yeah, such so for share the wealth. Yep, a chicken in every pot... like where? Some folks got no pot to put the chicken in.

Well, so sorry for venting. it just irks me the system thats all. And yep, I do feel soo badly for the future generations. They will never ever see what some of us older folks have seen. What a dirty rotten shame that is. And THEY call it progress. And ya cant learn the young folks nothing about anything these days too it seems All they want is change, but change to what? I look back and fifty years ago, life was better. Aint got better since.

It would be real nice to be homesteading, be self reliant and growing all your own.. but in the future now, thats not gonna happen. You are gonna see less and less of that. Seen less and less in my generation.. it aint gonna change and if it does, all I can say is that it means something possibly horrible drastic has happened.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, got those nasty eggs clean... Here is the bigun! Bet that had to hurt. I am laying odds its got 2 yolks. Poor hen! The brown one is a normal size.

There were two large eggs in that basket.. another brown one same size...only the white is the double yolker. It was by a leghorn.


Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Ouch! hehehe

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I have never seen a white egg that big.

Greenacres, WA

Hi every one I now live in town and how I miss my farm pets I had chickens and roosters
and goats cats dogs. I have no more chickens, they made a new rules and made me get rid of the 2 hens I raised from babies. So I decided that if I can't have them I would go to mini Chicks (LOL) Button Quail, I have a white one that looks like a mini leg horn.
I think he is so cute of course he doesn't crow.

Thumbnail by MarciaS
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, I had a brown egg the same size as that white one. Yesterday we at first thought the white might have been a duck egg. But since we dont have any ducks....that kind of out ruled that until I saw some ducks in our yard.. but then I got to thinking, wait a minute, that egg was not a duck egg because the ducks could not get in to the coop.

Someones domestic ducks are at large here and their owner is unknown. They are gonna cause an accident around here on the highway. They do not belong running at large.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Marcia, I am sorry that you cant have your two hens. Its not like they crow. I know, rules are rules. Its still sad. I like your little quail. I have a small hen that looks like that but she has feathered legs. LOL How many quail do you have?
Blossombuddy, no one knows who owns them? Do you have animal control officers? Some areas do some dont. If you do I would give them a call to prevent an accident. I sure hope someone claims them before they get hurt.

Humansville, MO

hi all
well the rabbit and goat are well
but the chicken hatching still not doing good
now the temp
is too low
we are going to make a room for the bator
to keep the temp even
but i still do not know about the water that is needed
and how often you need to add
got 12 baby goat
three set of twin
got i more doe to go
hope it not tonight

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

WOW ellesgh, what ever do you do in your free time? hehehe
As far as the water goes, I would just watch the humidity gage and add it when it gets below 50 to 55 percent then increase in the last 3 days. Thats what I have done at least. :) I know my bator was tough to regulate, at least the one without a fan. The one with the fan worked better. Good luck with the other doe! Three sets of twins...oh boy!

Humansville, MO

we going to try again
p s
how do you know what the hunit is in the bator
and what kind of temp you have and where do you find one

Clarkson, KY

I went to Wally World and found a battery operated temp and humidity gauge back behind the lightbulbs and electrical.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I don't have a humidity guage either. I just made sure to keep the reservoirs (sp?) full under the bottom screen. I'll have to look into that hunidity guage at walmart. I don't go there often so I'd better write it down. If I may ask, How much did it cost?

Clarkson, KY

Guess you found it on your thread? It's digital and easy to read without even opening the top.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Are the numbers big? Could you send a pic of yours so I'll know what to look for? Thanks.

Clarkson, KY

It was in yellow packaging with blue writing. About 2"by 3". Can't get a pic now without opening the bator again too soon, but it's a little white handful and really easy to read: big, bold numbers. As I mentioned in the other thread the thermometers were hidden somewhere behind the lighting and light bulbs at my Wally World.

Thumbnail by grownut
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, I called animal control. Now they only do dogs. So I asked them, well state law says no livestock is to be running at large and must be confined.. so she says well give the sherifs department a call. So I call the sheriff department, told them it was not an emergency, but I was told to call by Animal control call them and that the ducks were at large, you know.. blah blah blah.... then they send an officer out...he basically witnessed the ducks and said well, they could not do anything about it because neither of us knew who the owner was and well, he could not go door to door asking. I told the cop, I said look, I have turned in animals before and I cannot tell you how many times and have had it come on me where some dang owner accuses me of stealing their animal tries to lay some blame of some description that dont fit and when they leave it run at large and well, I am trying to be a good Joe and get the animals off the highway, but yet the owners are being airheads and well, you know how people can be. He says yeah, neighbors can be goofy.. like no kidding and all, but like he's saying well, your not guilty there so dont worry about it. I said yeah, well, you know how people can be. But anyway, we never could get the ducks penned it was raining and so who knows where they are now or whose they are and its a shame becuase they will end up gettign killed by a car or a coyote or whatever.

I got a couple of horses that will kick the snot out of them if they come in the barn again and so like the officer said, well I would not be at fault then if the birds got smacked and I really do not need them here either if they are someones pets. So.. ok, then Animal control says if you can pen them up, take them to a sale. What a headache. SO ok, I guess if they are still on the highway, that is their own little problem too..

So, ok, like I told the sherifs department too.. if animal control cant take them and the deputy cant do anything with them... who we supposed to call? Neighbors got no numbers and well shoot, like we got time to go door to door too? So I said who are we supposed to call? , Ghost busters? He got a chuckle and said , thats good, he said, but like I mean seriously man, who are we supposed to call! Sheesh? I hate it man, when you try to do a good deed and then you somehow get it stuck in your craw becuase they have no department to deal with it which you would think that they would or some irrate owner goes off half cocked or full cocked because they ignor the law and cannot take responsibility on themselves to just do the right thing and bone up, yeah, they made a mistake, just pay the dang fine and let it go.

People get so goofy and extreme these days sometimes and they just cannot think about the other guy and what they want too. Like man, if I wanted ducks or geese, I would make them a nice place for them, pen it off with adequate sound fencing to so they can be safe and well, surely I would not want them in my gardens, but do people think of that, they think their pets are welcome in your house like as if they owned the place. How extereme and utterly outrageous. Then THEY get ticked off because, a-hem, you dont what them there. OY! Just a vicious cycle out here.

So ok, heres a question while on topic of ducks....
.. anyone know what the heck bird this is? Its huge and the male of the specie.. Is it a duck or some mongrel breed goose, I have no idea, just know it is domestic, because it did not fly. The female appeared to have a red blotch on her chest and was similiar in color, but much smaller. It qwaacked , so I am assuming it is a large duck breed or mongrel of some nature.

This message was edited Apr 6, 2009 10:02 AM

This message was edited Apr 6, 2009 10:08 AM

Ferndale, WA

Elle: The digital temp and humidity guage at Walmart is about ten bucks, and as stated earlier it has large bold letters making it very easy to read. Haystack

Clarkson, KY

Looks a bit like Edwin. He was a swoose. Canadian geese where we used to live would fraternize with the locals (probably geese, not swans, but...) and occasionally one of those would result.

BB -what about corralling them in a pet carrier and setting them up in your front yard with a sign. Lost pets? -please contact by this Saturday to claim. Meanwhile ask that they write a report about the nuisancy things so you are covered. I have done that with dogs that keep coming back. Staked 'em in the yard with a little food and water.

Clarkson, KY

Hay ---(giggle wiggle) I didn't pay that much (giggle giggle teazzzeee)

could be they have cheaper versions here, can't remember if it was just under 6 or under 7 but...

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Boy the digital thermometer I looked at was about 20$ sheesh!! That one must turn the eggs for you. hehehe Mine is the simple kind. That cost me almost 10$! Whats up with that?
Blossombuddy, I am sorry you are having such a tough time getting rid of the ducks. I would try what Grow said carral them and put them out with a sign. My animal control takes all calls. If they cant handle it they know others who can. There are rescue groups and such around here who are always up to help. That picture looks like a Canadian Goose of some mix. Good luck!

Thumbnail by sewincircle
Greenacres, WA

I have about 9 Button Quail I just lost a hen guess she was tired from laying eggs. there was plenty of food and water for them she was ok Sunday and on Monday she was gone. Here is a picture of my male Button he is called a Silver Button Quail.

I hope you have a good week OK

Elbridge, NY
(Zone 5a)

April 6, 2009
6:56 AM

Post #6371614
Marcia, I am sorry that you cant have your two hens. Its not like they crow. I know, rules are rules. Its still sad. I like your little quail. I have a small hen that looks like that but she has feathered legs. LOL How many quail do you have?
Blossombuddy, no one knows who owns them? Do you have animal control officers? Some areas do some dont. If you do I would give them a call to prevent an accident. I sure hope someone claims them before they get hurt.

Thumbnail by MarciaS

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