My mom's questions about her Norfolk Island Pine

Fort Payne, AL

I'm trying to be a good daughter, which in this case means giving advice that will not result in the death of her tree.

She lives in Northern TN, bought a 3' NIP that she plans to keep in a container, winter it inside and put it on her porch after frost. Is this ok for the plant?

Her other concern is that it will eventually get larger than the 6' promised by the nursery, who said that in their native 17-24 region, they get 100 feet tall - but in a pot it will restrain itself.

If it doesn't restrain itself, is there a proper way to prune it?


Anchorage, AK

Summering the Norfolk outside is fine. You have to watch for pests when you bring it back in though. Also, if it's really happy, as summers outside may make it, yes it will get tall.
I have a friend who has one and it is at least 6' and growing and it's never outside. They topped it before and now it is too tall again. So I can say topping it won't kill the tree. I don't know if keeping it in a smaller pot will help as with some plants like Rubber trees. It may help slow it for awhile.
I have seen them outside in Hawaii & they are huge trees in their natural habitat. I don't think that will be a problem inside though. I hope not anyway...I have a 6" I got for Christmas!

North Augusta, ON

I wonder if they can be root pruned to stay a reasonable Bonzai?

Anchorage, AK

Possible! I will have to look into that. Hmmm...Bonzai Norfolk! That would be very cool!

Anchorage, AK

O.K. here we go!

Although there was another on not using them so there is a chance it won't survive. I still think I may try it with mine.

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