Grape Ivy Cissus rhombifolia

Anchorage, AK

Hi! I just saved a grape ivy from certain death in a garbage dumpster. Unfortunately I've never had one before so I need advice. It has lots of leaves but all at the end of empty woody stems. SO how do I prune this baby to fill out again?

I don't see any new shoots from the soil. Is it similar to a Pothos or standard Ivy where you can prune it back to where you want new growth to start? Does it ever send out new shoots from the soil or always from the stems?
Not sure how to proceed, but I want to make it a nice happy bushy plant again. Any advice?


North Augusta, ON

If you treat it nice it will sprout new shoots all by itself. I've had one for years...very easy plant and no bugs like your usual ivies.

Anchorage, AK

So, in your experience, what is the best way to treat it nice and make it endlessly happy so it will put out lots of little shoots for me? :)

North Augusta, ON

I keep mine in a South window. This is a broken window(sigh) so there is plastic covering it to keep the cold out, so it would be the same as a sheer curtain...filtered Southern light you could say. It's in a 12 inch pot. In the kitchen. It gets watered thoroughly in the shower maybe once a month, the rest of the time it gets the left over water out of the dogs bowl when I refill that for them. Here is a pic:

Thumbnail by threegardeners
Anchorage, AK

LOL left over dog water, maybe that's the secret! Yours is a very nice looking healthy green little plant. I think this one has been around for....eeek! Sorry cat just decided to start chewing on it! O.k. there's another thing to watch out for!
As I was SAYING (...evil eye cat...) I think it's been around for awhile because the stems are tall & woody. It looks like a weeping willow. So, left over dog bowl water, bright filtered light, watch out for cat.

Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I think you could certainly cut back some of the shoots almost back to soil level. It should re-shoot if you cut above a node. Try it with a couple of stems at first. They really are very easy plants. I'm sure yours will reward you for rescuing it!

Anchorage, AK

Thanks! I trimmed it back yesterday. I was feeling brave after the cat explored it. My dog watched me hack away & sniffed it, my cat viewed from a safe distance away. Now we wait and see.

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