Gosh everyone ...I don't know if I can catch up with all of the above,
family tree? never done it ... hard enough just keeping up with my living relatives ...huge family ... 12 aunties and uncles on both sides ...I only know that I have English , Scot, Irish and French ...don't know much except my great grandfather grew acres of flowers for the florists and mums side were mostly farming folk ...somewhere up north,dads side were builders and professional fishermen. I feel pretty slack not knowing much more than that ...but I have a truly common surname therefore it would be a big drama. My parents never talked much about anything like family history ...my cousins have told me a little but not much.
The vineyard over the hill is said to be the oldest in Australia. Our history is a fascinating subject isn't it?
Look behind the lovely people here and know that we all have our crosses to bear, the silent ...heroes just getting on with it when life seems to throw so much at you it can seem insurmountable ...I love the human spirit. Australians seem to have a very stoic resilience. It makes me proud! I mean you have to with exploding pumpkins (giggling)
Group hug for Colleen and your beautiful family ...to Helen too
and to everyone who might need it too.
I loved your poem brian ^_^
steve pssst (we aren't suppose to talk about ...ummmm current issues ...cough) sorry to hear about that ...%^&**#.It's hard to take that is for sure.
sammut what on earth do you do in your spare time? ...(giggling.)
hi to everyone ...jean what plant followed you home today?
talk to you tomorrow

Brisbane, Australia

Hello all..I think I'm the first here even though you southerners have daylight saving. I dropped DB and one son at the airport as they are flying to Sydney to see "Top Gear" tonight and will do all the touristy things. I warned them that they will be going into warmer temps than here..but dry heat. With marking, I think I get about three hours of sleep..will finish today's lot before I do the school drop off. It's nice having an extended holiday though. Stay cool all. Cheers Kat

I'm an Aquarian

This message was edited Feb 5, 2009 3:36 PM

western sydney nsw, Australia

Morning all ,
The heat has finished my time out side for to day I dont know whate spare time is always some thing to do or make or catch up on my reading I do make 1hr a day I just sit and connect and I am at peace with nature and my inner self even my puter time is mostly answering mail and catching up I just never clear my mail box .
yes it was my big pots I planted a tecomaria capensis tree in each the red flower one they are doing good in the sun most of the day .
I must go and brave the heat again to hang the laundry which will dry as I hang it .-----Sammut.

Thumbnail by sammut
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Chrissy, it's a terrible problem when plants persist in following you home. I don't know the name of the one I now have but will post it for ID later. I was amazed that there were not more orphans as a lot of the plants in the main area were looking half dead after the heat and noone would buy them. ( only me ) It was quite a nice day as the heat didn't really start until lunchtime. By the time I arrived home the breeze was very nice.
Today is supposed to be very hot but one needs a cardigan on this morning.
I love history too, Chrissy. This area is very historic for Vic. It was the scene of the first pioneer settlers with their sheep. Portland on the coast about 50 miles away was the first settled town . There is not much in the way of homestead from back then but Portland has some original, lovely old bluestone buildings .
A lot of the area was cut up for soldier settlement after WW!, so there are signs of where small cottages and gardens were. Some of the towns such as Merino were quite large back then but have shrunk to very small places now.
Hello Sammut. You and Steve have started chatting about one of my hobbies, Genealogy. I find it fascinating to find ancestors and see what they did.
I have found 5 convicts and so far can go beck around 1630 for the Isle of Man, 1736 and 1704 for England and 1815 for Ireland.
one of the convicts was a Thomas Trotman who had the first brickworks in Melbourne Another married Thomas' daughter Mary Ann and had his own Bootmakers .
The Irish one Catherine was transported to Tasmania , then married there before crossing over to the mainland. I have not done a lot lately as I have so many dead ends due to lack of information. A lot of records seem to stop around the 1830s and Irish records are terrible back then.
I will get there one day. When I win Lotto, I will get a professional to dig for me.
Sammut, your poor tree fern. Try and keep it watered into the top where the fronds come out, as this is where they like it.Don't cut any fronds until after winter.
Hello Dalfyre, I do like those plums. They look like the ones that were growing around a house I was renting in Bright. They had been brought out from Europe in the early years and planted by an Italian who had built the house. I cannot remember what the name was but they were lovely. A very nice elderly lady came in one day and asked if she could buy some. As the trees were always loade down with fruit every year , I said 'help yourself for free' A few weeks later , she was back with some jars of lovely jam from the plums.
Hello Brian, I know what you mean with e-mail. We had trouble with ours when we first started with the computer. We only use Mozilla Firefox for the internet and Thunderbird for our mail.
Since changing about 4 yrs ago, we have little trouble.
Colleen , you are a very lovely lady to take on the grand children and do such a fine job . They look very happy and a credit to you.
Mya and Shelly up in the north, I hope you are dry and able to at least get out and about after that rain. The gardens will all dry out and grow like mad. Think of the weeds you can play with later.
Brical, how are your plants faring up there ? Beautiful as usual I bet. You have a way with blooming beauties.
Shelly in Melbourne, Get ready for more heat. We are going to be baked again by the sound of it.. The plants will come back or be replaced with those that do survive.
Hello parrot lady. How are you doing down there Helen ? I hope your parrots are all singing. I do like the purple one that was on that impatiens site.
PussyKat. You are up early as usual. There were some cakes in the cupboard for you. Did you find them or were they gone ?
I havent seen Lesley or Marleneann around so it would not have been them.
There were 2 glasses on the sink so the culprits may have been Brian and Steve getting hungry while having a small tipple out under the trees.
The sun has just come out from the clouds so I had better move and do a bit more on the shadehouse before it gets too hot.
Sue, if you are around, I have now bought a few pups from Queens Tears, Cispa, Pyramidalis, Noe..Majestic Red,
Neo. Pauciflora, Neo. Tiger Cub and Vriesa Flamma.
Think I have the spelling right.
I am learning a bit about them now.
I will post a pic when they are all potted or mounted.
Enjoy the day whatever the weather, and these Chocolate Mint Brownies.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Christchurch, New Zealand

Steve - if your brother's damnatian is like mine I can imagine what happened with the pet bird...
my two want to make the cat an ex cat.
Have had a couple of attempts at felicide but lucky for the demon I was on hand to make them cease & desist before too much damage done.
Birds were in mortal danger if they flew low over the yard here...
Chita had a 6ft vertical take off, I looked out the window once to see her spring into the air & snap the tail feathers off a thrush.
Now poor Chita is an elderly 14 & half blind & wobbly on her pins.
She can still make the 2 ft leap to the deck most days but cat & birds are pretty safe as long as they don't get too close.
When I first bought Chita - (in Brisbane when I was there on holiday) her breeder commented that all her dals like fruit, 'would eat anything that fell from a tree'...
I didn't realise she meant birds too.
Chita was born in the shade of a mango tree during a drought.
It was November & pretty dry when we got her back to ChCh so it was a few weeks before she saw rain.
I looked out the window to see the two older dogs under shelter & my loopy pup in the rain looking around as if to say 'what the!'
It dawned on me that she had never been rained on in her entire life. (3 months at that stage)

Colleen - it is a lucky thing for the boys that they have a loving grandma to raise them.
My maternal grandmother died 9 days after having my mother, she left behind a new born daughter & a toddler son.
Every one wanted the baby, but the toddler was considered a naughty, whiny brat & it was the paternal grandparents that said they would take both children.
Once they took the toddler to their Dr they discovered he had been constantly crying because he had an ear infection that left untreated while his mother was in the nursing home had caused an ulcerated ear drum.
Mum & her brother were raised by their grandparents until Mum was 5, then their father wrote saying he wanted them sent to NZ to live with him & his second wife.
On arrival things fell apart, granddad left the navy & the children were put into an orphanage to keep them out of the way until he found work & they could afford a house big enough for the NZ born children & the now unwanted older pair.
Amazingly Mum is not bitter & twisted about her childhood she sees it as having been a big adventure.
She feels she lived up to her birth day in the rhyme - 'Thursday's Child has far to go...'
I am not so keen on that rhyme nor are my brothers, we were all born on Wednesdays,
'Wednesday's Child is full of woe'
Mum says it's our own faults as we all went over due.
I should have been a Friday child.

Monday's child is fair of face.
Tuesday's child is full of grace.
Wednesday's child is full of woe.
Thursday's child has far to go.
Friday's child is loving and giving.
Saturday's child works hard for a living,
But the child who is born on the Sabbath Day
Is bonny and blithe and good and gay.

Christchurch, New Zealand

just did a search on the rhyme & found this...

While recent generations have grown up with the version in which, "Wednesday's child is full of woe," an early incarnation of this rhyme appeared in a multi-part fictional story in a chapter appearing in Harper's Weekly on September 17, 1887. In that version "Friday's child is full of woe." In addition to Wednesday's and Friday's children's role reversal, the fates of Thursday's and Saturday's children was also exchanged and Sunday's child is "happy and wise" instead of "blithe and good":

Monday's child is fair of face.
Tuesday's child is full of grace.
Wednesday's child is loving and giving.
Thursday's child works hard for a living,
Friday's child is full of woe.
Saturday's child has far to go.
But the child that is born on Sabbath-day
Is bonny and happy and wise and gay.

Brisbane, Australia

Morning All,
So much to read from yesterday.... I'm working from home today, so maybe will have time to tune in.
Colleen you're a wonder woman & an inspiration to us all. I hope the kids give you lots of joy & keep you young! And they'll always be thankful their gran for being so good them. Having a good family to support you no doubt helps as well.
Sammut your tree fern looks so sad. I commiserate - all mine died a couple of years ago in the drought around Bris. I hope your's makes it! Your pots with the succulents should look great once they start to cover the surface. I've got some going, but they don't want to spread. Maybe they need to be liquid fertilized - do you know if that's the right thing to do?
Jean I'm ready for morning tea already! It's it always fun to get new plants. I'm a bit of a ceptomaniac with brom pups - I beg, borrow or "steal" them from all kinds of places - usually family & friends but also neighbours & work colleagues. A colleague gave me Ae. Echidna yesterday & I snitched a piece of Bilbergia Pyramidalis (I think) from a friend's garden a few week ago. I've just joined the Brom Society of Qld & find I can't resist buying a box of plants when their shows are on.
I managed to get a pic this morning of the little green frog I saw on the weekend - I hope it's mate is still around somewhere too.

Thumbnail by LeisaD
townsville, Australia

Colleen the two boys are a very handsome pair, they look like a couple of angels, they will bring you many years of joy and not to mention drive you to drink occasionally.
Well the rains have started again up here. I must be getting used to it as i am not so depressed about it today, i guess it is because i am luckier than the residents of ingham, at least i have not lost everything i treasure. My heart goes out to them.
I saw on the news last night that the heat down south is getting worse, i did not realise so many were getting hospitalised because of it, we are a country of extremes, i live in the north and it has not got over 28degrees in a month (and its summer) while down south is suffering in extreme heat, i truly hope it will end for you all asap. The rain is a pain, but it is at least keeping the temperatures way down for this time of the year.
I have to go do some work i will pop back in this afternoon if i have time.
Please one and all have a great day.
shelly :)

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi Jean ,
This is a few of my Pioneer family from around your area 2 Kirby brothers - Silvester -
FitzGerald -Finn - Cussen . they are only the tip of the ice berg in all the towns close to you and Portland .
A good selection of broms.----------Sammut

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Dalfrye great birth day poem...

Monday's child is fair of face. - Mya
Tuesday's child is full of grace. -Guy-son
Wednesday's child is loving and giving. - Rhys-son
Thursday's child works hard for a living, -Brian-husband
Friday's child is full of woe.
Saturday's child has far to go.
But the child that is born on Sabbath-day
Is bonny and happy and wise and gay.

Collen, your young boys are so handsome and look really happy,well done.

It's raining once again but I love it,,,,have all the comforts ,dryer to dry the clothes, so really no big deal but poor people of Ingham,i feel for them. As Shelly said, this rain is giving us glorious ,cool weather,very welcomed at this time of year.
Unfortunately on Sunday/Monday we have the biggest tides of the year and they are predicting heavy rain falls ,lets hope the heavy falls don't fall the same time as the high tides, otherwise parts of Townsville will be under.

Chrissy how's your husband? hope his sight has come back.

Steve, my husband is B.C Magnetic Island on Grays but at present we have our fridges full of wine so I think he's not bidding at present.....it was getting challenging for him to see how cheap he could get quality wines...sorry to hear about the down turn in your business....Townsville seems to be a bit cushioned against what's happening because of our huge army base and the constant income coming in from a government dept.

Look what has escaped the possums dinner, my Maya has a flower .......

Thumbnail by MyaC

Kat we southerners are late because we must go and hand water our garden before the heat, I have quite a large area to attend too although only the tropicals get spoilt, forget lawns and plants I know will be ok but some of the special ones need a drink.
Glad you are ok and Mya I was worried is the worst over or will the big tide sweep you all away.
Ha ha ha oh we live in the land of exploding pumpkins and floating ones no doubt, stay safe ...back later.

Merino, Australia

Hello all. I have been busy nailing decking onto benches. Great fun except for the sawing to size. I do about 10 then nail for a while. rests the arms.
I don't know about birthday rhymes but my Dad used laugh and say my birth started the D Day invasion. I was born on the 5th but so close to midnight, he said it was me that did it. I don't know if he meant the soldiers from here were running from me or not. It was a joke with him for many years especially since I have been known over the years for my Irish temper.
I am really very docile now Ha ha. I think hubby might disagree with that. I am not very argumentative but I do love a spirited debate. Hubby is the more docile.
It is getting very warm here now and hubby says we are supposed to get lightening and thunder later. It will be dry lightening most likely and I hope there are no fires caused by it.
Leisa, your little frog is so gorgeous.I wish we had the green ones here but ours are small and brown. I hope they find the broms when they arrive and go in the shadehouse. I have a wall space about 12' wide and 4' high to fill.
Hubby has just come in to say the weather is building up quickly so it will be no computer in a little while. He unplugs everything to be safe. It is an area full of ironstone and a lot of lightning hits the ground . Thankfully , all his towers are well grounded . Better go and do a bit in the shadehouse. Have a nice afternoon all.
The Convolvulus is doing well in the heat.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Hi All

Do me a little favour and go over to Bricals thread about her latest Brug and check out Alistairs Angels.....you won't regret it.

Things Adelaide Has Learnt From The Heat Wave 2009:

What a delightful reminder as we swelter here in Adelaide SA with 10 days in a row of higher than 40 C including our near record of 45.6 C degrees!

The best parking space is determined by shade instead of distance.

Hot water comes out of both taps.

You learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron.

The temperature drops below 32c and you feel a little chilly.

You discover that in February it only takes two fingers to steer your car.

You discover that you can get sunburnt through your car window.

Ants are still multiplying.

You develop a fear of metal car door handles.

You could do without having kids right now.

You break a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:00am.

Tradesmen have the right to knock off at lunch time and go to the pub all afternoon.

Foodland needs to cook more BBQ chickens, because you got heat stroke trying to cook a BBQ last night.

Your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, "What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and get cooked to death?"

You realise that asphalt has a liquid state.

Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to prevent them from laying hard-boiled eggs.

You should have taken that job in Woolworth's cold stores.

The trees are whistling for the dogs.

The wankers in the front bar of the local are not really THAT bad to talk to.

While walking back barefoot to your car from apex park, you do a tightrope act on the white lines in the carpark.

You catch a cold from having the aircon full blast while you sleep during the night.

You learn that Centro plaza isn't a shopping centre it's a temple to worship air-conditioning.

Sticking your head into the freezer and taking deep breaths is perfectly normal behaviour.

A cup full of ice is considered a great snack.

An electricity blackout is life threatening because your aircon and your fans no longer work and you are seriously going to be cooked!!

You no longer sit on a couch, why would you when you can settle down on the cooling tiles instead.

You can use your above ground pool as a bath the water is so warm.

No one cares if you walk around with no shoes on.

You keep everything in the fridge, including potatoes and bread etc....

People have enough left over beer cans to make boats out of and have a whole regatta with tin can boats like Darwin...

The effort of toweling off after a shower means you need another one right away.

Standing naked under a ceiling fan is an acceptable way to pass time.

You plan to wait till it starts raining to go for a run.

It was a mistake to move out of that nice house with an in ground pool.

When you are drunk it is still too hot.

Even your husband and kids are happy to come and do the grocery shopping.

You can't water your garden because it turns to steam as soon as it hits the ground.

Putting on make up while you are sweating is nearly impossible.

Your neighbor is dumber than you thought, because they are out there with a whipper snipper at 1pm.

It was a dumb idea to complain that we haven't had much of a summer this year.........

I thought this was funny but so close to the truth

Thumbnail by Supergran9

Oh my goodness that is soooo funny Supergran ...you forgot to say exploding pumpkins seem normal ...thankyou for a good giggle!

Merino, Australia

So true supergran. But if the weather was good all the time. we would lose our voice because there would be nothing to complain about.
I can add to the list.
The sun is behind clouds all day til I set foot outside
.It gets so cold in the lounge that I turn the aircon off so I can warm up again.
I start with a cold salad and end up with something warm and moist.
Don't worry about the ants multiplying, ours are leaving for the north with bathers in their suitcases.

Our CFA is on a high alert at the moment because of the danger of lightning strikes but thankfully most is out at sea at present. I hope it stays there. We don't need thunder storms if there's no rain with them.
Going to try one of the suggestions from supergran. a cup of ice.
Take care all, Jean.

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

actually Jean those ants are now in our homes keeping dry...they've put their bathers in the dryer, LOL

Sydney, Australia

Hi all. At Sussex. Cricket is on. Guitar is looking at me again but I have foresaken all to say hi.
CT the crossword pic is from one of my attempts to construct crosswords. I have a lot of fun challenging myself. Jack of all trades master of nothing!
You're right Chrissy. I have suitably chastised myself. I get a little (lot) frustrated when everyone you talk to agrees but those in power go opposite for political points. If they gave the money to hospitals then maybe we would be paid for our print supply quicker which means we pay our suppliers quicker etc down the line. Whoops. Did it again. About the garden. Grapevine is on it's way up the Boug so it will need trimming, lawns to do, already splashed some bore water about, a pink Dahlia has appeared, an Arum Lily has appeared and there are other lillies about to flower.
Dalfyre - Yep you imagined correctly on the bird and yea Fletcher eats EVERYTHING! Great story about your mum. Aren't we resilient! It's amazing the lives we have. You don't think much of it until you type it and read it back!
Mya good to hear hubby not bidding. I will be on Sunday night so tell him to keep away from SC Cronulla or there could be trouble!!!! Need to top up and the less bidders the better! Will keep an eye out for him and bid harder! (LOL)
Supergran - That was a HOOT. Will forward it after our one day of super heat this weekend. (we are not as tough in the north!!!)
This is all funny stuff. Guitar calls so see you after.

Awe steve don't chastise mate (rules ...here) jump onto the blogs in the daily telegraph and vent there ^_^ ...feels good!
Well ...the big heat is coming gotta go water ...they have made a one off exception over this weekend ...we are allowed to use our sprinklers and hoses because of the heat ...(we are told to run under it to keep cool) ha ha ha. So get your gear off, throw on the cossies and get out there everyone, we can't help it if the water splashes onto the garden ...can we now? whoopee!
see you later!

barmera, Australia

Morning everyone. Another hot day. 45 I think. Awhile back I bought some Hippies. They were already shooting so I popped them into pots and now I'm going to have 2 new flowers. Will this mean that they wont flower with the others next summer? When the flower comes out I'll take a pic. By the way has anyone got Rhododenrums in their gardens? I absolutely love them but they dont like it here because the soil isn't acid enough. I'd love to see some pics if anyone has any. weren't Alister's brugs and cannas absolutely beautiful.? He certainly has the magic touch with them. Hope all the people up north are safe and their gardens haven't floated away. I just wish there was some way for the powers that be to get all that excess water down south. I'm sure that there has to be a way. I know it would probably cost millions of dollars to do something, but the way it's going down here there won't be anyone living or growing things in this part of the country. Must go now and water the chooks and make sure they're all okay for the day. Talk to you all later. Thank you once again for all the kind words. Colleen

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. The sun is out and quite hot already here. No cool morning today. Thank you to whoever spilt those 10 drops of rain earlier. It was just a tease. No thunder here last night . We could see the dark clouds passing way to the southeast of us. I have just watered the epis and will go and throw water at the Angels now. They are sending out new leaves poor things. those will soon get crispy. Roll on Autumn.
I am being continuously surprised at what is surviving on no water and what is not. The roses will come back I know , but the smaller seedlings I planted last month are struggling on quite well. I do throw water at them but they are in full sun. Brave little things.
The day lilies are all dead leaves but will recover next year from the bases.
Chrissy, your lovely zantedeschias have started to flower. A lovely pink.
I won't stay here long as it is getting very hot outside and I want to get that water out.
I hope everyone has a good day and no wild weather. I will leave something nice to eat as we do need our food no matter what they weather.
Try these Cherries Jubilee again. So nice.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Awe I can't resist ...this for everyone with pets and for you lee.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Supergran ,that is just so funny...you gave me a really good laugh!!
Chrissy,I had a look at all those pics...some excellent shots..the animals suffer in a heatwave just as much as we do.
Take care all of you affected by the heatwave - heres a tip they gave out in our last one - if you have no ac& when the heat really hits hard have a cold shower in your clothes and dry off in front of a fan - it does help even if only for a short time..I remember when we had a heatwave here a couple of years ago...a number of elderly people were being admitted to hosp with dehydration/ heatstoke...many who were living in their own homes and on their own and without ac had them set up like fortresses(security) too frightened to open windows & doors and therefore no ventilation....and sadly no family nearby to check on their welfare...so everyone please remember the elderly in these extreme times too.

western sydney nsw, Australia

A very late good morning to all ,
I have been out and about this morning did not buy alote only 3 little plants
a nice champa wall plaque - a iron plant stand - did find pots on special 10 dollars each so I got 2 to cheap to pass up and big pkts. of brush wood 12 dollars each so grabed 2 of them in all not a bad morning .
all take care in your weather .----------Sammut.

Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

plant stand

Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia


Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

The little plants.-----------Sammut

Thumbnail by sammut
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

You always get the best bargains sammut,I love your pots...I'd like to go shopping with you it'd be fun!!lol

western sydney nsw, Australia

I love to shop all the staff knows us one told us about to stay around till she opened the pallet of pots
they know me well enought I love a bargin . I spend a lot in the store -------Sammut

western sydney nsw, Australia

I forgot I made tipsey pots this morning I have not planted in them yet .----Sammut

Thumbnail by sammut

sammut you have such energy! slow down gal you will blow a fuse like my dear one ... and I have put out water for all the critters, cover up that tree fern sammut.
I mean't to post this for everyone to drool over yesterday but got sidetracked ...get set for some serious drooling ...
dang it's hot! I will have a lime spider jean ...and a slice of watermelon.

Merino, Australia

Just back in from outside. wheewwww. The very very hot strong wind came up just before lunch . It is shocking out there. Hubby has been called to man the CFA HQ as there is a large fire about 10 miles away. It will spread fast with the wind so I hope the fire trucks can get it out quickly.
Being here on the hill, luckily we are usually in no danger from fires unless they get way out of control.
I have just filled up all the swimming pools and wading pools for the birds
I keep some on the ground for lizards and snakes etc.
There are a couple of tiny little birds here that come for a bath when I have the hose on the few plants in the front garden . They show no fear and are too busy enjoying their bath to worry who is supplying the water.
I am going back to the aircon, as it has become very oppressive.

Keep safe and cool everyone in the heat and try and stay dry , those in the flood areas.
Sorry Chrissy, you will have to have this Lime and Vanilla ice cream.
There is plenty of ice cream in the fridge so everyone just help yourself . Still some of those frozen grapes too.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barmera, Australia

By golly I reckon I've eaten a bucket full of frozen grapes this week. I used the ones from my freezer so there would be plenty in the TEA ROOM for visitors, just stocked up again.
A new seedless grape called Scarlotta (c) still under trial in Australia but if you are quick you might find some in shops.
Just had a thought, I wonder what that icecream would taste like with frozen grapes mixed through it.

This message was edited Feb 6, 2009 10:32 PM

Thumbnail by Stake
barmera, Australia

Hello is everyone feeling like me this afternoon? It's 49 on the front verandah again and a hot northerly wind to boot. Oh boy is it hot outside. Hope you're all okay and no fire or floods in your parts of the land. Has your hubby's cfs got the fire under control, Jean? Sammut, what's the story about the stacked pots? I haven't seen that done before. What a good idea.I'd like to come shopping with you too. Well take care everyone see you later. Colleen

barmera, Australia

Since I put the last post on it has dropped down to 42 and the wind is now coming from the S/W. Hopefully it will be a cooler day tomorrow.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi to all,
I would love to take all shopping with me I have my son to push the trolly my fun is to see how much I can fit in. Its the same every sat. at 8A.M. we leave first the hardware deps . he allways needs things. then the next hour is mine first the Solar lights they have a lot of specials [ I must have every kind thate has beem made alot I have never used ] I forgot I did buy a light set I found it when I was folding the boxes down it is 3 white leds spotlights was 20 dollars I have seen same at 29 dollars these have 2 mounting options . then check out the broms nothing I did not have .then the statues features and pots . stop for our cold drink then I must walk every row just looking and enjoying stoping and chatting to the staff and getting garden tipps from them they always tell me any thing new in or specials of the day my wall plaque only come in this week the seal was cut first one sold and the pots are selling at 15:00 dollars but 10: dollars to-day .then home he unloads and I start to think where every thing will go . every thing is still in the yard to hot to to fix things around . to day ----Sammut

western sydney nsw, Australia

Colleen the pots -
I was looking at a site about garden shed and saw one done and planted and worked out how it was done I only used pots I had the bottom ones are a the wrong size they are easy to do .
I hammered in a small steel rod, drilled a extra hole in the bottom of the pot near the side and put the first one on the rod filled with soil and done the same with the smaller pots I found I had to fill each as I stacked , I done 2 to make a feature of them .I am thinking about succulents in them .
you could make them any hight any pot size I am thinking all coloured pots. ----------Sammut

Sydney, Australia

Hi all
Got some bargains of my own today. A Red Canna from the Volunteer Coastguard Shop for $4 (over a metre tall) and a book from the Lions Ladies who set up every Sat in Sussex. Does not have a date but thinking 60's called Complete Australian Gardener published by the Sunday Sun for $3. Full of Nana Plants. Some of these will soon feature in the cryptic section. Not too hot today with a beautiful NW wind but 2 hours of mowing certainly saps you. Put some more Morning Glory in my Round Up pots and watered. Started painting the lounge room.

Christchurch, New Zealand

Chrissy - wow some interesting stuff there -
I never realised cordylines had so much variety.
I have two C. Red Fountain, in pots out the back.
I am using one to try & protect a battered astelia, the hounds keep treading on it.
The one in the background started out exactly the same size when they were planted!

Thumbnail by dalfyre

Gosh I have just seen the news ...Jean are you ok? ...
I am worried about you ...any of our victorian folk please let us know you are safe ...terrible things happening ...pop in please and stay safe.

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