Heidi Chronicles: Masked Invasion

Dover AFB, DE(Zone 7a)


I am so glad that this trial is over and hope that you will not be called for anything like this, e.v.e.r. again.
I was called up for several trials. I Thank God that I knew too much about the defendants to have to sit for the 2 murder trials. There ARE some great benefits to living in a very lightly populated area of the world.
Our judge told us that it was called a trial because it was such a trial on all who were involved. I'm glad this is over for you.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Thank you very much, KyWoods and June,

I too am very glad it is over. Now if I can just get back to where I was (mentally) before the trial began. BTW, while you were posting, I went back and edited my earlier post to fix a few typos. While there, I added a few additional paragraphs (which you may or may not want to read).

Thanks again for being there. I find I am oddly in need of a little extra tlc right now.

Dover AFB, DE(Zone 7a)

I don't find that odd at all. Quite reasonable and expected after the time that you have had.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Glad it over for you and glad that you had the presence of midn to look beyond the so called cleaned up look and glad ya all had the patience to deal with this person. And so glad it turne dout that someone wil be safe in their bed tonight alive becaus eof yoru decision

Thank you adn the rest of the juror for lettign others live. HUgsssssssss

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)


I found myself frustrated that this person did not take advantage of the opportunity to tell the judge that he/she would not be able to make a decision on this kind of thing BEFORE being seated on the jury, but apparently he/she didn't realize it at that time. The person actually - no exageration - expected to get either a confession from the accused or a couple of priests as witnesses. We, no kidding, actually had to explain that if the accused had confessed we wouldn't be there. Duh! In addition, the person actually felt - and again I am very serious here as we actually asked this question - that a person could not be a reliable witness unless they had never lied in their entire life including as a child and had never done anything wrong ever. Ok, good luck finding that person.

The rules are different depending on the type of case involved and the state/jurisdiction. It is my understanding that once the alternate was released and deliberation began, there would only be 2 options. We would either deliver a unanimous decision or leave there as a hung jury, so either agree or default. If we could not reach a decision we would ultimately be be ruled a hung jury. The only 'real' difference between a hung jury and a not guilty verdict being that with the former the state, having essentially lost all of the time and money spent on the trial, would retain the right to re-try the accused whereas with a not guilty verdict the state would not be able to do so. Realistically, the state would probably have offered some kind of deal at that point for a lesser offense rather than risk the cost of a 2nd trial.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Cheyl. That probably exactly why she wa son that jury the gusy lawyer spicke dher to hang the jury. They do that.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)


I like that definition of 'trial' btw. Technically the people involved (accused and witnesses) live in the same city that I do, but it was very, very clear to me that we inhabit two totally different worlds - and I am most serious. We live in the same city, yet were it not for the trial I would never have seen them, known them, or run across them. Our paths would never have crossed.

We don't work in the same kinds of jobs, don't shop at the same stores, don't even really seem to speak the same language. We are separated by culture and socio-economic strata among other things. There was just no chance that I would have know them which in some ways is a sad thing. There was one young lady who took incrdible risks to come forward and testify. She was shaking, yet I thought her so amazingly brave. I only hope that in a similar situation I would have her courage. As a juror I could have no contact with her, but I SO wanted to reach out and give her a hug of support and tell her how brave she was.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Thank you, starlight,

Your post makes me feel a little better. Many of us stayed for sentencing. The judge, who was very nice BTW, came out to talk with us afterward. I guess she realized that if we stayed for the sentencing (after being told that we could leave once the verdict had been rendered), we probably cared deeply about the outcome of the case - which we did.

The accused was sentenced to 40yrs. Although we did not ask such, she told us that she normally bases the sentence on the [remaining] life expectancy of the person who was killed. She also told us that in SC unlike some places we have something called 'truth in sentencing' and that the accused will be required to serve every single day of that 40yrs not some fraction thereof. No one likes to think of putting someone in prison, but it seems clear that this person has no respect for life, so I think the alternative of letting him continue to walk the street would be absurd.

When it looked as though we might not be able to reach a decision, many of us had grave fear for the lives of the witnesses. To be honest, even now I have some fears for myself as this did not seem like a person you wanted to cross...

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)


Yes, I realize that the attorneys do that. They don't get to choose who gets 'on' the jury. We were drawn as in a lottery, but they do get to choose a certain number of people to exclude from the jury. The state (solicitor) would try to strike people like that one juror, people who might prevent us from reaching a decision. The defense would try to strike people who would be tough on the accused. I found myself mentally fussing at the solicitor for failing to 'catch' and strike that one person.

But sometimes the attorneys 'guess' wrong. I've heard that the defense in this kind of trial will tend to prefer women, apparently thinking we will be emotional and go easy on the accused. The defense had most of the men dismissed leaving us with about 2/3 women. We proved that concept wrong.

He was a most attractive (and I suspect charming) young man. I wonder if the defense also expected that women might fall for that sort of thing - but it did not work.

Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

Kudos to you, Cheryl, for surviving that ordeal: the world is full of impossible people, and you just had to get one on your jury. Sounds like you all showed remarkable restraint in your dealings with the reluctant juror. Take time to treat yourself this weekend to doing something you really love and enjoy, to help get your head out of the pits and back on track.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Thank goodnes it was such a short trial.

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

I think probably the reason you feel so dragged, drugged out, you were in the presence of pure evil! It does that to you, you know! Try not to let it get you down more, just fight it! Even though you weren't up close with this young man, he does sound VERY evil, and I shudder to think of him! I don't mean to come accross as a fanatic, because I'm not! But pure evil DOES still exist, and I hope I don't ever meet up with it! You take care, you will feel better!

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

I am so glad that this is over for you Cheryl! My personal opinion is that the holdout on the jury was just enjoying having control and getting attention and would have done that no matter what evidence was presented to you. That juror probably planned it from the start and may have been trying to get a hung jury for reasons of their own. Just because you felt a duty to be honest and do what was right does not mean that everyone else did. As far as being worried for your safety goes, please don't. This is over now and like you said you may live in the same city but two different worlds. In the world of this evil person such things are expected and they move on. If nothing else you know that Heidi and the gang would never let anyone through anyway. As I am sure you can recall our raccoon family know how to defend their own. We have seen through your eyes what one can do if cornered -------- can you imagine the whole gang coming after some idiot who threatened the diner? :^)

Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh that's a lovely image, tetleytuna: the whole raccoon tribe rallying to the defense of Cheryl and the diner! That would make the scenes in "Over the Hedge" pale by comparison...

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hahahhaha, They would be draggign out all them toys they hid over the years for ankle bustign booby traps, would be digging holes for more too and can see them flinging their food bowls and yougart cups and asking Cheryl for more of them a gooey sticky mess that don't wanna come off marshmellows at folks.

Seriously though, ya did good. I knwo when ever i have to go to court, I always get nervous, out of comfort zone, but always glad I did and did the right thing in the end.

Kick back and enjoy weekend and the game if ya into football. : )

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Just wanted to thank everyone for your words of support. I'm feeling much better now and have completely turned the corner putting this event behind me. : D

tetleytuna, I loved the image of all of the raccoons banding together to protect me and the diner. LOL. The image I saw was like that pic Ruth posted some time back, the one with all of the raccoons offering to take care of the garbage, except I picture that crowd with claws and fangs showing all snarling and growling and making that rattlesnake sound - with Ms Heidi out front scowling and grumbling and flanked on either side by Trouble and the [missing] king HRH. It was a heart warming image that truly made me smile. I figured with all those 'Wiley Waccoons' around to defend me, a guy with a gun would not stand a chance - I imagined with all those raccoons biting and tugging on him from all sides, he would soon be begging someone to call the police to come and get him.

I went out each night to feed the raccoons, including even Friday when I said I didn't feel like doing so. Spending time with them usually helps to moderate my mood whether I am happy or sad, stressed or relaxed, energetic or exhausted, so I forced myself to go out there for a little 'raccoon therapy'. There wasn't a lot going out there to talk about though.

On Friday evening I had a 1/4 watermelon wedge - a relatively smallish seedless mellon, about 10-12in long. It was amazingly good both in flavor and texture. I was quite amazed to find fresh watermelon in Jan. It was product of Mexico BTW.

As you might recall, I LOVE fresh watermelon, and I haven't had any since the end of summer, so saving that last couple inches of flesh for Heidi was a major sacrifice but I know how much she also like watermelon. I really was looking forward to presenting her with my find. I scooped the last 2in or so of flesh into bite sized pieces in a bowl along with juice and took that out along with the rind.

Unfortunately, I didn't see Heidi that night. I kept the melon on the table beside me to save it for her. The mean kit - does anyone have a good psycho name for this one - came over and tried to sneak the watermelon off the table. I gave her a few pieces and then with several firm "no's" sent her on her way - a few times. That night I took the melon back inside and stored it in the fridge hoping to present it to Heidi the following night.

When Heidi didn't show up on Sat night, I gave the watermelon to one of the 'nice' kits after everyone else had left and I was getting go as well. I sure hated that I had given up my watermelon and hadn't been able to get it to Heidi as I had intended, but I feared the watermelon wouldn't be so fresh if I tried to keep it much longer. The kit was thrilled, BTW. I guess watermelon is every bit as difficult to find in the forest in January as it is in the grocery store. I put the bowl of melon pieces down by my foot, and even with no one else around [for protection], the kit smelled it immediately and was willing to come all the way up to my foot to sit and eat every last bit of that melon.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Wow, what a treat for them, and for you! I agree, good watermelon is a treat any time of year, but especially appreciated in winter.
It was 51 degrees here today! I sooo wanted to get out before the melting snow freezes up overnight and into tomorrow, but I have a rotten cold..grrrr!

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Oh, KyWoods,

Few things will make you feel worse than a bad cold. So sorry to hear that you are sick. It is good to hear that you are having somewhat warmer weather there in KY. I hope that trend continues so that power can be restored to the region quickly.

Hoping you will feel better soon.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Cheryl. I just plugged in my humidifier, so maybe that will help me breathe better tonight. We are one area that is blessed to never have lost power. They are slowly restoring some areas.

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Some people do things like that for the attention!
I had to testify before a Grand Jury on a case where I was robbed at the store where I worked. When I got up to testify, he asked me if ///// was my correct add. I gave him a look that could kill! I didn't want the defendant to know my add! We put him away for 3 lifetime without parole, though. But he could have had his Buddys to get me! He was an habitual criminal. He'd only been out of prison about 3 months.

Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

Trying to think of a good name from fiction or cartoon that suggests a childhood bully, but so far drawing a blank.

Hope you'll feel better soon, Ky!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Spike was Calvin's particular bully. That might fit. :-)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Like the name Psyco. LOL or maybe Spikey. most animals hear themelves beign called when they have tow syllabal names. The first one pricks their ears and the second if th einflection you always use for that particular word.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Just checking in. We're still without power, but running on generator. Cable and phone is out, but I have a Verizon wireless card to get on line with. House is holding about 62 degrees and we're roughing it. Gonna be a long haul, but I'm in far better shape than most.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I've been watching that "Weather" forum.... guess it's good to be home, though lacking certain 'luxuries'
thank heavens for a crock pot.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Glad ya doing ok Melody. Your right you are doign better than some and wil pray ya can keep doign better. Thanks for checkign in. : )

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Take care Melody. Hope Sharon is still okay...

Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

Hang in there, melody; we're all sending warm thoughts your way!

Dover AFB, DE(Zone 7a)

Here on the Arkansas/Missouri border there are still 100,000 without power a week after the storm.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Juney.... we have friends in the Ozarks..... Osage Beach actually... .I wonder how they are fairing....

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

I heard on the radio this morning that Dunklin and Pemiscot(SP) Countys should nearly all be back on!

Dover AFB, DE(Zone 7a)

The Lake Area just got a lot of snow. Real pretty. They were just far enough to the north to not get any of the freezing rain and it's ice.

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

We were very fortunate here. We did get a light snow and no ice. The temps however are another story entirely!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

With another cold speel comign wonder if Heidi and them be knockign big time on Cheryls dorr tonight to stoock up for the cold or if the will somewhat hybernate and then come out of the woodwrok starving

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Our feral kitty hasn't shown up for meals today. Who could blame her--it's snowing like mad out there!

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Nothing much happening at the buffet. Just the usual stuff.

I've been in severe agony. My back/hip is not getting any better. If anything it is getting worse. Last night I came home and cried myself to sleep. I did wake up and go out to feed the raccoons, but they didn't show up. I didn't wait very long as my back was killing me.

This morning I awoke to find that I had NO water because my pipes were frozen! Ok, now "People in the North", please be nice and don't laugh at me ;-)
My pipes have never, ever frozen before, not HERE! I never leave them dripping. My house is on a slab (no crawl space) with all of the pipes burried in cement under the floor. With our temps, frozen pipes have never been an issue here - until now. When I got up at 7AM this morning it was only 20F. Ouch. It has never been that cold here, not since I've been living here.

The water broke free a little while ago. I feel like a moron.

Today I went back to the Dr about my back. I broke down in her office and started crying. It just happened so suddenly. I think it's just been building up for a while because the pain really is quite excrutiating and lately it just never seems to let up. Since I just started a new job, I'm in insurance heck right now. Technically, I have insurance but trying to prove it and use it is another story until I get a card. Anyhow, the Dr is working on scheduling an MRI. Depending on the MRI she said she will either send me to a pain mgt specialist to try steroid shots 1st (the most likely next course) or send me to a neuro-surgeon for back surgery.

She refilled and increased my pain meds and also gave me more oral steroids to get me through until I can get the MRI and get started on another treatment.

Right now I'm waiting for my pain meds and steroids to kick in so I can get back to work. I'm working from home. My customer is on travel and is waiting for me to send a presentation that I'm working on. He is depending on the presentation (and doesn't know about my back issues). Can't let him down. Can't let him end up in front of an audience w/o a presentation because of me.

Not one of my better days. Trying to hand in there. : (

Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

Sending prayers that you get relief from your pain really soon.


Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

So sorry to hear that your pain is getting worse. I hope they can do something for you soon. Take care of yourself.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm praying for you, too, Cheryl!

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

I feel for you! Tried to shop Mon. and there were no riding carts. Didn't get much done, I can't walk far!

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