New Cultivars of Peace Lily?

Danville, IN

Has anyone had any experience with any of the new varieties of Spathaphylum or Peace Lily? A local garden center has two new ones and I can't find any info on either of them. I didn't write the names down, thinking I could just Google "new varieties of peace lilies", but absolutely nothing came up! I read somewhere that growers were developing new cultivars with better leaf substance, longer and more prolific blooming, etc. I am surprised that nothing came up on Google!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Is the foliage different? In what way?

Danville, IN

The leaves are "stockier" and seem firmer than the regular varieties. I'm not sure of the ultimate size. I plan to stop by the center this week and ask the gentleman in charge of ordering if he knows more about them. The owner didn't. I'll also take photos and write down the names!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Good and share your photos with us. I love the Peace Lily.

Danville, IN

Well, I don't know what happened, but when I just now tried a Google search again, all kinds of results came up! I swear I typed in the same data as yesterday, but...??? Anyway, I found that there are literally dozens of cultivars, but descriptions of only a few. I did recognize that the two varieties I saw were 'Debbie' and 'Taylor's Green', so when I go back to the garden center this week, I'll find out about them, and take pics. They weren't described in any of the the websites I checked.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Great............get pics! I didn't know there was but one kind.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Sometimes if you use the 'technical speak' you come up with better information.
Try googling Spathiphyllum cultivars.

I've done that a couple of times...seems that at least one of those websites had more specific information.

Danville, IN

Yeah, I can get sites with great lists of dozens of cultivars, but not detailed descriptions of any but a few. So far, no luck. When I check with the greenhouse center, I'm hoping they will know since they chose these two varieties out of the dozens available.

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