Happy New Year and Hello!

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

I've been MIA for a while! Life is just busy and likes to get in the way!!!! I spent the day b4 yesterday in the yarden all day trying to get a jump on spring. (I'm still sore! LOL) I haven't been out there since last June! What a mess! But of course gardening makes me think of DG :)

Just wanted to drop a note to say Happy New Year and Hello to all the Mid A forum folks! I scanned a few posts briefly... sorry I don't have time to get completely caught up at the moment.

Holly, your grandson is adorable.

Chantell LOVE the family christmas photo! What a beautiful family you have! And the pics with Chloe and the furbies are precious.

Bec.... ? I don't see any recent pictures of my thunder kitty... ;)

Critter, sure wish I could make it to your seed swap, but I don't think I will be able to. Be sure to post lots of pics so those of us that can't attend can live vicariously :)

Hope all the Mid A peeps are well, had a wonderful holliday and here's to 2009! :)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Hi, Jody! Happy New Year to you too. That's great that you got to work in the garden already.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey, Jody: Hope you are well! The Naked Ladies you gave me are happily hibernating and waiting for spring -- a million thanks again!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Jody, Nice to hear from you. I know just what you mean, life gets very busy. I'm just waiting till spring can't wait to start digging in.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

!!! JODY !!! How you be, girl!!??? Was wondering where you'd run off to ^_^ Feeling like a lazy butt listening to you already working in the yard...I finally put the mulch down (before those REALLY cold temps hit) does that count...LOL?!?

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

So nice to see you ladies!!! :)

hart, I don't know if it was "nice" LOL. I only got a little chilly if I slowed down for a moment... hahaha. Crazy things gardeners do. But at least I got a whole lotta raking and hauling away of leaves done, still lots more to go but it's a start. I'll be out there again hopefully this week, or at least the next 45 or more degree day we get.

happy, yes, I'm well, thanks for asking. You are more than welcome for the ladies, I'm glad they have a home, :)

holly, do you have snow on the ground up there? I know you stay busier than I do usually ;) You must have some winter project or other going on.

chantell, I'm good! :) I didn't run off, just been so busy. But... good busy! We are finishing this dang house it if kills us. I'm happy to say that we are now working on the interior, flooring etc in fact that's what I have been doing the last couple of weeks... pounding, tiling and grouting uugghh. Wood floors next, but other than racking them, actually installing will be up to DH.

And you are not a lazy butt! It's down right chilly out there! It was 46* I wore a sweat shirt, it was plenty warm enough raking leaves but I had to put ear muffs on, LOLOL. The wind just kept blowing through them, and I'm sure if I had any neighbors in VA they would have thought there was nothing in the middle up there to stop the wind, LOL.

But it sure did feel good to be in the yarden again and I plan on getting back out there as soon as I can.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ha, My winter project consists of talking on DG and not getting anything much accomplished. LOL I've been prowling the DG Co-op Forums and ordering lots of plants for next spring. I've dug out some of my old crafting supplies and have produced an item or two for the seed swap. I have plenty of house work to do but just can't seem to get to interested, it is slowly coming around. Since Josh bought that house we are still moving his things out and it is opening up a whole lot of space. You just wouldn't believe how much stuff he had stored here. The washer broke a couple of months ago and since we had to move practically everything out of the laundry room to get it out we decided to finish it. Let's see picture 2 walk in closets that have never been finished just old unpainted drywall and rusty old metal shelves, yep that was my laundry room. It's a pretty big job for a small area about 7ft X 8ft. Ric is widening both doorways, moving an electrical breaker box, putting in overhead cabinet, building shelves and paneling the walls.
I have an empty bedroom full of the stuff that came out of there and I'm cleaning and organizing that and some of the other things that have been stuffed in closets for years.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Hiya stranger - good to see you! I haven't posted OR taken any pics of Thor the thunderkitty lately - guess I need to eh? He is huge, he is a monster and his latest toy is the laser light - he loves it so much he goes and fetches it off the table - I guess he thinks he can make the little red light shine! Big 'ole goofball that he is! Anyway - stick around this time will ya!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Jody, I was just looking at the weather forecast and I don't think you'll be outside again the next few days. They're calling for snow starting early Tuesday morning turning into sleet by Wednesday morning.

Holly, that reminds me of something I have to post for you. I'll do it in a new thread rather than hijack this one.

Bec, that's hilarious about Thor and the laser light. Just wait until he figures out how to turn that thing on - you'll be superfluous. LOL

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Uhu - we were watching a movie the other nite - all of a sudden he jumps on the coffee table, grabs the light in his mouth and drops it on the floor next to me - cries and wants me to play with him - smart kitty - can't get "off the counter now" - but play with laser light - not a problem!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Would that be "selective physical ability?"

Shenandoah Valley, VA

LOL All cats have that ability to hear only what they want to hear. Sort of like men. (Did I say that? No, I didn't say that. LOL)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL and THAT'S exactly what I was thinking while typing

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Jody - just for you

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I just KNOW what he's thinking....

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ummm yeah, "I'm possessed" LOOK at those eyes!!! ROTFLOL

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Holly I just knew you'd have plenty going on, LOL.

And OMG! Lily is a doll! What a great pic. You're lucky to have your grandkids close. All mine live in ME :( There are 5 of them and #6 is due this summer :)

hart, you're right :( I'm sitting here in MD this morning and it is SNOWING! Yuck! But, I'm planning my veggie garden today. Only about 5 weeks to tater planting :)

There's my man!!! Thanks Becky! :) He is just gorgeous! And what a smart baby he is. I just want to reach through the screen and shnuggle him!

I had more kittens dumped at the VA house this summer. Unfortunately with 7 kitties already there was no way DH was letting me keep them. I did however, keep one of them, LOL. His name is Guy and he is going to be a big kitty. He is already over 10lbs and only about 6 mos old. Not an ounce of fat, just solid. I don't have any pics on this computer though :(

We've had the place in VA for 4 yrs, and I've kept at least one stray every year, so there are 4 of them in VA now (and 3 in MD still). I don't know if it's the same people or not but every year around July we can count on strays showing up, usually 4-6 wk old kittens. We are the only house on the road and are surrounded by woods and fields so I know they aren't just "finding" us.

My DH says I have "kitty pitty" written on my forehead, LOL. And my sister just sent me a sign. It says "I'm not a crazy cat lady... I'm THE crazy cat lady.

Oh and hart you are so right... about kitties and men, LOL.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL....ahhh I love it!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Congratulations on pending #6, Jody!

I've just been told I'm to go outside and videotape Marshall zooming around in the snow on his ATV. Another area where men share traits with cats. If cats had ATVs or motorcycles, it wouldn't be safe to go outside. Think about it, you know I'm right.

I am LOLOLing on the punchline on "no way DH was letting me keep them." Both of our two cats were abandoned, one here, one at a friend's house. Poor Gus, when we found him they had left a flea collar on him too tight and he couldn't even swallow. He was eating bugs. He quickly made up for lost time, though.

We had another cat dropped off here a few years ago, not a grown cat just an older kitten. Turned out she was pregnant. I was able to find homes for all of her babies and for her too.

This is Gus, surveying his domain. He is Augustus, emperor of the universe.

Thumbnail by hart
MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Thanks hart! If cats could do anything humans can do... ATV's, motorcycles etc. I would probably never leave the house, LOLOL. Especially with some of the mischievous kitties I've got around here ;)

And Gus is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing the pic :)

Well, it's supposed to be 48* and sunshine here on the eastern shore today and I plan on donning the ear muffs and tackeling more leaves. I have to use my old small cart on the back of the tractor though :( When we got that big storm in the fall a big tree came down on my new cart and smushed it :( It was almost brand new and I was so looking forward to less "hauling trips". DH says he can pound it out and probably fix it up to be useable again, but I won't hold my breath waiting, LOL.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I have a spot at the corner of my house where the leaves collect. I walk by it every time I go outside. I'm ignoring it and heading for warmer territory. The upstairs room and my seed starting stand. I have been using it for a storage area. Anything plant related is stacked on it. Time to start cleaning out. The room is great for this. It's directly over the room with the wood stove so it's nice and warm, has two windows south and west facing so it get a good bit of light. It's got ugly old wall paper and linoleum floor so I do not have to worry about spilling water, dirt or making a mess. Only problem is that it is on the second floor, every time I use it for plant storage it's drag it up the steps and then drag it back down. Same with seed starting and cuttings which I tend to do on my kitchen table and then every thing has to get carried up and down the steps. At least I have water up there. Since we are posting pretty kitty pics. Companions.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Well... it was pretty darned cold out there! I did manage about 4 hrs of raking and hauling in the afternoon though :)

I wish I only had a spot at the corner of the house where leaves collect.... well I do have a spot, unfortunately it's not the only one. The yarden in VA is in the woods, literally. I cleared out all the underbrush etc. and made a huge garden. Sometimes the leaves are only a few inches thick, but sometimes/some places they are feet thick. My DH wants me to expand my garden, but I'm (*gasp*) hesitant to do it. It's a lot of work keeping up with what I have... and I'm not getting any younger.

As it is I spend at least 1 1/2 to 2 wks doing nothing in the spring but raking and hauling leaves out to the other side of the property. This year I am determined to get it done early so I can work on the veggie garden, plant some potted plants that have been waiting for a home for a yr and some even 2, LOL etc and not have to worry that it's starting to get late/hot. I'm off to a good start :) I've got about a quarter to a third of the yarden done and it's not even Feb yet :)

I would love to start sowing seeds!!! But we stopped heating the green house 2 yrs ago and I have no other place :( The only room I have that I could possibly do it is in the existing VA house and has not just carpeting, but white carpeting sigh. I did sow some last winter, I used my moms computer room, LOL. She was nice enough to agree, but it was kind of a pain for her. The rack I used took up 1/2 of her room, LOL and even though it was on wheels it was pretty bothersome for her.

Sounds like you have a nice set up, even if you've gotta go up and down the stairs. Someday when the new house is done I have an entire basement :) With heat, windows and lighting for seed sowing and plant storing :) Maybe this time next year I'll be down there fiddling around instead of in the yarden. I don't know if thats a good thing, LOLOL!

What a precious pic! I love seeing kitties curled up with dogs. They look quite content with each other. Thanks for sharing! :)

I need to get my pics off the other computer so I can share pics of my crew.

Crozet, VA

I too feel as though I have been away from you all for a long time. I miss all of you great folks and whenever I do drop by and read it reminds of how wonderful I think all of you are. Jody, I am so glad that you started this thread and shared a bit about your comings and goings. I had the pleasure of attending a swap at your home in VA last year and so I am able to envision what you are talking about as you type about the yarden, the new house and the general area where you live. Tell your DH that I was flabbergasted at the idea of him wanting you to expand the yarden. Tell him that I won't allow it. You already have enough to keep two or three full time gardeners busy. LOL

It was also good to see everyone else posting and hearing bits of what is going on with them. Now that it is gardening time once again, I want to begin spending more time around you Mid Atlantic folks so that I can keep up to date on all the latest in the world of gardening.

Here is hoping that everyone has a good and productive week coming up.


MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

So nice to you ruby!!!

Can you believe with the great start I had in Jan that I still haven't finished all that raking/hauling?! LOL Feb just turned out to darned cold and I've been too busy with the veggie garden and the house in March. Ah well... it's almost done and hopefully next weekend I'll be getting a dump truck load of mulch that I can start shoveling/hauling/spreading. ;)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ric and I just got back from the beach. We were down to Atlantic Beach N.C. Had a very nice time a bit windy and rainy but there was a balcony that overlooked the ocean and a few days nice enough to sit out on the beach for several hours. Now we are home and getting really busy. The yard just Popped while we were away, flowers coming up everywhere. I went out this afternoon and did just a bit of weeding. Grass needs mowed, too. Ruby really looking forward to seeing you and John this spring. I think I could spend all day on DG just going from one forum to another reading and learning. It's all just so interesting. I've started going to a gym several mornings each week, that's taking up sometime as well. Ric and I have been working on the Veggie Garden and getting busy with my seedlings. I've been laid back for most of the winter and now it is time to kick it in gear. Think I'll head down to the Veggie Garden for a bit and clear out another small area. Holly

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Sounds like a great get away. Did you drive down the peninsula in VA? The VA house is right off Rt. 13.

My yarden has popped too! Seems like things are growing by inches over night. I've got it all raked, not quite all hauled yet though. I can't believe all the weeds!!! I was bad last year, never really went into the garden after mid summer ( as happens most years, LOL) and the weeds took over. I really must make myself get out there to weed in the fall.

Yesterday was down right cold. Well it was in the 50's but the wind was howling and it was a cold wind. Spent the day in the greenhouse sowing, repotting and just cleaning up out there.

I was just a littled worried about last night. They were calling for some pretty cold temps and 1/2 my hosta are about to unfurl, some of the early risers are already unfurled. Really didn't want to look at ugly plants all year. But, it looks as though everything is fine this morning :) :) :)

Looks to be a nice day, 57* and sunshine :) I'll be out there all day weeding, planting left overs from last year and hopefully get the rest of the leaves hauled away. Going to warm back up into the 60's this week. Gotta get the heavy work done now before it gets too hot to be doing it.

I'll try to take a break and get the camera out. I've got things I've wanted to take pics of for the spring peeking threads and just haven't had/taken the time. Some plants from last years swap too! Sally's beautful creeping phlox is gorgeous. Mom wanted it planted in the bed right outside her sun room, so thats where I put it. She just loves it and was missing not having any. Thanks Sally!

Have a great day everyone!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh what fun!!! And you do know that many do not get out in the yard come July...it's just sooo hot and buggy. Personal I tend to head out during summer showers...know the neighbors think I'm nuts but well....keeps me cool and debugged...there you have it!!! LOL

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Jody, Went down 95 and then over. My creeping phlox is almost but not quite ready.
Chantell, that is what is so nice about the pool. Nothing fancy just an old and not very attractive above ground. But you weed for a while and when you get hot you throw yourself in the pool then get out and start weeding again. LOL
Talk about weeding, heading out there now.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Came in for a minute and wanted to clarify about statement about weeding in July. Just because I can doesn't mean that I do. LOL
Or that my yard is weed free, with all this time on my hands you would think it should be. LOL

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

ohhhh now THAT sounds perfect....AND you don't have to figure out between thunder and lightening how much more time you have before you REALLY need to head in...LOL

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Well, I'm one of those that don't go in the garden much come mid July. But it's not just the heat. I spend my weekends playing mate on the boat and am usually in MD during the week. The boat goes in the water 2nd week of June until 2nd week of Sept. My gardens suffer tremenously from neglect in the summer, drought, weeds, critters etc. But the plants must be tough because they all look good right now :)

A pool would be nice! :) We talked about getting one years and years ago. We got a hot tub instead. We had it outside on the deck and I pretty much used it all 4 seasons. It was a used one though so it only held up for about 6 years. We talked about getting another some day but... my new tub in the new house has a heater in it! as well as jets :) so I guess I've got my own "hot tub" ;) Hopefully I'll be able to use it this year.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Such fun a boat must be. Lot's of work, too. Work, kids and animals, I was too busy for years to do much with the garden, it sure is nice now to have the time.

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Yes, fun but definatley a lot of work... and money! But so is gardening... and DH loves to fish. Who am I say to no. ;) I just wish he had another mate besides me for those weekends that I would rather be in the garden, LOL.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Ruby!!! Where have you been? We've missed you :)

Jody, this weather has been so weird but I'm trying to do the same as you - getting the "heavy work" done now! I am so anxious to get planting but since we're so busy I'm trying to concentrate on just getting holes dug and then when I have a few spare minutes all I have to do is plop in the plants!

Chantell, I've told this story before but your comments reminded me of one of my most memorable days in the gardens :) I always took advantage of gardening in the rain in Maine - the blackflies and mosquitoes were so bad in spring and they weren't stupid enough to be out in the rain! I was getting ready for the garden tour at my house and couldn't afford to waste one minute so there I was in the pouring rain planting a new bed of Hostas - had a rain suit on - full body, head to toe. It was one of those cheap ones made of clear plastic. One of the neighborhood teenagers showed up and saw me, and yes, he did think I was nuts! He took one look at me, laughed and told me I looked like a "human condom"! LOL

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

OMG...now THAT'S funny

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

LOL Debbie! I've been know to garden in the rain, but can't say I've every looked like that, LOL.

I've got all the raking done, finally! Yesterday DH brought me 2 yards of mulch so I spent the day shoveling it out of the pick up into the wagon then out of the wagon on to the beds. I'll need several more yards to do everything. I'm beat! I've got a bit more to do today then I'm taking a couple of days of and going to MD.

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