Inauguration, anyone? (remember, no politics)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Hart -- you are amazing.

Sally -- you are TOO funny!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Glad y'all enjoyed the pics that my son and his wife took on the 20th.

I wish he'd taken one looking BEHIND them where they stood during the swearing-in. Just the one I posted is amazing enough to me. Heck you can't even see the Capitol - it's way beyond the horizon. I'll have to ask him what it looked like to the rear.

Happy is correct about the trash issues (although I have to think that even with every trash can available, there still would have been overflow!) in that there were many cans removed for "security" reasons. What intrigued me (and obviously my son as well) about the trash can photo, was the way the cups that wouldn't fit into the trash can were so very neatly stacked. I don't think that's too unreasonable, again considering the situation.

What I do (always) have a problem with is the folks who just drop what they're done with and walk away, no matter what. I read in the Post that that there was all sorts of junk left behind, including chairs, tables (???), flags, Obama souvenirs (again - ???), and so on. Amazing...

And finally, hart, it sounds like you could write a book!!!! ;-)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

chairs, tables--I'm not too totally surprised given how some people can use things disposably. (NOT me!) But souvenirs??????? They paid for that day????(maybe there were too many giveaway things)
Diva- your son is interesting- thats the kind of thing my son would usually notice and capture also!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I could see lost souvenirs with all the children in the crowd. People putting things in pockets and then not realizing that they were gone especially if they were putting their hands in and out of those pockets. It is really great to see so many young people interested again, I hope to see them carry forward the nation. I have seen in my family and their friends a new dedication to charity. My cousins young children give some of their birthday money to several children's parks that are run on donations. They take it down to the park office and donate it themselves, these kids are only in 1st grade and kindergarten and think getting money to give away is a wonderful birthday gift.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

That's probably exactly what happened, Holly. Can you imagine the parents getting back to their hotel/home, whatever, and realizing the goodies they expected to have a remembrances of this historic day were GONE.

Sally, with the chairs & tables (especially tables) I just wondered how they even GOT them there, considering all the restrictions. Chairs in a bag probably, but tables? Baffling.

Yep, son is always looking for neat shots, in addition to the regular scenery, when he travels. He's also a private pilot, so I get to see all sorts of aerial photographs of our area from him, as well as nighttime shots when he takes photo safaris downtown at sunset and after dark. ;-)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

That's sad about the souvenirs, especially if they were lost by children who will be telling their grandchildren about the day.

Most of what reporters do is excrutiatingly dull, Daylily. LOL

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