Haunting the Gardening Blogs

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

I've been perusing the gardening blogs (when not reading the 2009 garden catalogs) rather than doing something like straightening out the garage or closets. There are so many creative gardeners out there. Please share your favorite. Pam

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Favorite, gardener? hmm.Garden idea?
My new favorite color combination- purple/black with limey green . I kept going for this in 2008 and will still try to achieve perfection. Picture is Verbena bonariensis with foliage of Tropicanna gold.
I started pots out front that I thought had much promise- mix of golden creeping jenny, silver Plectranthus and black elephant ears. The EE's crapped out, I was fighting mites on them all summer. I'm going to try again with a blacjk coleus in place of the EE.

Favorite potted plant- For some reason, the one that makes me proud is my baby Plumeria even tho she's never bloomed. But I am pleased it grew so much this summer, and when the leaves looked so good even in the house thru November. (Sadly now its mite-city) But its pretty new to me so still novel.

Favorite non-growing thing in the garden- Different rocks and stones. I sorely need some decent "hard ware" in the garden, but am so cheap about buying anything.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Pam a few months back there was this thread http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/926624/
Might be worth a look .

have you looked at the Garden Blogs here on DG ? There are places on this site that I haven't explored yet, nice to do on a snowy day and your dreaming of Spring.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Sally - is that the plumie I gave you??? If so...you should see blooms this year...just get it in the heat ASAP and feed bloom booster

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Sally, that sounds like a stunning color combination, purple/black and lime. Mite City, been there. I bought some herb plants at Christmas time without my glasses on. When I got them home, I discovered they were covered with every type of tiny white fly and aphid. Two are gone. The other two, a rosemary and a sage, I'm trying to save with showers under the sink sprayer. Garden hardware--you mean like a tutuer (spellling?) or a garden statue, or do you mean tools?

Ladygardener, That list is just what I was looking for. I just went to the Louis Ginter site. I must go there in person. Should have done it when I lived in C'ville. I'm looking forward to logging on to the other sites. I lost track my favorite site. I think it was on Gardenvoices, and had 'Rosecottage' in the name. Last time I looked for it, I just couldn't find it. I love anything where the person shows their landscape from a little distance. Don't get me wrong, I love the closeups, but I really get inspired by the pictures of a whole border or garden. Thank you. Oh, one of my favorite magazines, Cottage Living, just folded. They sent me a postcard that said they would replace it with Southern Living, which is ok, but Cottage Living had bigger pictures of gardens by real gardeners rather than professional landscapes. I'll miss it.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hardware--I meant statues, trellis, that kind of thingn .I sometiems see pictures of garden beds with a few large pots on the soil, and really like that.

Chantell---sure is! One nice stem about 15 inches tall, fat and firm. It had a dozen huge leaves when I brought it in. Thank you for the advice.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Sally - never mind my asking about that in our dmail...you answered already. The more heat you can give them and "food" the better they do. I had 3 actually bloom for me last year....I was SO excited!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

You might find inspiration or at the least will enjoy, the pictures of Longwood Gardens on a thread in this forum by mittsy

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Sally, I saw Mittsy's posting. It took her more than an hour to upload all those pics. Always such a joy to see what Longwood can do.

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