Chit Chat - Everyone is Welcome - Part 104

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


My son has given notice on the job to move over to Deltona. He left an opening with the boss to return if things don't work out there. As for the dogs, they are sister coon hounds someone dropped off out here to fend for themselves. One of our neighbors have given them new collars and feed them, but do not confine them. They chase our cars down the road and come over here, raid the fire pit, compost bin and the pond.

Dixie, our Sib Husky was a drop off abandon. Her former owners called her Molly and live over in Bronson. When I took her to the vet last year, they knew her and felt compelled to call them. They never replied to the call of their lost dog. Hence, "drop off dog".

This is a very common occurrence out here in the country. Quite frankly, we cannot adopt all the castoffs of 2 counties.

Your fence wire should be okay Jeremy. Mine has been laying out there patiently waiting for posts for 3 years. The wire is cheap, the posts are not.

I just returned from looking at some posts my neighbor with the boat in his front yard has. He had previously agreed to contribute to the portion of the fencing that borders on his place. Looks like he has more than enough to fill in for his 320 feet and he has already put in the corner posts. Now it's up to my Jeremy to dig the holes and plant them and run the wire.

It's looking much better now expense wise. I'll just need to buy maybe 40-45 posts to finish the job. Hopefully it will get done next weekend. Time is getting short before Jeremy leaves here.

The rain gutters are now up on the back of the house and they are out putting up the ones on the front of the GH. Finally.....whew!


Jacksonville, FL

Ok Jeremy will do. i was confine dto the house and did not get to go with Tommy and the girls to the Cummer Museum and Gardens today as my son has a report due on Tuesday and hadn't started yet!! ( BTW-- the Cummer no longer lets you take photos of the gardens :( how sad) Tommy went for inspiration fro his new project for his final class at UNF to get his BFA. He is going to emulate Bougureau with the girls as models.
I was sad I couldn't go. Then Tommy just called me and told me he took them to eat at European I am totally bummed.

Still haven't moved the sago and phil to my house the co-worker who was going to help me with his truck flaked out on me and hasn't called me at all!! Maybe tuesday on my day off I can come get the charcoal and swing to get my plants. Darla I still haven't forgotten about you. or you either Linda.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Not to worry! Life has a way of changing plans without notice.

Jacksonville, FL

i should clarify what i meant by "my plants" i mean the rather large sago and phil at my friends house across town.

Thank you fo being so understanding Darla.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Sorry you couldn't join in the Cummer trip, Cdoll, but it was a dreary day here and I doubt if there was anything blooming there. This Bouguereau portrait with the angel at the Cummer is one of my favorite paintings in their collection. The skin tones are translucent. I examine the painting closely every time I go to the Cummer to try to figure out how he got the layered quality of the skin, but his technique still eludes me.

I'll put a container of the charcoal by my door so that you can stop by whenever convenient. I wonder if charcoal on the doorstep is like finding a lump of charcoal in your stocking on Christmas Morn? Orchid growers would probably be the only recipients of that dishonor that would think it was a wonderful gift. LOL


Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

Where of where is Kat?

I have been wondering the same thing.....

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Good evening to all,
We are enjoying this wonderful Florida weather at Lindaleeperk's. Moon is just beautiful.
Molly, hope you get Jeremy to do all those jobs before he goes east. We have 'rescue' doggies too. Best friends.
Lucy, He is soooo cute.. I can smell that baby smell. I am so jealous.
Irish, yours are so cute too.
Jeremy, hope you aren't overdoing it.
Paul, that tent will be cold about Wednesday.
Hi to everyone and cover those plants Wednesday...


Zolfo Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Evening all!!! Thanks for the anniverary wishes. Enjoying a nice visit from MS Elaine from Ga. She had to remind me to feed my cats tonite. hehe

Lucy I want to get my hands on that baby. He is adorable.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Good nite y'all

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Good nite and sweet dreams

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi All. : )

So glad you made it down safely Elaine. I'll be down to see you one day. Linda, the only way anybody gets their hands on Brady is with his mama breathing down your neck. lol

MIL fell off her bed yesterday around lunch time. She doesn't want to go to the Dr. She is complaining tho, about sore ribs when she gets up and down, sooo whether she wants to go to the Dr or not, I'm taking her tomorrow. She might have broke a rib.

Linda, should I take her to the Dr first, or just take her down to the hospital and have it xrayed. I'm thinking the hospital. Either way, she will have to go over to the hospital to get it xrayed, cause that's probably the only machine in town. But then again, taking her to the Dr first might be cheaper cause he will write orders for the xray, and we could skip that high priced emergency room. What do you think?

Zolfo Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

I would take her to doc and get an order otherwise it will be very costly. You might be able to call the doctors office and tell them what happened and maybe you could just pick up an order for xrays then go see the doc.

I would skip the emergency room if possible.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Ok, that's probably what I'll do then. Just call the office, first.

Jacksonville, FL

Jeremy, I have that picture hanging up in my house. Its my fav too!! My favorite artist of all time still is Mucha. LOVE his florals!!

Thumbnail by chubbydoll
Jacksonville, FL

this one is what he is going to emulate with one of the girls in a simular pose.
I also love the Psyche and Cupid painting. (she's holding Cupid on her lap)

Thumbnail by chubbydoll
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I'm not familiar with Mucha, but that is an interesting swirl of flowers.

I've never seen that Bouguereau painting before. My awareness of his work is basically limited to the paintings at the Cummer. I saw more of his paintings when searching for the image with the link, above. I wonder if I'm more of a gardener or a painter because the first thing I noticed was the healthy hollyhocks to the left, and what looks like a reed orchid to the right and a dandelion at her feet. LOL All of his paintings have that quality that you can see through the skin and enter the figure's eyes and go deep into their soul and their world. The proficiency of his technique fills me with great admiration and what would be envy if I ever imagined myself a portrait painter, but I definitely don't like doing faces.


South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Lucy, sending good thoughts for your MIL, I hope she just bruised herself and you get through the doctor's office/hospital quickly.

Thumbnail by svplantingfool
Fort White, FL

chubbydoll and Jeremy: Thanks for introducing me to William Adolphe Bouguereau's paintings. I went to the site you listed and looked at all the paintings shown there. What a talent! I'd like to see the originals!

Fort Myers, FL(Zone 10a)

Happy New Year to Everyone! I've been away for a while. When I left, we had just started #100, I think. I just read #103 and parts of #104. I just arrived at my son's home in Olney, MD (26 degrees out!), but had been in Lynchburg, VA before. My mom passed away last Monday and her funeral was last Thursday. It's been a very stressful and tiring time. I can't tell you what reading this thread has done for me. It made me feel like I was back home and everything was back to normal for the first time since this trip started. Now, I can't wait to see how many of my plants have survived my absence! The photos of Kat's food, Fred's bougies (and peacocks), Marie Selby, the baby - who can't smile when they see a baby smiling!, all of the orchids... everything was just so beautiful and relaxing. I have ALWAYS enjoyed them, but especially this morning! The Florida Gardening Forum is wonderful food for the soul!! Thank you all for being here.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Marianne here is a bit HUG for you! I'm sorry for your loss! My mom is 88, but getting very fragile.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Marianne sorry for your loss {{{{{hugs}}}}}}}

Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

losing a mom is always the most sorrowful event in life. We feel for you. I'm glad the pictures helped you hold on. I suppose the gardens we work on are our own earthly versions of paradise, of beauty, of respite from the struggles around us. Within our gardens we find something wonderful to share with others. Be well.


Hugs from me too Marianne, and condolences with the loss of your mother.
Meanwhile welcome back to sunny Florida. Although you may need a sweater from tomorrow onwards - cold front heading our way I believe....

Jacksonville, FL

Marianne-My heart goes out to you! I lost my Dad the end of July and am still trying to get over the loss. I lost my Mom 10 yrs ago and although it gets easier with time, it still brings sorrow to my heart. You and your family will be in my prayers

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I share your sorrow, Marianne, and am glad you found solace in our active and friendly little community here.

Joyce - the photos of the Bouguereau paintings can only partially convey their beauty and transcendent quality. If you are ever in Jacksonville, the Cummer Museum is located on Riverside Avenue. They have two Bouguereau paintings there - the one that I provided the link for above and a very large one ("Return from the Harvest") that I don't see in any of the online sites. The Cummer also has a wonderful garden, worth seeing in itself. Tuesday nights are free admission (which is when I usually go). Here is a list of museums that house Bouguerau works I didn't know there was an art museum in Ocala. I made a great Greyhound Bus tour around 1998 with an Ameripass that allowed me to get on and off the bus at a whim in whatever cities I chose for 90 days. I ended up mostly seeing art museums and botanical gardens, though I went on the journey without much of an idea what I wanted to do.


Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

New thread this is toooo long

Everyone go here


Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

I know we have started a new thread, but I did want to extend my condolences to Marianne. I am blessed, my mother lives down the street from me, and is still in good health. My thoughts are with you and your family.


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