Rockville, MD

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Sure we install countertops! So do "They".....we do anything "they" do-----and "they" do anything we do!!!!
I realize that the Granite is the way to go----BUT! Granite is high maintenance.
You need to "prime" it and "season" it as time goes on. And buy a special cleaner for it. It will also chip if you drop a sharp knife in it, etc....

I believe the next thing "down" is Silestone". Looks the same...but less maintenance.
Ask when you go to the designers about all the pluses and minuses.

My kitchen is 1969. Formica countertops.....Walnut cabinets--which now seem to be "IN" again. I hate them! It is like Bell-bottom Jeans. Been there--done that---Don't want to see them again!!!
The concept of a "Master bathroom" in 1969 was a small, convenient bathroom off of the main bedroom. Mine is about 7'x 4'. Has a shower stall, a vanity and a toilet,,,,,You can hardly turn around in it! But that was IT--back THEN!

I, personally, do not care WHERE you get your stuff done! It is a free country!

Care to tell me if anything was different? Less expensive? Better or worse with Lowes???? Or--was it just that it was closer to you?


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Our countertop in the study looks a lot like granite, but it's just a laminate. We paid a little more for a bullnose style front edge (no seam, just a rounded edge with the colored surface continuing over the edge), and I think it looks great. Home Depot installed both counter and cabinetry in the study and did a fine job.

We didn't upgrade the kitchen counters because the builder's cost to upgrade was probably about what it might cost us to put in replacements down the road... so when these counters get too beat up, we'll upgrade. I'd like something on the island that I can put hot pots/pans down on, and maybe even a marble insert for things like pouring candy (as if! LOL).

I think the composite surfaces incorporating stone in some sort of matrix may be the way to go in future also (same concept as Trex and other manufactured lumbers that use recycled wood fiber with plastic)... although I do like the idea of choosing a unique piece of granite or whatever stone to serve as a pretty focal point... don't see any reason we couldn't mix & match down the road, maybe with something more gorgeous on the island and something more practical or less $ on the countertop that runs along the wall.

For "practical" it seems it might be hard to beat cement counters, which can be really attractive in the right setting, especially when stained and sealed properly. I've wondered about putting in a counter or an inset anyway of that black laboratory bench surface -- it gets marks and scuffs, but that just seems to be part of its character -- remember your chemistry classroom? and it's totally impervious to kitchen experiments LOL

Rockville, MD(Zone 6a)

Honestly - I have a $50 off coupon from Lowe's.

I had granite at my old place, so I have took the sealants with me. They are expensive. But I love natural stone. You can't beat it!

Thanks again for all of your help.

Yes cement is popular right now.

Rockville, MD(Zone 6a)

What is up with the cold temps in MD zone 7? I am from KY zone 6. The temps here are about 10-15 degrees colder per day. Any thoughts on American Plant? Nice place. I went there this weekend.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

A cold snap--March still being Lion. It'll be Lamb before you know it. Lots of daffodils budding or blooming- how's that compare to KY?

I don't have any useful information, but there's a really good bagel shop on the pike. Someone here probably knows the name. I mean the one that's just down the road from the mall. I don't get up there often, but it's a great bagel joint.

This message was edited Mar 24, 2009 8:52 AM

Rockville, MD(Zone 6a)

Most dafs and crocus are already blooming in KY. Tulips are close. I keep expecting some 70 degree weather, but its stuck in the 50s!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Wait until Friday or Saturday! It is supposed to be in the 60's....
But, alas, rain also predicted! We badly need it though....

Eric--You will get used to this weird weather here.....We have a saying----"If you don't like the weather---just wait a minute!".....

In less than a month you will be sweating beads wishing for cooler weather.....and so it goes...

Are you planning to come to Holly's Plant Swap on May 16th? There's a Post on it.....
Come and meet all this crazy, generous bunch of people..


Rockville, MD(Zone 6a)

I hope you are right. I need some 70s ASAP!!!! It's almost April for goodness sake! Thanks for the info on the plant sale. I need to take a look into that.

For you hydrangea lovers out there how do yours look so far? Any leaf buds swelling?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Ir is NOT a "Plant sale" but a "Plant Swap"---just like we just recently had a Seed Swap that Jill (ctitter) organized in Frederick.

It is a get-together to meet each other, share and swap plants you have extras of, or just chat and admire Holly's garden, etc... By mid-May, most people that grow things from seed will have all kinds of extras....Cuttings rooted, perennials dug up and divided, Houseplants started and all kinds of other things.......It is wild!!!!

It is also a PARTY...Everyone brings some kind of a dish to share. What's a get-together without pigging out on great food among "friends" ???

Here's the link to Holly's budding Plant Swap. You can, maybe, find someone to ride with. Several people live around the DC area.....Just ask! That's all!
I usually ride to these things with Sally. She lives in Millersville--kind of south of Glen Burnie.

On this thread people are also listing what they have to share--but as time gets closer--this listing and wanting will get more serious....And often people "reserve" something someone is offering and then offer something else in return....That is why it is called a "SWAP".

You will have close to 70* this weekend....but--also 50% chance of rain.....We need it! Too dry lately....

You know what is funny? Summer arrives here like--BAM! You get up one day, and it is 90! And that's that! You will see....

In case you are interested--the official frost-free date here is May 10th.
I always cheat--and start planting things out very end of April--holding my breath....
It's just the rebel in me! I will do things when I WANT to!!!! There.....

Gita Lilac last Spring--end of April.....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Eric, Gita's right, enjoy the cooler temperatures while you can - when the heat arrives you'll be longing for those cool days :) I haven't checked for leaf buds swelling on the Hydrangeas yet but I have seen signs of a teeny little bit of green on the Oakleaf Hydrangeas. Poor Magnolias are all sending out blooms and they're definitely not liking this cool weather! My favorite, the yellow flowering 'Butterflies', is already to pop and I'm hoping it will wait a few more days for the warmer temperatures to return :)

Rockville, MD(Zone 6a)

Thank you so much for the info! You guys are so nice. That's definitely a date I need to remember. I KY we use the Derby (first weekend in May) as the last frost date. But like you I normally start planting things way too early, and hope for the best. Eternal optimism for us gardeners!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Aww--c'mon Eric---You are NOT a dog!!!!
How about posting a REAL picture of yourself on your Home page????

I just believe everyone should.....It is hard to "talk" to someone---and you have NO idea what he/she looks like.....I am just a "visual" person! ...Need a "vision".....:o)

Ohhhh, Lawdy!!!!! Give me a VISION!!!!!!


Rockville, MD(Zone 6a)

Oh G I'm a little shy I suppose. I love my Pug, so I like to show him off :)

Any good places to find a part-time job? I'm new to the area, and need something part-time while I am looking for a full-time job. Something flexible....

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Home Depots are already hiring for the season-- NOW....Don't wait!

Ours is only hiring PT'ers....(to save money--NO benefits to speak of), but if you are good--and when the season ends--they will find another dept. for you.
Now--as far as being flexible--you will have a chance to submit your "availability" and you will be expected to work on those days and one of the weekend days...

Since HD is open from 6AM until 10PM weekdays-- and 8-8 on Sundays--all shifts have to be you will NOT have a choice of the hours--just (maybe) the days you can work.
If you are a hard worker and willing to do a lot of physical work--(see! We need to see a picture of you!) and seem to know about gardening--I would RUN and apply to work in the Garden Dept. This is the Dept. that is just kicking in and will be "insane" in just a few weeks. Your job will be close to brutal!
This "high" will last until, maybe, mid-June. Then the "dead months" of July, August and September start. NOT much going on--and PT's MIGHT be let go.

The next "high" will kick in just before Thanksgiving and then the hardware Dept. will carry the load....and the garden as well--with Pellet fuel, snow blowers, salt, etc....That is--IF we have a Winter!
Then Christmas and all that stuff will ride high for maybe 6 weeks...and then the next "LOW" of Jan, Feb, and March.....and we are back where we started....

The easiest department to work in is Paints. It is creative and fun! You get to chat with people and express your opinions. Paint mixing is now TOTALLY computerized!

Go and see how many associates you see in any given department. More than one--and it is a good sign. Three--and you know you have hit pay dirt! This will most likely be a "high volume" store. See the customer traffic....Does it look busy?
These stores produce more sales and, therefore, are allowed more hours, more associates and , hopefully, a bit better pay. Aim high! They can always say "No!". If you ask for too little--you just might get stuck with it. They are NOT interested in a resume! Don't bother!

You can go to and fill out an application. They also have computer-kiosks in every store where you can do the same. There are just more distractions....
Answer ALL questions!!!!! If you don't--it will be invalid. There are also a couple of "tests"....Like.."What would you do....don't do"...type of questions. Think retail--and answer what you think THEY want to hear!!!! Never mind what YOU think YOU would do!

Basically--if something unforeseen happens--YOU as an associate are NOT suppose to do much of anything....just get the Manager or your Supervisor! Keep that in mind.
Your application will stay active for 60 days and it is available to ALL the stores in your area. IF they like what they "see"--they will call you for an interview. It may NOT, necessarily, be the store you had in mind.

As for pay----different stores have different pay scales. Besides--Rockville is a "rich" area.
Like i said--the higher volume stores have a higher expense account. I would ask for at least $12-$13/hr. NO sense asking someone that works there how much you should ask for....What anyone makes is a BIG secret!
Aim high! Say you NEED that much to make ends meet. Be genuine and relaxed! Be confident!

As a new hire, they might just give you $10or $11 an hour--but that's not so bad! I believe $8/hr is the absolute minimum they start with--and that is often for giggly, young cashiers, the Lot attendants, etc.
You are a mature person (Yes--???) with work experience. Skills in dealing with people is important! Impress on that! If you have had any management skills, that is a plus as well.
HD loves self-starters and people that make their own decisions when needed and implement them as needed.
If, and when, you leave--make sure you leave on 'good terms"--and they will, gladly, take you back some day. Just FYI--The turnover rate in any retail store is pretty high. NO biggie!

Of course--you can also apply at Lowes. It is much the same!

The economy is hard even on the BIG "giants" of the retail world...Everyone is selective and careful. Lazy and nonperforming associates are not looked kindly at. They DO give you EVERY chance in the World, though. You are not just axed--unless you stole something or cheated in your hours worked or bad mouthed anyone--especially in a racial or discriminatory nature.

Call outs--lateness--and repeated offenses (They are all kept track of)--and you will be GONE!
I have been with HD for 11 years now and have seen many rules and policies come and go. One just has to learn to go with the flow!
Fortunately--I am now fairly isolated from the "floor" and all its ensuing problems and stresses. I sit in a BIG walled-in room and answer the phone. There are also 2-3 other people that work in there. We have 4 computer stations in this room and are located right behind the service desk.

Good luck, Eric!
Tell me what you are doing and especilally IF you applied.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks for all that Gita. I'm hoping my son will apply to a nearby Lowe's.

Rockville, MD(Zone 6a)

Thanks again Gita. I might do that. I found a side painting job for now, but that's just one job. If any of you need a room painted let me know. I am pretty good at painting rooms!

I am a very hard worker. I worked for the same company for eight years, and only missed two days. Once I find a full-time job I would need to quit the part-time one. But who knows how long that's going to take me.....

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Handyman jobs should be plentiful at this time! Especially yard work. Everyone is trying to save money and cannot afford to pay the professionals.

OH! How I need my LR/DR painted!!!! Been wanting to do it for years!!! My dilemma is deciding on the colors. Once all my plants are out of the house--I may need to consider it--seriously! Will keep you in mind.....You can even sleep over here--as I have a whole downstairs with bath and bed and all that.....

My LR is a jungle in the winter....Look!

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here's the DR end.....It is all one big room....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Oh good lord Gita, your LR/DR is almost as bad as ours! LOL I've been trying to get the cleaning lady to be more thorough but she's given up :( Told me last week that once we finally get ALL the plants outside she'll take plan to come once a week and take on one room at a time!

Eric, wish you lived closer, like Gita, our LR/DR, etc., etc. really needs a new coat of paint. I can't even begin to think about tackling the project however until our floors are done. Too many years of "old" dog accidents and plant mishaps have forced us to consider hardwood flooring versus carpeting :(

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hey, I don't live that far from Rockville... can I call dibs? Eric, let me know what your schedule looks like once you get settled in and whether you'd be willing to travel up this way. With help, maybe I can finally make some headway on indoor and outdoor projects around here! I can paint, but I get dizzy on even a very short ladder, so I can't do the tops of the walls! Also, I love the guy who cuts my lawn, but he wants too much per hour (over $50) to use him much for other garden stuff.

I've also recruited a couple of young teenagers, but they need close supervision or very well defined jobs in the garden (they did a great job helping me mulch last fall, but I did a lot of the actual spreading of the mulch (they shoveled and then set up a bucket brigade to get the mulch to me in the bed, so it was very efficient) except in one area where I simply shoved little orange flags into the center of every daylily and told them to mulch between and not cover up the center of any plant.

Rockville, MD(Zone 6a)

Thanks! How big are the rooms, how many rooms did you want painted and how all are the ceilings? Can you post some pictures? Frederick is not far at all. I would love to do both - painting and any landscaping jobs you need.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We should probably take this to Dmail... I'm glad you're willing! My schedule is pretty flexible for this sort of thing (I've been putting it off for years, LOL), but it would be great to have the living room & dining room painted something other than white! :-) Heaven knows I've been mulling over the color choices long enough.

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