First Candleing

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Alright!!! He's coming with the goods. That ostrich egg would be a bonus!!! I could keep it with the ducks! :0
I am trying to regulate the new bator. Not having much luck getting the humidity up in the still air one. That is the one I want up. I dont have any sponges! Man, the hermit crabs took them all!
:( I will be up all night at this pace. Can the stork adjust my incubator or is that against policy? hehehe Did he have any Valasic pickles by any chance?? I am hungry.

Clarkson, KY

With or without ice cream?

Clarkson, KY

JM -if you soaked a regular sponge in clorox water and dried it well once it would do...not great but maybe better than nothing? O wadded up paper towels in saran wrap like when you take the homemade bouquets home for Mom?

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Does it have to have saran wrap? I wadded up paper towel and put it in a short dish with water. It raised the humidity to 80. I am not sure it will last. Long enough I guess till I get sponges. Thanks Grow.
NO ICECREAM....the only babies I am having now are fluffy chicks (maybe an ostrich or two hehehe)

Clarkson, KY

......well you said pickles.....

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

LOL! Yes I did. False alarm!

Clarkson, KY

If I ever start talking raspberry Dole bars -you'll know- the Ostrich is hatching!!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Ohh that sounds sinful! Man, I am hungry now. Send in the ostrich!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

So you are gonna use the new bator for a hatcher?

Catscan showed me how she puts a tray in to hold the sponges.. (I use a tupperware type lid turned upside down..(so no sharp edges sticking up) and put the sponges on that.. and lean one sponge against the side wall just to get more damp surface area..

You might wanna line the bottom with paper towels in layers.. it's easier to clean than styrofoam. The wire would be okay.. but then the poopiez go on the styrofoam..

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Yes, the still air has become my hatcher. I put them in last night. So I can line the bottom of the hatcher with paper towel? I was afraid they would pip on the bottom and sufficate. Okay, I am paranoid I know. Great ideas with the sponges. I candled the second batch. I really did not expect to get much since they were 12 days in the mail. There are THREE wiggles! I can not believe it. DD and I looked and were surprised. I thought there were two last time I looked. The other must have been hiding.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

That is fantastic news! 12 days in the mail is a long time in this weather! Especially goin to your location.. amazing.. I'm happy for ya.

I would line the bottom with paper towels.. but that's just me. There is some goo and stuff when they hatch.. keeps it from falling through the wire and getting in the Styrofoam.

We are hatching together! I put 12 in the hatcher yesterday too.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

whoo hoo!

Elbridge, NY

only 2 says until swimmy and uno hatch:] (i hope they didnt die in the process) that would be sad:[ but i hope they hatch:]

(Zone 7b)

See i told don't give up on them because you never know^_^


Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

What's the update? Has Uno and Swimmy been knockin on the door yet? Are you talkin to them? I do.. Cody cracks up..

Lil wut wut babiezz... come out lil toot toot.. come on.. wut wut

Then if I go outside and say Come On.. wow.. stampede! LOL Even the big kids..

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I just cant believe it. I just dont know what I am going to do with all these babies if they hatch. I bought a huge tub to put the in as a brooder. Thanks for the encouragement! {{HUGS}}

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Well, I have a question. Is it bad that I have no noise (peeps) or egg movement? I am not sure. I keep looking at them. My eyes get crazy. I think I see movement but its not. They are just still. What do you think? They were developing fine. Just no movement. I dunno.

(Zone 7b)

Just a wait and see situation you got there;)

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

It's so hard to wait..
You may or may not hear peeping before they pip... I never did till this hatch... I know the hurting eyes thing.. I use a flashlight to look at them.. just cause you can see better. Always seems to make them move or peep when they are stickin their beaks out..
It was a long night last night..

They aren't due till today right?

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

yes, today is day 21. I sure hope we get something. Nothing so far. :(

Ferndale, WA

OH SC: Your killing me with all this drama. I'm all out of breath just reading your postings. incubator, spunges, paper towells, late eggs, early eggs, no movement, YIKES Girl, slow down! I'm totally out of breath. You know the drill!!! breath slowly breath slowly my dear. Ahhhhhhh thats right. now breath into the bag. I'm feeling better already. Chicks 4 ever You rock. Hold mommys hand and calm her down. Thatta Girl. Haystack

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Still nothing from swimmy and Uno. :( I stare at the egg till my eyes are dry.
Still nothing. I dont know....Stay tuned to...As the Egg Turns...This is a trilogy too!
Three batches of eggs. (Breathing into paper bag)

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Spoke too soon pipage! As the egg turns!! yippy

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Congratulations! I've been watching this all day too!!!! Now it can take a LONG time to hatch.. so you can take a break now!!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Break, I have had wayyyy toooo much coffee to break! I will stand and stare until its out. Okay, maybe I will take a little break. I started a launch... first launch...hehehe...I am giddy with anticipation! EEEEeeeeee!

Ferndale, WA

OMG: This is the MOTHER OF ALL CHICKENS: I have no nails left. I have never chewed nails before, It's all your fault. Someone pleeeeze take me to the infirmary. OH NO! Is that you sewincircle in the next bed over and *ooh so sorry* about chicks4ever, did she hit her head when she fainted. What has happened to my poor family? Prognosis is a little peep will wake us from this Chicken Stuper.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Yes, it’s awful! It pipped and now nothing. I stare, and stare, and stare...nothing. My eyes hurt. I feel like I am in a Rocky movie..."cut me Mick." Where is the baby?? I want to just pick it out. I know I can’t... it’s just my overly caffeinated mind going. Thanks for hanging in there with me. I have paced a hole in the floor. Chickens4ever got out the Karaoke machine and is singing to swimmy. Sure hope he likes country music. LOL

(Zone 7b)

JeanMarie I ask you to remember how tiny your baby is. It took alot of time and strength to just poke that one little hole and now it is resting. It doesn't need to be disturbed as it needs to build it's strength back for the hard ordeal of hatching.
I know how frustrating it is to sit and wait but it would be worse if you didn't let it rest and it was to weak to hatch.
Hatching is not quick and you will have to be patient and let your little one do what it needs to do to come into this world.
This is just as important as when you stop turning them and let them rest three days before they hatch they need that time to position themselves in the egg and then they start pecking at the egg.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Yes ma'am. I will sit like a good girl and wait.
(pouty lip) I am sick of Geology. need to crochet or something to keep busy.

Ferndale, WA

Harm: quit being so grandmotherly! Good girl, good girl. Just sit like a good girl. I am cracking up,, get it CRACKING.

Ferndale, WA

Pouty lip, Pouty lip : ( #*%_*%*%$# Hate this waiting Pouty lip, Pouty lip.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

My hatch is done.. I'm so tired.. LOL This was my first successful incubation.. 11 chicks out of 12 eggs.. I am totally hooked now.. but I'm crosseyed..

I want to hear something here before I go to bed. Come out lil Uno & Swimmy boo boo babiez!

edited to add.. DUH.. there is another thread ZZ.. I'm too tired....

This message was edited Jan 12, 2009 8:51 PM

Ferndale, WA

Way to go ZZ's I'll be looking forward to some great Pic's real soon. Haystack

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Great ZZ! Sorry, I fell asleep. You know coffe keeps you up only so long!!! Then Boom. It drops you. NO BABY STILL!!!!! Its a little pip! I see movement at the pip spot. aghhh!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Two pips, I repeat...TWO pips! UNO has broken the outer perimeter!
Sound the alarms, bells and whistles and all that stuf. wootwootwoot...
Both alive and peeping. Thanks for all the support everyone. :)

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

We have zip. I repeat zip.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Follow me....
This is where I put pictures. weeeeeee!

Ferndale, WA

CONGRATS DARLING: For unto is born a UNO & SWIMMY: Love the pic's They are so cute.. CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! Chicks4ever You ROCK. Haystack Now I can relax yessss.

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