First Candleing

(Zone 7b)

Sewin it takes at least a good 5 to 7 days to see development and i had a egg hatch once that was 13 days old so don't give up on them.
If you want a good candeler buy one of those mini mag lights and go into a dark room turn on the mag light and adjust until it's a tight little spot light.
Hold the egg between your fingers and place the light on the top so it shines thru the egg you should be able to see everything in the egg.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

that's when someone puts an icepack on your computer chair grow!

Clarkson, KY


Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Then I will wait 5 days or so to look again.
I am just nosey. I dont know what I am really looking at...until they swim, but I like to look.
I will get one of those if the egg light dont work. My egg lady is sending me an "egg light" as a gift. She sure is a sweet lady. She feels bad about the 12 day detour. I told her its not her fault. Ya know? Things happen.

(Zone 7b)

I still wouldn't give up on the first ones till you candle and know for sure. Thats great your getting a candler too Wow!
Who did you order eggs from are they the show girls like silkie has?

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I suppose they are the same type. She is from Texas though. That is why it has taken so long to get here i think.
I wont give up on them, I will wait like you said and try again in a 5 days.

(Zone 7b)

I really hope you are suprised and they all show they have babys UH OH will your DH freak!? I may need Grows rock...........

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Ya, he may freak...a little! hehehe
Thats okay. I can always find good homes for the ones I dont keep.
No need for rehoming yourself under grows rock! LOL

(Zone 7b)

I Want A Show Girl !!!

Clarkson, KY

Not under MY rock...well, maybe just one, if you come too Har...

(Zone 7b)

I have to hide from jeanmarie's DH i encouraged her to wait and candle the eggs and said i hoped they all hatched. I'm afraid her DH will freak and i don't want to get hit with the it when it hits the fan!
BOY! This music is nice Grow and what kind of wine is that? Do i smell Chocolate!!?

Clarkson, KY

I'm trying to remember your favorite show and tunes, can't come up with 'em though...(((wait!! hark!!! could it be???)))

(Zone 7b)

Thank You Grow♥ That made me cry and my son enjoyed it too!! {{{{HUG}}}}

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I hope that they all hatch too harmony

(Zone 7b)

They are just as likely to hatch as not keep your fingers crossed ^_^ I will be wishing hard for ya♥

Elbridge, NY

ooops I thought i was on mine and i posted on my moms ^ so that post is from me ha ha ha

(Zone 7b)

I knew it was you "Sweet Girl" ♥

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Okay, as nosey as I am and even more impatient...I candled the new eggs.
They are NOT clear. There is a round dark mass in almost all of them. (good? bad? or could go either way? let me know) Let me see... It is Day 3. One I can actually see a dark line. I will try to stay away...but I do have to flip them by hand ya know!
The other two are due next Monday. They are so big and have a nice air cell developed.
(giddy giggle) Swimmy does not have much room to swim anymore. Okay, with the staggered hatch do I remove the plugs on the last days of hatch??? I still have others in there. Boy, I may be in over my head again.

(Zone 7b)

Jeanmarie do you see veins thats what you look for red blood veins running along the inside with a black dot attached.

Don't know about staggered hatches i don't do those.

Don't over candle your eggs when you open the incu you are letting out valueble heat as well as humidity and disturbing the developmnent of the eggs.

Remember candle at 7 days & 14 days i generally don't candle after the 14 but some here do. I don't candle and don't recommend handleing or candleing eggs 3 days before hatch or during the hatch.
Others here do things differently than me it's up to you how you want to incubate and handle the hatch.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Well, I did not see any viens. I dont think my flashlight is very good. I need to get the madlight. I did not see the viens on the first two. They are getting so big. More than half the egg is full!

(Zone 7b)

The veins are what i go by maybe your light isn't strong enough to see them. If you see a mass that is probably development when i candle i see blood veins and the little blob.
When it's infertile you only see the clear egg and possibly the yolk.

I don't know what rotton eggs look like.

My son helped me and we took a pic of my little mag light candleing a egg i'm going to put in the incu. You don't see anything and the dark thing i think was the yolk i was in a hurry afraid my son would drop my future baby.

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Yours is lit up so nice. Its a little egg bulb.
I do believe i need a more powerful light to use. The lady I got eggs from is sending me a new egg light. I can wait.
Your son was a great assistant! Scalple, sponge, suction....clamp! LOL
Here is a site that shows bad eggs
Here is one with a video of a baby moving around!
Thanks Harmony and Son hehehe

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

The air sack should not move either.. if the "bubble" floats around.. it probably won't develop. We call em TACs (trans air cell) or something like that.. I think that usually happens during shipping.
The porous ones are really hard to see veins.. if they develop at all..

I have a couple of Seramas in the bator and didn't realize they were only on day 5 yesterday.. the lil spider web had this TINY lil embryo that moved like a grub worm! blew my mind.. the lil embryo was smaller than a pencil eraser and it MOVED! Whoa.. I am amazed..

I am quickly growing to like whiter eggs! So fun to see inside them!

I have showgirls due to go in the hatcher on the 17th.. the Seramas go in on the 18th... Keeping fingers crossed here too.

(Zone 7b)

Thanks ZZ i hadn't thought about the air cell and with the brown eggs it is hard to tell development.
Thankfully all mine lay white eggs and at 7 days i can clearly see the blood veins and the moveing blob.
I will try to get a pic when i set my bater and candle at 7 Days.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Oh ZZ I never thought grub worms could be cute, I have now changed my mind!!!
That is funny!! Yes these eggs are porous. They are "spotty". It is hard to tell what is what.
I dont even see an air sac yet. Just a dark blob.
I agree about the lighted eggs though. Swimmy and UNO have light pink shells and I could see everything a bit clearer!
Where are you getting your showgirls from ZZ?
Harmony, I cant wait to see more pics!!

Ferndale, WA

OK GREAT NEICE: enough suspense, How many days into the Hatching process are you? And oh yes What breed are they? I want to know everything, and oh yes I was right You are just a young whipper Snapper. I must admit I laughed very hard when you said hubby felt like he was married to a six year old. It's just to much fun isn't it. Like Harm said I hope they all hatch. What a journey!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I have two barnyard specials due next Monday the 12! So they only have 6 days left. Then i have 9 showgirls that I put in on the 2nd. (They came by mail though and it took 12 days to arrive so they may not be any good) The lady sent out a new batch yesterday. She was really dissapointed but nice. So if they were set on the 2nd, today they would be 5 or 6 days old. So I ought to be able to see something by now I would think. The lady who is sending me out new showgirls is also sending me an egg light. That is so nice of her! I have a flashlight I am using now, an egg light would be fun!!!!
Ya, DH just deals with it. He would probably like to hit me upside the head and tell me to act my age and not my shoe size, but he does not. He rolls his eyes and sighs big! He said NO chickens, then he built me a great chicken house. He said only 5 chickens, now I have 11 and 11more in the incubator. (some coming in the mail as well) hehehe
I will keep you up to date. Swimmy has gotten so big that I cant see through the shell anymore. Uno too. They will be here next Monday. Weeeee! Have a great day Great Uncle Haystack. Tell Great Auntie I said hello!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Okay, I candled the showgirls. Even after 12 days there are two definate eggs with viens and a black form. There are a couple of questionable ones as well. I had three I threw out. Thats neat. They are small but they are clear. Weeeee! But now the lady has already sent out new eggs. The first two are due Monday. The showgirls are due on my birthday! Isnt that funny? I did not even plan that!!

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Oh kewl very nice, did you crack open the eggs you threw away?

A birthday girl hmmmmmmmm!!!!!!

(Zone 7b)

JeanMarie if we lived close enough we could go out and celebrate our birthdays together.

Just Paint the town Red!!

I still can't believe our birthdays are so close together ^_^

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Me either!! If they arnt born on mine maybe they will be born on yours!!!
No, I did not break them open. I didnt even think about it! Darn it! I missed out on a learning experience. I will remember to do that next time.

Elbridge, NY

ha ha ha i cant wait 4 days until the 2 babys hatch and the others are on my moms birthday! :] hurray

(Zone 7b)

Jeanmarie just my personal advice but i wouldn't open the eggs. I did that with my first incubation and it was heartbreaking to open up the little dead chicks. Your susposed to open them to see what went wrong all i saw was a dead chick i would of never been able to tell what it died of haven't opened one since :(

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

These are so young I dont think there would be much to see. It was day 5 and no progress. I think they just did not develope. (no black dot or viens) I am always afraid they will stink. LOL

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I am so excited!!! We got our eggs (showgirl) today!
They were sent out Monday and it only took til today to get them.
Even with a ice storm and snow storm back to back. :D!
She sent extras and an egg light as a gifty!!!
I saw two of the others swimming today. I cant even explain how happy I am.
Thanks for listening, again. hehehe

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I went and bought an incubator. The only one they had in the hole area was a still air incubator. Its a Little Giant. Model 9200. The reason I did this was....I put eggs in the incubator at different times! I have two that are due Monday (so I stop turning and up humidity Sat.) If I up the humidity the other eggs that I set later will get too much humidity right??? So I could not think of anything else to do. I have never used a still air incubator, is it the same or is there something I need to do extra? I really do not want to loose them now. You know?

(Zone 7b)

Are you moveing the ones that are going to hatch or are you starting the new eggs in the incu?

I know it's different for still air and forced air go and look at Grows link thread it should be there.

It's hard to keep all this chicken info in one small brain LOL

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Too funny. I have to look it up. I need to move them tonight, which ever way is better to move.
There is so much to learn!!

Ferndale, WA

Hey I was sure I just saw a Stork flying by with a sign that said Elbridge, NY or bust. Would ya'll know anything about this? Looked like is was carrying something You know, some sort of UFO.

Clarkson, KY

Surely it's that ostrich egg!! they come special delivery...

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