How is everybodys weather

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I think some one left the freezer door open!!!!!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Oh no Harm! Not you too! I will start praying for you now.
Sure hope it gets fixed! (heat pump thingy) It must be tired right out!
I cant believe all the cold weather down there! phew!

(Zone 7b)

Well he will be back tomarrow and it's not a good time of year to be talking ""How much is it going to cost"" {{THUD!}}

Can't wait for the ax to fall on this little christmas suprise {{THUD!}}

Luckly we have a wood stove as a backup we use that at night so nobody has to stoke the fire all night. He did get it to work a little but said it will need parts wonder how much them parts is going to be?

Middleton, WI(Zone 4b)

We broke the local record last year wth 100 inches in one winter. All the local communities ran out of salt and started using limestome, ashes, wood chips, beet juice and anything else that would help. Local weather man said to expect 12 inches between tomorrow and the evening of December 25. Last Friday they closed General Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee until they could clear enough snow to get the planes off the ground. Several friends with family out-of-state are trying to change flights to tonight to try to make it out before the storm hits.

I didn't get cones or mulch over all the plants I needed t this fall, but my husband says all this snow is good news cause it will act like a natureal protectant. We'll see. I put in new elderberry and mock orange bushes this fall ... local greenery had a heck of a sale. My roses were already suffering from Japanese beetle attacks. And well, things got hectic this fall and I didn't winter prep as much as I should have. Please let's everyone cross our fingers that my DH isn't full of baloney.

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

ACK! Harmony - you are welcome to come over!

Seriously, if it gets cold, call me!

This message was edited Dec 22, 2008 9:54 PM

Belchertown, MA

Well, it's below 0 today. The water froze inside the coop even with the heater. (Not frozen all the way through, but still!!!) I just let the girls out for a little bit this morning, then I'm going to shuffle them back into the coop. Oddly, it's supposed to be 48 on Christmas Day. ????? That kind of weather change is the kind that will get you sick! Yuck!
Hope everyone is staying warm!!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Yup! Crazy! Its a quiet day in central New York. Its going to be in the upper 20's and the 40 tomorrow. Then Christmas a fine 35. Snow everyday, but nothing like we have had. We already have half of last years snow totals. hehehe and its only the third day of winter. It is, what it is.
Teresa, stay healthy and have a wonderful Christmas. You stay warm as well!
Hope everyone is staying warm as well.
Harmany, hows the heat thingy? DH comes home today? Sure hope its not to much.

Canton, GA(Zone 7b)

I want some snow.... :(
Last year it snowed one or two days, so we probably won't get any this year.
Sorry your heat went out Harmony. You'll be fine tomorrow at least. And you're right. It'll probably be real cold this winter.

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

just want to wish everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a prosperous NEW YEAR!! may you all stay safe and warm, and enjoy your time with family and friends.

Thumbnail by cndydavis
Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Thank you cndydavis! Beautiful frost.
Deanna, I am going to start throwing snowballs toward the south.
No promises though. I could UPS you some but with the holidays mail tends to be slow.
It could melt. Have a wonderful day! jeanmaire

(Zone 7b)

Well he came and looks like it's going to cost ?? he has to go get more parts?? and bad news we will if something else went wrong have to get a whole new system {{{{THUD!!}}}}

The good news is the parts will keep it going but it's old and needs to be replaced someday when i'm rich YEA RIGHT!!

Thanks Jenks how sweet of you♥ for the invite we have the wood stove and it heats real well so we will be okay.

Thanks everyone for your concern♥

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Get the smelling salts, Harm is down. slap, slap, slap...
Well, a temporary fix is better than nothing.
You will be able to get your new when when you have your prosperous New Year that cndydavis has called for! I am thankful you will have heat!

(Zone 7b)

I Nominate Cndydavis as the official New Years Fairy whose job is to bestow good cheer and happiness for the new year.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

weeeee! another official Fairy! wooohooo!

Canton, GA(Zone 7b)

I'll be waiting with open arms! Bring 'em on! Just throw really hard! Even if they don't make it here, I am sure that whoever sees you trying will get a good laugh!

You could probably UPS them if you packed them in dry ice... :-P

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

ahhh yes, the dry ice! of course!
Perhaps we could get a bucket brigade going to get them to you!

Canton, GA(Zone 7b)

LOL. And set a world record for the longest bucket brigade to deliver snow from NY to GA!

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

OOOO!! i dont know if i like being an official fairy!! oh what the heck!! sure hope your heat gets fixed soon.harm...and cheap!

The Dalles, OR

Ok, please tell our Fairies to turn off the danged snow faucet. Pleaseeeeee!!! And then to warm up outside slowly. We don't need a flood any of us.

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

ok copperstone..i'll do my best..the weather this year sure has been weird, and winter has barely started..maybe this will help think warmer thoughts..

Thumbnail by cndydavis
Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Ohhhhh, purdy flowers, (drooling on self thinking warm and spring thoughts about hatching)

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

What kind of flowers are those? ( I just know it's something I can't have) They look like they smell good?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

They are tropical, Plumerias and I can't even grow them up here outside. I am promised a cutting come spring.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Purdy, (still drooling a bit) hehehe

(Zone 7b)

HEY CUZIN WREN I'm waveing!!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Waving back!!!! Wish some one would turn on the heat!!!! It is not much warmer in the house than outside. 6 more days!!

I am in south west Atlanta.

Wishing every one a Happy Holidays

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

I knew it looked familiar. I killed a yellow one..... :( Maybe I'll try again and just leave it inside .....

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I will keep mine in a pot and build a pvc pipe cage around it for winter

I will try to get back later(am on DS laptop.)

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I have a wonderful 40 degree day here! My girls are out of the coop for the first time in days! Stretching legs and wings! They are out eating icecicles and everything! I cant believe all the cold weather down in your neck of the woods!

(Zone 7b)

LOL 6 days left and the heats comeing susposed to be in the 70s by the weekend!!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Really, thats great. It will give your heater thingy a break!
Did he get all the parts in and on it so its running?

(Zone 7b)

Nope! No parts availible for this old thing it's 20 years old!

He just patched it up and we got our fingers crossed it last till spring then we will have to find the funds for a new one.

But it's Christmas Eve and i want everyones day to be HAPPY!!!!!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Yes! happy here. I am watching the chickens outside having fun.
Kids are up and waiting for bedtime! hehehe

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Happy Holidays to All.

This morning it was our warmest morning in a week, 8 degrees above and no wind. There is somewhere between 15 and 18 inches of snow on the ground, which is good in this cold as it is a lot of protection for plants. The snow is light fluffy stuff, but I am running out of room to pile it when I shovel. I am a widow with angina, so can't do very much at a time. the fellow who works for some just came down from his place about 15 miles, and finished shoveling out my paths, There is more than 200 feet of paths to all the places I need to go. And I had only cleaned 100 or so feet. Supposed to snow some each day for the next week.

My chickens and guineas have not been out of the chicken house for about 10 days and they are unhappy. The is insulated and 2 heat lamps, one for roost and one for water. Just barely able to keep the water thawed. One silly little banty hen wants to set again. I take her off the nest, but next time I am in there she is back on. Twice I have bought the cheapest clump of lettuce at the grocery to share with them, a few leaves at a time. They love it.

Merry Christmas to All.


Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Donna, Merry Christmas to you as well. I have been hearing that Washington is getting hit hard this year! WARM wishes to you. I am thankful for people that help out those in need!
That little banty sure is persistant to say the least! Not a good time to sit on eggs in Washington! Doesnt she watch the weather? hehehe

(Zone 7b)

Merry Christmas Donna and may God Bless You and Keep You♥

Warm Wishes that your New Year will be Blessed with all you need and want and good friends to share it with♥

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Merry Christmas Donna. Where is Tonasket? I haven't heard of it, but with the snow fall I"m thinking you are on the west side? That's about the same amount we have down here in Vancouver. Its cool for a WHITE CHRISTMAS, but its pretty crazy. I haven't seen this much snow here since I was a child and even then its NEVER stuck around this long.

(Zone 7b)

Hey Kristen I bet your Beautiful Kids are just so excited that Santa is coming tonight!!

WOO! HOO! and i been good all year and theres alot of pretty presents under the tree with my name on them!!

Have a Merry Christmas Kristen ♥

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Merry Christmas Harmony! ♥

The snow has put a damper on our Christmas shopping, there aren't any presents under the tree for me, but I know I've been a good girl. ;-) Luckily Santa makes his stuff and has those handy flying reindeer. So I know that he'll be coming tonight for the kids. They are very excited.

Its snowing again and the inlaws are starting to call to say they can't come. Looks like we might have a very quiet Christmas Eve at our place. :-)

(Zone 7b)

Thanks Kristen and sorry about your shopping but this weather won't stop Santa remember he has Rudolph LOL

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