How is everybodys weather

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

meg_e & iwantchicks,
I'm right there with you. DH and I do our best to live off our land --what little we have-- with a big garden that is starting to take over the entire yard and our chickens. Our goal is to wait for the economy to pop back up so we don't lose our shirts on the house we're in. I've just recently set a "5 year goal" to be out of the city and in the country a bit more. It breaks my heart to wait, because the time is NOW for buyers. I've been seeing all kinds of lovely homes on 5+ acres just outside of town.

I'm a Data Analyst for the County by profession and I'm hoping that by then the County will support telecommuting. That way I can get even further out of town and not worry about the commute.

Anyway, I'm right there with you... get on *that* soap box anytime you want!

(Zone 7b)

I went uptown to a dinner today i saw 100s of homes so close together you could reach out the window and touch the one next door.
The traffic was horrible i didn't even see a cat much less a chicken and everybody was in a hurry.
There was homes literally wiped off the land to build mini malls and fast food places!

One place i had seen before and allways loved was a horse farm with goats and chickens. Today i went by and it was gone i know i hadn't been that way in 5 months BUT?
The barn,house,fence it was all gone bulldozed and about 50 mini mansion on the property i was just sick.
After the dinner we went back thru all the exspansive 100s of homes and concrete sidewalks and stores and more stores.

I told my DH when i get home i'm going to kiss my fence gate,all 4 dogs,every chicken and all the trees and even my house number and say ""Thank you God for lettin me live in the country""

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

My water is frozen, I would imagine the chickens water is as well!
My pipes are frozen and I am not sure what to do. I cant reach my DH.
I have little heaters aglow at every sink.
Not sure what else to do! I sure hope they dont burst.
That would not make my day , or night. :/

(Zone 7b)

OH! I'm so sorry I don't know what i could do except pray and hope {{{{{EXTRA BIG HUG}}}}}

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Body heat....good call. I will go and {{{{Hug}}}} the pipes.
Only, I am not crawling under the house...hmmm.
I sure will take the prayers! hehehe

(Zone 7b)

This is when i wish i was close so i could come over if for nothing but moral support ♥

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Thanks! Your prayers worked DH is coming home!
He just got the 5 messages I left for him!
He will fix it. He is a handy DH! ♥

Clarkson, KY

Open one tap to let off pressure, hot if possible. Look, think about where is the most exposed area...

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

There is a door to under the house. It is the only weak spot I can think of. The wind is so strong and cold it must be just too cold for that door area. I am turning on a tap. Thanks!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

DH just crawled under the house at that door. He brought a small space heater with him to plag in and warm the pipes there. I sure hope that works.

(Zone 7b)

OH!! Thank God i was worried i hope it works got my fingers and ears crossed ^_^

Grow are you lurking i didn't think you were here ""Hey speak up""♥

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I have water!!!! DH is home for 20 minutes and BAM! I have water. It sure is cold here tonight.
I think I need more heat for the chicken coop! I only have one 250 watt bulb. poor babies.
I need to plant a line of trees to block the wind. Unfortunately it will also block that wonderful view of the woods! Priorities?

(Zone 7b)

YES!!! I'm glad your DH came thru for you!!!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Me too, He gets {{{♥ hugs}}}

Tacoma, WA

My oldest son & I just got home from the Seahawks Game, they won!! YAAH!!

We have about 6 more inches of snow since we left this morning.

My hubby was up all night helping with the homeless at our church, we opened because there just isn't enough room at the local shelters. sewincircle, It sounds like we were all blessed with some pretty great men!! Glad to hear you knight in shining armor came to the rescue before anything burst!! ; )

Clarkson, KY

Way to go all!! We're hunkered in here at 7 degrees...not too much wind yet...

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

it is windy tonight and hit 0, i'm freezeing my feet off here. lowest it has been before now this season is like 15-20 out. i'm praying we all make it through this tonight especially the rabbits and the poultry outside. i'm keeping my fingers crossed and praying all pull through this it's the worst it has been so far and winter is just beginning.

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

hi all!! new to the forum, but i love reading about all your chickies!! at the time i only have 16 golden comets, but they are fun.
it is SOOO cold here..right now it -1 with a -15 windchill..i dont think my girls will be outside today.i dont want to be outside!!
looking forward to being an active part of the forum.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

i look forward to it since u r the closest to me here on dave's,lol. i sent ya a d-mail back the other day to the one u sent me not sure if u got it or not.

happy holidays!!!

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

yes silkiechick i got the dmail. this is definately great to have someone got around to seeing it this morning...i have those days that i am braindead.!! its hard to get
stay warm all!!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

WOW! I wish you all were further North? Consider a move? JK
You really arnt THAT far from me. I am Central NY.
I sure hope we can all do a show or something this coming Spring (as we discussed Silkie)
It would be fun, the more the Merrier!
Yup, 2 hour delay for the Kids today! wind chill advisory.

Canton, GA(Zone 7b)

Wow, and I thought GA was cold today. My phone said it was 19 at 530 this morning when I got up. Every piece of clothing I put on felt that cold too!

Everyone stay warm this week!

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

My themometer said 18. There are not enough things to put on to make this tolerable! I even considered putting a second blanket on my arabian mare.

I am not sufficiently equipped for this weather! Need full length down coat and super gloves!

Canton, GA(Zone 7b)

Agreed! I felt like an eskimo all bundled up this AM, I couldn't even turn my head.
I am sitting in my cube with a blanket and a space heater (old building).

Call me a wuss, but Georgia shouldn't be this cold!

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

I'm a wuss too! I was going to do some last minute shopping today, but I'm not so sure now! Good day to stay inside and clean the house! I'm sorry you are at work! I took this week off and then my DH gets sent out of town - again.... grr.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I didnt think GA got that cold! Guess I was wrong.
I just dug out the door to the coop run. All the snow was piled up against it.
Phew. I will have to do it again though in awhile when I go out with warm water because the wind is crazy and put it right back.
Makes for fun days! Intersting at least. hehehe

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

SNOW would make this weather OK!!! LOL I'd like some snow.....

Bridgewater, ME

This is what we woke to this morning and its not over with yet,its hard to tell the inches because of the high winds,about 16 inches I`d say acording to the tv,with winds 10 to 20 miles per hour and gusts of 40.Its 13 degrees right now,going down to 12 below tonight with winds.We live on a hill so its bad here,just trying to keep driveway and walkway open is hard to do.My chickens must be getting coop bound havn`t been out for a week or more because of the cold,now the snow and cold.Tomorow sun but high winds again.Still snowing here hope its done soon.

Thumbnail by green04735
Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

sure sounds like we are all in the deep freeze. our temp was 1 and -20 wind chill. right now its still only 3, brrrr the "girls" are definately staying in today. we dont have alot of snow and from what they say we wont have a white christmas. supposed to rain..oh well cant mess with mother

Canton, GA(Zone 7b)

I agree completely Jenks. If it is this cold (18 here now) then there should definitely be snow. Otherwise I'm not interested. I can't even imagine using a snow shovel or plow or whatever that is in that picture :-P. I'd probably plow over myself.

Stinks about your DH Jenks. That's the way it works alot of the time though.
I lucked out with my job, even though I have to work and it's way to cold to leave the house. I work today and tomorrow and then am off the 24th to the 5th, so I am SO excited to have some time off!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Burrr!!!! Who left the freezer door open. Hold of on the snow up in Ga I have to be up there from the 23-29 and the Florida gal does not know how to drive in snow!!!! LOL

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Hard to even imagine all that freezing cold and snow... I know I'm a wuss.. LOL I have stayed out of this thread cause it's a mind bender and it makes me feel I have no right to complain about what we have to deal with as far as weather!
You guyz are tough!

Canton, GA(Zone 7b)

S'ok Wren. It's supposed to be in the 60's through the weekend, so it won't be too bad for you! Crazy Ga weather!!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

What about crazy florida weather?

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I'VE GOT A FOOT OF SNOW!!! That's unheard of in the Portland/Vancouver area!

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

it sure is Lazy_Ladies! i lived on whidbey island for about 7 years, and we only saw about 2 in of snow the whole and they say global warming..not after the temps we saw..

(Zone 7b)

Hey all had my heat pump crap out on me and had to call the heating and air folks.
Must be it's never had to work this hard before and it's all stressed out like me.

I literally hate going out in 18 degree weather and giveing water but i love my chickens more than i do my frost bite fingers BBBBRRRR

Jenks and deanna yall are like me it's way to cold in GA. for this time of year. I'm terrified as to what our real winter in jan/feb holds bbbbbrrrrrr.

Thank the lord it's supposed to be in the 60s come weds.

ZZ i know the guilt of complaining of our little weather events when others like silkie,Green,cndy,sewin and kristen have it ruff and so many others.
Got all you in my thoughts {{{{{HUGS♥}}}}}

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I am afraid that this weather is a sing of global warming. All the melting ice is throwing off the current
in the oceans, and sending the warm water else where. It is very complicated.

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Oh Harm - are you all warm now? You can come over ya know?! If my DH wasn't out of town, I'd send him over to tinker....

Wren - glad that you've read more into it. I'll bite my tongue, but I get a little disturbed when folks comment on the cold and try to use it to dispel global warming as if it's a myth. Probably a taboo subject here though.

The Dalles, OR

We are over 2 feet of snow now.

Could someone ask the snow fairy to turn off the faucet now? I think we have enough.


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