New here

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Yes. I have 2 bantam roos, 1 bantam hen and 4 bantam pullets. I also have 3 William Mac Crae roundheads (game fowl) 2 hens and 1 roo. My 1 bantam hen has started laying again and the pullets better get with the program soon! I really didn't figure to get any eggs again until spring but my little girl is a real trouper. I have 1 muscovie duck hen also. We call her Miss Quackers. She hasn't started laying again since she molted.

Do you have any chickens?

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Not yet. My DH & I go back and forth about it. I want to wait until I have more time I think. At least by retirement I want some! But I figure that I better get some eDu-Me-Cation about them.

(Zone 7b)

Hello everyone had a big day yesterday and slept in.

Hey Jenks i'm going to have to get out and find that road. Claire theres so many back dirt roads and pig paths here it's hard to keep up with them all.
Jenks have you ever been to the blue willow inn their food is so good. I have their pecan pie recipe as a neighbor i'll share if you want it.

I been here 20 years and still go place's i've never been and didn't know was there. LOL

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)



Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Yep~ My husband took my DD to a birthday party and the grandparents of the BD Girl wound up owning it? He said they were really nice and we've heard good things about it so we took my parents there last time they were in town. I should have gone when I was hungrier! I couldn't even get a bite of everything there! I love fried green tomatoes!!

I'd love the recipe! This is the first year I've been able to collect a lot of pecans from our trees. The squirrels usually get 'em all, but I guess the stray cats are keeping them away?

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Someone get the smelling salts! Who said Pee chan in front of Moxon?

Claire? Are you okay?

(Zone 7b)

Jenks Dmail me your mailing address and i will get it right to you.

I remember the road now it's up from the intersection and freds going towards monroe. I use to have kin over there and they moved to florida. I know someone thats got bantams in monroe and i missed the chickens show they had this year. DARN! my friend bought some beautiful chickens there and i was so jealous i will not miss it next year.
You know i think that hardees in monroe is the last one in GA. i've ate there many times on my spring yard sale runs.

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

We really need another fast food joint around here. Have you ever tried to get breakfast there on a weekend? It's crazy!!! There's like a 30 minute wait!

Yep, first road on the right after Fred's is Lipscomb!

(Zone 7b)

My son an I eat lunch there when i'm scopeing out the spring yard sales. Oh and i love the meat department at freshway we get alot of meat there for BBQ in the spring and summer. Have you been in the old store in town it's like walking back in time "Claude T Willy's". I come over to the ace hardware in the spring for the plants and flowers.
Did you ever eat at the Log Cabin I miss that place we ate there about 3 times a week. Do you know why they closed the burger king?
If you want some good food come to rutledge to the Yesterday Cafe never been but i heard it was good. My son and his buddys take there work lunch hour there and he swares the pie is to die for.
They will be haveing Caroling in the park there not sure of the date and they have other things like blue grass bands in the summer.

Oh gosh i'm just blathering like Grow says

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Advisrian I hope you didn't get chased away. Do come back and participate in your own thread!!

(Zone 7b)

Yes please come back Jenks and I would like to meet a fellow Social Circle neighbor.

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

I went to there once with my neighbor Cindy. It was really good. I've been meaning to do it again ever since.

Elbridge, NY

Hi I'm also new:]
I just joined today
(my mom is Sewincircle)
I watch her on here all
the time so I pretty much
know what to do but I don't
really know anyone but
CMoxon, Harmonyplace and
Grownuts. So i was hoping
that people could introduce
their selves so I could feel
more welcome:]
Thank you,

(Zone 7b)

Chickens4ever welcome to Daves why don't you start a new thread and introduce yourself.
The ladies here will come out and say hello.

Elbridge, NY

ok i will take your advice and start a new thread:]

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

I tink we skeered 'er. Don't be skeered Advisrian!

That's an interesting tell!

(Zone 7b)

Hey Jenks the recipe is on it's way got it in the mail today!

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Thank you ma'am! Surely it will be better than the Wal-Mart one I served after Thanksgiving!!! LOL

(Zone 7b)

Trust me your guest and family will beg for you to make more. My DH has already ask when was i makeing some more LOL

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Do you have an easier way of shelling pecans? Or cleaner method? If it's nice out, this time I send the kids and DH to the porch for shelling 'em!

(Zone 7b)

No my DH doe's mine in the kitchen but he cleans up after his self.

(he knows if he's good he gets pecan pie)

Clarkson, KY

DDad does it here -same reason -no shell-y no pie-y...

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Good mantra! I'll try that.

Clarkson, KY

repeat all day long if necessary. (actually I think he shells during {the game} )

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Snortin' Out Loud!

(Zone 7b)

They say the way to a mans heart is through his stomach. I got the pecan pie to prove that and now Jenks will have the magical powers of the pecan pie. It will put any man under your spell and he will shell pecans day and night just to have it again.

(Zone 7b)

There is a good cracker it has a handle and looks kind of like a bullet. I've had mine for years but it really doe's a good job cracking pecans.

Clarkson, KY

Wonder how we'd go about findin' one...

(Zone 7b)

Found it here But i've had mine for 20 years my MIL gave it to me.

Jenks you might could check ace or that old hardware store on main street in monroe.

Clarkson, KY

Perfect!!Thanks a mil!

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Oh that's interesting....a serious nutcracker! I'll try not to go too crazy with it.....

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