New here

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Why be sorry just join the fun.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

With spraddle leg it works perfectly within about 1 week. I make my ties out of a long thin strip of polar fleece that I cut with scissors off the side of a larger piece. Avoid using prints with red in them. Makes the other chicks peck at it.

One good thing about that particular leg amputation might be that since the leg is essentially useless, the blood flow might be very limited. Have a lot of styptic powder on hand. There was a thread on BYC about a hen that had to be cut open below her vent to remove an impacted egg thing and she did really well. They didn't even anesthetize her. I was very impressed. Of course, mind that everything is nice and sterile. Oh! You know what I wonder. Well, of course you don't know because I haven't said it yet. But, anyway, a lot of people remove their goat's horns by using these things called elastrator bands. They are really for castrating purposes in calves and pigs and stuff but you can get different sizes. They cut off the blood flow and the horns fall off after a couple of weeks. I wonder if you could do that with the leg. There is a tool for putting them on.

Clarkson, KY

That might work well for all but the tendon?

Lodi, United States

I was thinking about doing that when it was younger. One of my NN chicks got a string of cheese cloth wrapped around its leg just after it hatched . When I got home from work the leg was blue and I though it was in big trouble. But I managed to cut it off and it recovered very quickly. Now with all the bone formation I think it might be too traumatic. Maybe I could ice the leg and do a swift cut. I just don't know if it would be better to do it at the joint or above.

Clarkson, KY

Ok. When butchering (shudder) the easiest thing to do is to sever the tendon at the back of the knee. There is little else there, no bone- no muscle. It just gets you to that clean end we all remember from our fried chicken legs we fought over as kids. This is what made me think of removing it as a possibility. Least intensive procedure. Cuts between everything. It would need to be closed and the tendon should probably be secured to something. But you would be able to avoid touching muscle and bone, which surely is a plus...

Lodi, United States

Doesn't the tendon sort of shoot up the leg when you sever it? (Okay we are probably losing readers here).

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Not me, I'm fascinated. And why does he need the tendon if the leg doesn't work anyway?

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Why do I keep coming back....Thud

Lodi, United States

Somebody slap sewincircle, put her head between her legs and administer smelling salts.

I think the tendon forms a little ball when it bunches up--but I don't think that is a real problem. I wish someone was here to help hold the bird down and consult on the best course of action.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Thanks, I needed that.
phewww...I feel a bit better
Are you really gonna do it?
How do they walk on just one footy?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

They hop. My Elvis hops.

Catscan - you helped ZZ with hatching, now she can help you with hatcheting (sorry, irresistable).

Lodi, United States

Don't know. It might be worth the effort--but I don't want it to suffer needlessly either way.

Lodi, United States

I would use a scalpel. I have them from work. But they might be too flimsy.........hatchet, hmmmm?

Clarkson, KY

I was worried about what the detached muscle would do. acupuncture? you could pin it? I'm running out of ideas. Handing 'puter over to DD 'til the top o' the hour.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

There must be acupuncture vets near you. There are even those in Des Moines! Maybe they could help.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Palmbob is a vet he is to be found on Cactus or pet forums.

Lodi, United States

I wonder if he does birds?--most vets won't. But I could ask, I guess.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Come on you guys I have things I need to do but this conversation is addicting.

Lodi, United States

Don't look in the Moxon's eyes. You'll never escape.

And grownut will convert you to the pleasures of living under rocks....we all do it now.

I was quite normal until I found Dave's.....

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Speak for yourself. I was never normal. But now I'm even more abnormal. I prefer to think of it as eccentric rather than abnormal.

Oh, tonight I just purchased a penguin needle felting kit from Etsy so I can learn how to do needle felting for when my sheep and llamas are shorn in the spring. How fun is that. I never thought about needle felting back when I was closer to normal. That was before you all convinced me to get more chickens.

Lodi, United States

Oh, whew! At first I thought you bought a penquin!

That's nice dear--just stab away. (Has anyone warned Kelly?)

Social Circle, GA(Zone 7b)

My...Off topic...
I can't get on very often....sorry.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Advisrian, see what you started? LOL

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Sorry Advisrian. We completely hijacked your thread. So glad to see you back!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

That all right. On this forum you just need to get them started and they will run away with it. I do not have any poultry or livestock but they have made me welcome any way. And I spend a lot of time on this forum.

Some time things get lost in the stampede, so if you don't get a response do not be upset.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Okay.. as willing as I am to do whatever it takes for our babiez.. this is morbid. I broke my arm in 5 places and now it has a plate w/8 screws holding it together.. That is the worst pain I've ever experienced, and trust me, I've been hurt many times! I was hit by a car 3 times.

Okay.. My point being.. broken bones are severely painful.. I can't imagine how bad that would hurt.. and the tendon.. wouldn't that control the entire leg?

I thought of the rubber band thing too.. but like frostbite, it's terribly painful for a while..

If it were me, and it was suffering, that would be one thing.. but not this.. Let nature take it's course..
Can you believe it Catscan?

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm sorry too Advisrian.. You call the shots on your own thread.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

ZZ I though I was a accident going some place to happen but you have me beat.

Clarkson, KY

I know it's impossible to tell, but I do try to behave....with a marked lack of success.

Lodi, United States

Umm..We were just trying to keep your thread active, Advisrian, until you came back!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

ZZ, do you set off airport security alarms?

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Welcome Ad. I stay mostly on the equine forum but I have a small flock of various fowl so I visit here a bit. You can sure learn a lot here. I have a sick roo right now. It's my game cock. I think he caught something from the dadblame ducks that come up out of the creek to drink his water. GRRRR I pushed a keflex pill down his gullet this afternoon and now DH has brought me home some powder to add to his water. He is perking up nicely and eating all the bread I will give him. I have been praying for him. Sure don't want to lose him. He was a gift from a friend and I just love him.

I have friends who go to the Mt. Paran Church. Small world.

Thumbnail by CajuninKy
Clarkson, KY

Could you tell us about the Keflex pill? Haven't heard that one...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I took Keflex before for a bronchial infection. Weird if you can give it to chickens.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Somebody on my blog has asked me about hens that lay plum colored eggs.....have any of you heard of this? I must have one if they exist...

Lodi, United States

I think Keflex is a very powerful broad spectrum antibiotic. My son was given it for blood poisoning. I didn't know that they gave it to birds either.

Game Fowl are so beautiful!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

That's what I gave him. It was one my DH had for bad head cold. He is a diabetic and colds always give him problems. The friend who gave me the roo has raised chickens for eons and he is the one who told me to give it to him. It's a broad spectrum antibiotic. The powder DH picked up is oxytetracycline HCI.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

No.. never set off a metal detector.. LOL I wondered that myself.

Clarkson, KY

Thanks for the info!

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Cajun I didn't know you had chickens!

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