New here

Social Circle, GA(Zone 7b)

hi, i'm advisrian. I'm new to Dave's Garden. Any tips? I'm not really sure what to do here....Help?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Hi! Just jump right in. I do not have any chickens but I love this wonderful group.

Clarkson, KY

Read along, nose around, and chime in whenever it suits you. We all did! Ad just look where it got us! You are very welcome. Just beware -we are not too very shy around here!!! More incorrigible lunatics. (I speak mostly for myself but I have a sneakin' suspicion others will say the same...)

Ferndale, WA

welcome to Daves garden and the Poultry forum: Wren, and gronut said it all. Just come along and join the adventure, chime in with your owns to cents and if you have animals, espec, chickens all the better. We love to hear your experiences and share in your joy's and disappointments as well. Haystack

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Nice to meet you advisarian! I am jeanmarie. I am kinda new as well but it did not last long.
I have really enjoyed all the wonderful people I have meet through this forum!
I do a lot of reading but have found that I really enjoy injecting myself into everything.
hehehe! Be is adictive though. I find myself reading and chatting A LOT!
Do you have any chickens? Ducks?
Where is Freemont Center? I am from Elbridge (central) NY.
I am also a bit nosey, sorry.

Social Circle, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks. I have one cat, Luke, but I am a 'fan' of chickens and goats and horses and cows and sheep an...You get the idea. :)

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Well as I said on the other thread come join us on other forums. If you have not subscribed you can not talk to us but read away and enjoy. I do not have chickens thought I wish I did.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Well, it is nice to meet you! Join in any of the forums!
We sure do like fun people!

Social Circle, GA(Zone 7b)

May the chicken be with you..

Lodi, United States

Ah, I discern by her last comment that she is ONE OF US!

(Zone 7b)

Hello Advisrian Welcome to Daves! I'm Harmony and i'm just a stones throw from social circle.
Do you know Jenks shes from social circle also?

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Welcome Advisrian! I'm ZZ or "Mother Bird" while I have my first hatch going on right now. I love it here.. so fun to be silly... feel free to join in. Won't be long.. you'll get the hang of it and you'll be throwin cupcakes with the rest of us!

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Wow! THis is a first!

I am off Lipscomb in Social Circle - are you nearby? As we only have one stop light, I'm sure we have passed each other! LOL

(Zone 7b)

Lipscomb? Lipscomb? hhhmmmm Jenks is that close to that pond with the island. Or is that more where the big horse farm is going to the park? I know i have seen that road.........

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Fair Weather Farm (? horse farm) is on Mt Paran Church which Lipscomb ends on...the one that has the helicopter behind the barn? I believe they are into Quarter Horses. I can't think of a pond with an island though there are several ponds around.

(Zone 7b)

Still can't place it.........are you close to knox chapel area.....or are you on the other side of town going towards monroe.......?? (landmarks?)

Clarkson, KY


Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Yep, I'm on the Monroe side. About 5 miles from Hard Labor Creek?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I'm up the big dirt road that turns onto the other smaller dirt road and then curves to the right and then you go behind the berm, the one opposite the pond with the frogs that are so loud in the spring, and you go past that stack of old round bales, and then you turn right at the mailbox. Now y'all know where to find me! (giggle)

Lodi, United States

Well grownut we can't go looking under every rock to find you.....

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Mox, I'm just down from there.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Cool! I figured ya must be pretty close!

Lodi, United States

On the left or right? I am on the right if you are going North.

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Well, I'm on the left from Mount Paran Church, but ya gotta take an immediate left once ya get on it and then I'm on the right! Snort!!

How're the babes Moxie? I can't allow myself to get sucked in too much. But...I can live vicariously!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I'm on the right from the large brown metal barn, but our barn is the grey one. If you are going west. If you're going east, I'm on the right, after the field with the old metal implements in it, which is just after that house with the green trim and the stones.

Jenks - the babies are all well except for the black tailed buff, who is having leg problems. I have done a small leg tie which has helped in the past with similar problems, although on this one it is not helping as much. Might be why it was so late to hatch. Sometimes the problem chicks are that way. :-(

The others are adorable, fluffy and sprightly in their behavior!

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

I swear I gasped.

I think I might be too wimpy for this. A leg tie? It's not like a weak legged foal you can hold up for nursing? If separated it won't strengthen?

I'll have to wait for new photos on your thread?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

The problem in this situation is that the chick can't stand up properly. It just falls over on its side/back every time it tries to walk. You can stand it up and it will hold for a second and then fall over if it tries to move. If you tie the legs together, gently, with a length of soft wool, and you tie them with appropriate slack between so that they will be able to move normally, sometimes it fixes the problem. You can do the same for splayed leg (also called spraddle leg) when the leg sticks out to the side. That is a much easier fix. I have had this leg/fall over thing about 4 times and I have fixed it twice, the other times the chick just can't move to eat and drink and it dies. I know it is very sad and hard to take, believe me, it just ruins me every time something goes wrong with a chick.

Here is how it looks. This one did great and is fine now.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Oh look at the widdle toes....

Do they breed normal babies? Is it genetic? Do you make them layers if so and not breeders?

I know it's not feasible, but if you make sure it can eat and drink, do they recover? I know it should be survival of the fittest, but... just curious.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I don't think splayed leg is genetic. Others might chime in on that. I'm not sure why it arises but I have read that it is more of a problem if you have a slippery surface material like plastic or metal. I use polar fleece which shouldn't be slippery but still sometimes it happens.

I did try the eat/drink with 1. After a while it could get to the waterer and feeder by itself. It hobbled on its hocks (like the backwards knee part of the leg). Those got really swollen over time. Then even though it was eating and drinking, one day it was just dead. It was about 3 weeks old. I just don't want to go through that again, so if the little leg strap does not fix it, I don't want to prolong their suffering.

Lodi, United States

Some people think there is a genetic susceptiblity--it does seem to appear more in some breeds and lines than others. But there is also suppose to be an enviornmental influence--and keeping the young chicks on rough surfaces seems to help prevent it.

I am about to have to euthanize an older chick with what appears to be something more extreme--one leg sticks out straight behind it and is causing it to become deformed as it tries to compensate. It is such a bright and otherwise healthy bird--it is killing me.

Moxon has developed a great tie system and it has helped a couple of mine when I couldn't get the usual bandage splint to work.

Clarkson, KY

For my rock, you travel north from Nashville, hang a left past the cave, go on to the end where the gas station is and hang a left. I'm across from the rubberband frogs near the old cemetary.

Never dealt with splayed leg.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ugh...sorry Catscan....that's an awful situation to be in. I would be equally distressed. I have a rooster that hops on one leg. You don't suppose it could be a hopper, could it?

Clarkson, KY

Gah, skimming and I'm in trouble again!! Sorry Cats. We have a hen whose leg sticks out at a 90 degree angle from her body -thought I would have to do what you are contemplating but really she does very well and is a happy camper so we are letting her be for now... Can your roo locomote?

Lodi, United States

The problem is the leg sticks out behind--it should be removed, but the chick was hoping around on its one good leg--although it stayed low because the bad leg prevents it getting up. I just noticed today that the posture is causing serious twisting of its spine. If I knew how to amputate the bad leg, I would. But we are starting to approach serious quality of life issues. Does anyone know how to do an amputation? It probably should have been done much earlier.

These are just pets--not for breeding and I have more eggs than I need--so I would do anything to help. I just won't make it suffer.

Lodi, United States

Poor Advisrian--we have hijacked her thread every which way. I wish she would come back!

Clarkson, KY

This is multiple hijackings!! Now I'm going to frighten her off completely!

Amputate -uggh. Theoretically, I believe you could sever the tendon below the knee and just cut and stitch without touching any muscle, but the only thing I can think of for healing is either stitch and sear (as in all those old civil was horror stories) or stitch, disinfect, and pad/wrap. I'm fairly frightened by what I'm saying here, however.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

EWWWWW! thud
(me hitting the floor)

Lodi, United States

Hmmm. Maybe I'll just Google "amputate". Just afraid of what I'll find.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

what...what...what happened?
Oh ya, amputate. ewwwww!
I dont think I could do it.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm sorry but I have yet to find any other forum that is this entertaining. I have dealt with spradle leg before but in guinea fowl. I just can't imagine tying their legs together but I guess I will try anything once.

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