What's Happening in YOUR neighborhood today #11

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

No flooding here - it has cooled off a bit and been snowing all day!

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

still about 8in of snow here but going fast. Sunny today, that should make quick work of the black ice around here.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

It was up to 10 C (that's +10) today. Neighbours were out searching for storm drains amongst the ice and snow and I think most were opened up; so flooding should be kept to a minimum. Quite a change from yesterday and this morning when I wouldn't go anywhere without icers strapped to my boots.

Ann - what a close call for your nephew. Bound to be traumatic too since he wasn't able to save the other driver. I hope he gets some counselling if he needs it.

I've been busily working on preparations for our large open house "Epiphany" party which is next Sunday. If early responses are anything to judge by this one could be a large one.

Happy New Year to all of you.


Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Beautiful and sunny here..quite warm compared to the last couple of weeks. I even sat outside with a light sweater on this morning and had my coffee and read the paper..

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

What an AWESOME day yesterday here in Thunder Bay .. spent oodles of time outside just messin about with wee Lilly .. it was so nice and mild .. SMOKEY even went outside !!
We have NO flooding .. but .. if the local radar pic is TRUE .. it seems we must be getting some snow right now .. too dark out for me to tell ..

Off to town today to look for more bread making ingredients .. so far I have had 3 good loaves, and one flop .. and the flop went to the Blue Jays and Grey Jays ^_^

Hope everyone is warm and dry !!


Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

M, enjoy your breadmaker. Today the weather her is:
rain............. no, it's snowing.................no, it's rain & snow with winds,...............no, it's sunny.................., no, it's raining and windy............... well, you get the idea. I've retrieved the car from the end of our hill where we left it last night because of the black ice. Out to do some shopping for groceries to last a few days in case we're stuck here again.

Viola Ann, you sure are busy.

Edmonton Ann, I hope your nephew is coping.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Sort of 'warm' here!

Trying to get back into my normal morning schedule. Walk the dogs, go to Curves ( after spending a couple of hours drinking coffee ,reading newspaper and time on computor) Cleaned some more packed snow off the back gate patio area. Did not bake any cookies!

I have done so little the past couple of weeks it has been so cold that it is hard to get back into the normal routines. Starting to think it should soon be time to think about gardening!

M. your bread maker sounds wonderful. I cant have one - would just eat nothing but fresh baked bed - imagine what that would do for my already sadly expanding figure! Many years ago for 2-3 years I did make all my own bread - from scratch!

I usually do a Jan 6 ( or thereabouts) party also but not this year. However thinking of having a 'holiday leftovers' party this coming weekend! Just thinking mind you!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Whatcha gonna do re this everso BIZARRE weather .. being Canadians .. we all know it's 'Grin and bear it time' !!

Linda .. I just watched the strangest news broadcast from Vancouver/Victoria ... it started by showing the viewers the absolute MESS your streets are in .. and I mean 'MESS' .. melting snow/slush/ice .. then it switched to a roadway along side the ocean .. folks were thoroughly enjoying being soaked by the waves as they hit the breakwall .. obviously there is a STRONG wind component out your way as well .. and THEN .. they interviewed a City Councillor who thought everything was just going alond fine and dandy .. as she finished her speil .. the camera pans the door of Vancouver City Hall wherein there is a notice saying 'in essence' .. 'Don't bother us til January 2/09' ..
Sure do hope you made it out and back for your groceries.

Feel so bad for the Southern Ont folks as well .. power out due to the winds .. trees down .. rising waters in the creeks and streams .. SHEW .. and snow on the way tomorrow ..
Haven't heard a thing about the Ottawa transit strike .. seems the situation in the Middle East is kind of at the forefront right now ..

We have NOT had bad weather (in our North Western Ontario opinion) we got about 2" of snow yesterday .. easily cleaned away .. the only thing that is kinda oogie is the temperature .. which has dipped WAY DOWN again .. -30C with the wind chill .. however .. I just walked out to get the paper and feed the deer and I found it much less windy than yesterday .. AND .. I saw my first 'WHITE RABBIT' of the season .. such a little sweetie .. it's apparently living under the huge spruce boughs at the end of the driveway .. hardly any snow under them at all .

Carol .. I have made a few loaves of bread, but have started to 'GET A GRIP' .. good grief .. I opened the fridge and there are three loaves in there .. I won't make more until those are 90% gone ..
Besides .. I still have to buy some ingredients .. in actual fact .. I am going to have to also purchase a seperate set of cannisters for the bread making stuff ..

Off to read the paper ..
Enjoy your day ^_^


This message was edited Dec 30, 2008 9:52 AM

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

HAD to share this ^_^


When it's Christmas time in Ontario
And the gentle breezes blow,
About sixty miles an hour
And it's twenty-five below.
You can tell you're in Ontario
'Cause the snow's up to your butt,
And you take a breath of Christmas air
And your nostrils both freeze shut.
The weather here is wonderful,
So I guess I'll hang around,
I could NEVER leave Ontario
My feet are frozen to the ground!



Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

That is too funny Marilynne ^_^

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Suits us here in Thunder Bay to a "T" today .. it is C O L D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad we have decided to forego going out tonight !!
Can bring the New Year in with Dick Clark right here at home :-)

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone ^_^


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Happy New Year All. May your gardens be the prettiest ever ^_^

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

To all,

Thumbnail by DonM47
Victoria Harbour, ON

Happy New Year Everyone...extremely cold here..finished my tiling in bathroom, grouted and all, went in search of wallpaper, no go..guess I'll have to find something else to entertain me, that or some sleeping pills to finally have a good nights rest...

Hope whatever you are doing, you are with friends/family and enjoying bringing in 2009...for those of you alone, know somebody cares...be kind to yourself and enjoy...

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Happy New year Everyone. Have fun and be safe. May you have a year of fun, good health and great gardens. We are having our friend, the one who had the brain abscess and her family to dinner, then we'll celebrate NY probably on eastern time. She doesn't have the stamina yet for a late night, and to be honest we're usually in bed by 10, NY eve or not. I better get back to the kitchen. the menu: baked ham with a brown sugar - orange glaze, roast pine nut squash, and potatoes romanoff, it's a mixture of cooked grated potatoes, grated cheese, green onions mixed with sour cream covered with more grated cheddar then baked. The appy is called surprise dip or pizza in the company's coming appetizer cookbook, dessert is fresh baked apple pie and hello dolly bars. They have a graham wafer crust, a layer of choc chips, coconut, pecans then covered with eagle brand condensed milk and backed. They'll bring a salad.

You're all invited, I'm sure there's enough.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

LOL Linda .. should make it by the Epiphany (Jan.6) .. I am always looking for a decadent potato recipe .. and that one sure fits the bill !!
As for the dessert .. I put on 2 pounds reading the ingredients ^_^

ENJOY your evening .. coz that's what it's all about !!!

Betty .. I hope you find wallpaper .. I find it a challenge to pick 'just the right one' .. and inevitably .. I buy it, put it up .. and open a magazine or go to someones home and "BAM" .. I see something I like better .. I guess that's life though.


This message was edited Dec 31, 2008 5:24 PM

Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Re the 'image' I have NO clue where it keeps goin ??



Thumbnail by MarilynneS
cornwall, ON(Zone 4b)

Happy New Year Everyone!!!! May all our gardens be plentiful and gorgeous and health and happiness to everyone. If you are going out to celebrate drive safe and take a taxi home. I'm working, but we all bring something in and have a nice supper meal after lock-up and everyone is down for the night.


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Happy New Year everyone. We ARE going out to a party this evening - musical friends who are having a jam session and there will be a place for the non-musical accompanying people. But first, we want to see at least half of the final Air Farce show and tape the rest.

Had a rehearsal all afternoon. Am playing the Salute to Vienna concert here in Ottawa tomorrow afternoon. http://www.salutetovienna.com/menu.php?list=486&page=1
We had a rehearsal this afternoon and are back at it 10 am with the concert at 2:30. I'm tired. I had pledged to play daily during the holidays to keep my stamina up, but ...

The music is not difficult, but one has to be on their toes to follow the road map - repeats, Da Capos, Dal Segnos, extra repeats where we don't usually take one, Codas, etc. And each conductor does it a bit differently; so we have to watch. Best thing, is the pay is good for three services.

Have a good evening.



Happy New Year, everyone

Victoria Harbour, ON

Happy New Year everyone...

Must be getting old, my eldest Greg turned 40 today...lol...ahhhh to be 40 again...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all and everyone and you and yours .. think that about covers it ^_^

Ahhh 40 .. best of times ..

We're havin a wee snowstorm here in Thunder Bay .. by the looks of things the folks around here will be exercising their shovels and snow blowers today .. but .. with SNOW comes WARMER temps .. so .. it'll be enjoyable being outside ..

Little dinner party here tonight .. best get off this computer and start tidying up ..

Enjoy your day !!


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I'm NOT on dial-up, but I'm still having to click several times to get to the bottom of the thread. could we please start a new one? New Year - new thread - it fits. :-)

I'm in from the Salute to Vienna concert and I'm exhausted, but I made it through. Need to think about some dinner.



Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

OK here we go:


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