What's Happening in YOUR neighborhood today #11

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Still very cold here. The animals are going stir crazy. They usually spend a lot of time outside. Smokey was being extra bad today.

Thumbnail by joannabanana

ooooooooooooooh Betty!! so glad you got out safe & sound!! Did you check for hyperthermia?
Yeah - stupid thing to do, but it just means you're human lol


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hey it is supposed to warm up tomorrow! Maybe up to mid minus teens! Wow!

Got all the snow off the car today and the sun melted the ice so I guess I will power up tomorrow and go out into society!

My dogs dont seem to care much about not getting their walks although if I went probably they would too. But when they do ask to go out they just run out, pee and come back in!

Glad you got out safely Betty!

cornwall, ON(Zone 4b)

Hi Betty I echo Susan's comments, and would like to add that with age and living alone, I try to always think of the safety factor, what if ... How long would it take me to get someone's attention, and if sick or hurt can they get to me or am I in a fortress. For that reason, when I am sick or other I always leave a door unlocked usually the side where the pool is. They would have to climb the 6 ft fence and/or wade through the snow, but I can tell them how to get into the fortress. It is also the reason I have phones in every room and why in the summer I have a portable phone outside in the pool house. Last year I lost my balance stepping around a planter and fell in clothes and all - Middle of May the pool was still ice cold and that was my wake -up call. Besides being frozen and ruining a good day, it also scared the daylights out of me. But like Susan said, no matter how aware and careful we are, we are only human. I'm so glad you are safe and hope you don't get sick for the holidays after being so cold for so long.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Betty !!! So happy to hear you 'saved yourself' .. what a scary story, but, one to take heed of for everyone I think. So often we seem to think the NIKE theme "NO FEAR" fits us .. but .. it only works on the movies it seems. That said, sometimes "STUFF' just happens .. and inevitably it's when your cell phone is in the car, and you are not !!
As Sandra said, we are only human .. just glad your lil Guardian Angel was there to give you that extra PUSH up and out of that ditch !!

COLD remains the winter theme here in TBay .. the take your breath away, snow crunching, tree cracking kind, AND, I still have XMAS SHOPPING to do .. what with having been sorta 'out of it' with this dang cold and then the storm .. I was SHOCKED to realize it's Dec. 19 !!!! I do have 'most' stuff purchased, but now it's the 'incidentals .'

Hope you all have a great day


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Snowing again and feels a lot warmer. Forecast is for -10C. Finally finished a little Christmas craft last night and came away with only one injury from the glue gun.

Thumbnail by joannabanana
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Jo I love those angels = did you make them? You'll have to show me how! Need to add one to my angel collection!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)


Yes I did. It wasn't very hard, just a little messy. Fabric dipped in a thin glue mix. Styrofoam ball for the head. sphagnum moss for the hair. gold spray paint and a few beads & decorations. Everything glued together with a glue gun.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hmmmm! might try that- another craft for the to-do list!

Official temp here says -12C! Wow its warm! Walked the dogs first the first time since Friday morning. Cleaned off the car and it started promptly so going out to Curves in an hour for my last training session!

Got a volunteer appreciation gathering at Lougheed House this evening with a cookie exchange. Ive got lots of cookies - probably should take them all to the exchange so I dont keep eating them! Of course I can never eat just one - always a handful, several times a day! I do love cookies!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

This was the table at my 12th Night open house last year - 12 different kinds of cookies!

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Good morning,

I've been more or less MIA from DG for the last couple of days. We were down to the crunch getting our Christmas greetings out. You'll find our Christmas letter at: http://www.magma.ca/~fredrkng/xmaslet08.html

We do most of our greetings on-line now and make a donation with what we would have spent on stamps. But I DO still have about 30 cards to send out with printed versions of the letter.

Hope you are all keeping well as we get into the Christmas crunch.



Be sure to pass this on to the DG friends you talk to. If you don't keep an eye on this forum, it's a good one to have on your watch list.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Echoes .. thanks so much .. I am computer literate, to a point, this is going to be a a bit of a challenge .. no matter how EASY something sounds, I have a knack for making it OH SO not !!!
However, I have been hearing about FireFox for a couple of years now .. time to make the change ^_^

Again .. thanks so much


PS .. Ann .. your Xmas letter was lovely .. and your grandkids are gorgeous !!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I've been using Foxfire for several years. My DSIL who does computers for a living says I'm a smart lady. DH still uses IE.

Thanks, Marilynne. I think they are gorgeous too, and I'm not biased at all. LOL Just heard tonight that Amy has lost her second tooth.

Echoes - I have it on my watched list, but have to admit I don't really watch it. There's just too much going on and too little time. So those who bring really important things to our attention are appreciated.


Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all..everyone is so busy..I'm happy to say with having had my Christmas on Sunday there is little to nothing for me to do now that plans have changed and no Florida...did spend a few hours on-line this morning though checking our flights to Clearwater...some are pretty reasonable..but then by the time you add car rental etc. / waiting in airports i feel it's still better to drive..

Over 150 accidents here since snow was falling late last night to early this morning...now it's bright no signs of snow except the weatherman says more is on the way and warnings for the home area...

No work for me today so trying to occupy myself..should have brought some painting in..lol...

Do hope you all enjoy your busy day!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Another storm passing thru here with more snow and enough wind to make it feel pretty chilly out there. Hear there are lots of fender benders as the snow started early morning, just in time to catch rush hour. My cleaning lady phoned to say she would not be coming - good decision as in addition to slow traffic she would have several hills to negotiate! I was going out to Curves this morning to catch up but changed my mind after I finished shovelling the sidewalks. The dogs wont g et walked either but I dont think they care!

Had a volunteer recognition party down at Lougheed House last evening. Took me an hour to get there ( usually 15 mins max) and another hour to get home! We had a cookie exchange - I took 3 bags, a dozen each and included the recipe, they went fast! Haven't tried the ones I brought home. LIke I really needed more cookies! LOL!

Stay warm and safe everybody!

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

I saw this on the environment canada website. For those of you on Ont and Que, be prepared. http://www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/warnings/SWS_bulletins_e.html?prov=on

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

All I can say to all the EASTERN DGers is .. uggggggg .. and winter isn't Official for FOUR days !!!

Made Scottish shortbread and some sugar cookies today .. most of it to be donated .. also went shopping at our ONE huge Mall here .. met WAY too many people .. had an unplanned lunch with 2 friends who I happened to meet .. we laughed way too much .. but had a great time .. as a result .. I STILL have shopping to do !!

Am sharing my 2 grandkids .. as I only have one son .. and he and his wife are only having the 2 kids .. well .. they're kinda special .. complete with their red hair and freckles.
Brooklyn Irene is 10, and Austin Murray is 7.

Everyone take care


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

They are gorgeous, Marilynne. ^_^

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

We had more snow this morning and there is STILL a bus strike. People are getting downright nasty about sharing the road. And others are still trying to drive the speed limit even when the roads are greasy. Yuk!

Great looking grand-kids, Marilynne.

I should go get an allergy shot tomorrow. I think I'll take a gander at the Queensway and just possible skip it until January.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Haven't seen nor heard the Weather news as of yet .. but I think it's tomorrow the Easterners will be getting their storm .. as I heard it reported on the news last night '..A storm of MAMMOTH proportions.." if that doesn't make ya worry, well .. I don't know what would LoL
WE are still in the MAMMOTH deep freeze here .. when the furnace comes on, despite the wood stove burning, you KNOW it's cold out there !!!

Will AGAIN attempt to finish my shopping today .. fact of the matter is .. I keep MEETING people I haven't seen probably all year .. this time of year in a smaller city can be like that .. it's nice to chit chat and catch up, but when one wants to MOVE along and get things done .. well .. ya catch my drift ^_^

Take care out there


Victoria Harbour, ON

Another hour and this day has ended...only 4 hrs. tomorrow and then home for 16 days...wanted to go to Florida but with mom not getting insurance and not going, seems senseless..mind you, her place is still there, calling me to come..who knows..just know that I planned on leaving tomorrow and now I'll not especially with that storm coming through..who knows, should tidy up my desk just incase we can't make it in...

You know that feeling of sadness (not sure if that's how to describe it) when Christmas is over, family gone, that's how I've been feeling these past few days..was nice enjoying everyone's company last weekend, no one rushing about but now it's over for me...who knows, might get up one morning and say that's it..heading south on my own...if vacation were slightly different and my 2 weeks started Boxing Day I'd have a bus load of people wanting to go with me, just not before Christmas....

"M" what adorable children...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I guess the word you're looking for Betty is, Anti Climactic, it's the way I think many folks feel late on Dec. 25 and Dec. 26th .. all the hustle and bustle and shopping and planning and cooking and cleaning and worrying .. well .. GONE .. there you are .. presents unwrapped under the tree .. a turkey carcass in your fridge and enough leftovers for a week, wondering where the heck the Holidays went ^_^
Thing is Betty .. you're going through the 'anti climactics' a week before the rest of us ..
Has to to be difficult NOT to want to go South .. especially when you actually have accomodation .. but I think you are wise to hang back until this MAMMOTH storm is done dumping on Southern Ont.

Thanks for the comments re the 'kids' they are really just a joy .. and my grandson, Austin, is true to the freckles and red hair .. he's a real comedian, and loves to tell stories :-)



Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I've always subscribed to the 12 days of Christmas and never, if I can avoid it, take the tree down until the 6th of January. And in all the years that I was running an Emergency Food Cupboard, I hit on the idea of an Epiphany party. We have it on the Saturday or Sunday close to January 6. A BIG open house. So no let-down here.

Hope you all have a good night.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Glad to hear Im not the only one Ann! For many years I never put the tree up until Xmas eve and it did not come down until 6 Jan. A few years ago I started having a dogwalkers open house ( invited all the people from the off leash parks that I would never have met if I didnt get a dog) on 6 Jan ( or closest weekend) which has morphed onto an 'generic' open house most years although I think I am going to pass this year.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I usually leave the tree (real) up until Jan 7th - Ukrainian Christmas.

Thought I would share a little tradition a friend with small children does.

Kids are often too excited to go to bed Christmas Eve. Each child must get the "Elf check & ok for Santa to make it thru there home" They have to tidy their room & pick up toys and then the entire family goes for a Christmas Eve walk. The Elves come in and leave a note that they have passed. Oh and Dad forgot his gloves & had to go back. So after a nice walk looking at the lights and cold fresh air, they arrive back home all tuckered out. They find a note from the elves that they passed the inspection and a little chocolate treat. Off to bed and a relaxing night for Mom & Dad.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

We were always allowed to open what was in our stocking and one gift from under the tree before breakfast. Until I was in my late teens I would go to bed with half my clothes on then get up as early sometimes as 3-4 am (!) put on my housecoat, ( cant think why I left clothes on!) sneak upstairs and start opening! I didnt care about the stocking so much as a parcel from under the tree. My mom of course usually heard me and got up too. and G'ma if she was visiting. Once I had opened what was allowed I would go back to bed and sleep until breakfast time!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Gotta love 'Traditions' !!
Our tree is up until Jan.7, Ukrainian Xmas, and either we have a small get together with friends and colleagues, or, are invited to one the week following Xmas.
Now that my retirement is official .. WOOO HOO .. I can actually either plan and/or go to it .. right now I am undecided.

Until I was 17 or 18 I always went to Midnight Mass at our church, my Mom was the soloist .. still vividly remember her singing 'O Holy Night' .. she had a beautiful voice. Once I entered nurses training it seemed like that tradition passed as the student nurses would work (in whatever capacity) over the holidays .. after 3 years of no midnight mass .. it did filter back into my life sporadically, and actually seemed to be more special.
Xmas morning breakfast has ALWAYS been a big deal .. I still keep to the Irish tradition in that one respect. Anyone in my home on the 25th is well fed LoL

Hope all are safe and warm today !!


Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

This will be our first year without a tree. We are planning to go to my folks, meet my sister there, and have a reunion of sorts. My mother loves Christmas and takes great delight in baking (I'm doing it this year) decorating (my sister is there already and doing this) and cooking (we'll do lots for her). We haven't been together as a family for Christmas for at least 25 years. I was always away and working, my sister gave up on Christmas and didn't partake for many years, my parents were usually down south in the warmer climes. This year mom's health wasn't the greatest, my sister is still recovering from her cancer treatments early summer, plus my folks are in their later 70's. It looks like we have a choice of two travel days, weather permitting; Saturday and Monday. If we can't make it then, we'll have a nice Christmas at home.

Traditions, we open one gift on Christmas eve, then in the morning we do the stockings first, then gifts, then a big breakfast. The rest of the day is preparing for dinner, and when able we gather together to play either card or board games. After dinner we have birthday cake instead of Christmas cake, and that's when I get to open my birthday presents. By having Christmas in the morning, and birthday in the evening, it keeps them a bit separate.

Tonight our plans are to walk around Butcharts Gardens to see their 12 days of Christmas, it forecast to be -10C with out the wind chill then dinner in the dining room with Cheryl's 3 kids before their dad takes them to Las Vegas for a week over Christmas. We'll try to take pictures.


Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

LOL...gosh I had exactly the same experience, Marilynne, right down to my Mom and the solo, Oh Holy Night! What a coincidence. Now, we attend mass earlier i the morning our Christmas Morning. Too old to attend Midnight Mass with the the crowds anymore. I'd probably nod off now... ^_^

Mom is still alive and at 89 next month, lives in her own seniors apartment. Still has a nice voice and sings in her church choir, but no solos for her anymore.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

How neat huh Don :-)
Everytime I hear 'O Holy Night' I think of my Mom .. and .. when I hear it literally butchered by more 'modern' music folk .. I cringe.
Do you make Soda Bread and Potato Bread for Xmas breakfast ? I am hoping to make a few farls of Soda Bread .. not so much the potato bread though .. it's time consuming .. and makes way too much anyway ..
My Mom passed away in 1997 .. miss her .. especially at Xmas .. she LOVED Xmas ^_^

Hope all turns out for you Linda .. so .. you're a XMAS baby :-) My SIL is a Dec. 26th baby ... she always complains she got UNDER celebrated LoL ..
I can only imagine Butchart Gardens will be fabulous !!!

Sorta winding down here from another busy shopping day .. what is it with me ?? I go out and shop .. come home and realize I STILL haven't done what I wanted to do !!! ONE more excursion and I declare shopping for Xmas 2008 DONE !!!!



Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I played piano and organ for many years. Dont like to think how many times I had to play for somebody singing O Holy NIght when they shouldn't! And these were not 'modern' music folk singing either!
Personally I cringe with most of the 'modern' versions of hymns and carols - I like my traditional Xmas music old fashioned!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

BING! I luv Bing.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Marilynne - O Holy Night is lovely when done well. Fancy, I cringe just thinking about the ones you mentioned who shouldn't be doing it.

Aquafit instructor had a new CD yesterday and kept saying how lovely it was. Sorry, but NOT! Christmas carols. Quite well sung, but with a totally unnecessary, overbearing and artificial percussion track with them.

Went to a big mall today and came out empty handed. Went to Canadian Tire and spent over $100. Lots of little things. They have regular $49 keychain digital photo albums for about $15. Wonderful for grandmas and Aunts.

Am still trying to find a flash drive which will work on my old computer which runs Windows 98 to take stuff back and forth to the new computer. The flash drive advertised cheap at CT says it will, but you have to download the drivers and all the links on their web site were dead.

Anyone got a SanDisk cruzer mini 512 mb flash drive? That's the kind I broke. I'd trade a new 4 GB one for it.


Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Sorry Ann, no mini cruzer here.

We did make it out to Butcharts Gardens tonight. It's -6 here and theres a breeze blowing. The photos are from one of the kids with a new camera, and most of the pics were blurry.

Here's 3 french hens.

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

8 maids a milking

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Sunken Garden at night, with snow

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

3 of the 4 step kids, a lawyer, a BSc student and a musician

Thumbnail by MG99
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I haven't one of the 'do dads' you're asking for Ann :-) I have seen them, and realize how great (and portable) they are .. but I still copy and paste stuff into email from the desktop computer and send it to my laptop (or attach pics to email) what a curmudgeon huh LoL

Linda .. the pics are WONDERFUL !! Didn't think them blurry at all .. and am so in awe of the SNOW .. mind you .. it makes the Sunken Gardens look almost ethereal .. lovely ..
Awesome pic of the kids as well .. hope they enjoy Vegas .. where I hear, it snowed a few days ago !!

How did the folks down in Southern ON do in the huge storm ? Sure were some heart wrenching stories on the National last night .. Betty did you get a whole ton of snow ?

Am 'flirting' with the 3am WalMart/Shoppers DrugMart shopping excursion .. I did it last year and found it to be not so bad. We'll see .. I certainly do NOT want to push my way through crowds anymore .. even though folks are trying their best to be nice to one another .. it's still stressful.
Canadian Tire and me are not a good mix right now :-( Got 3 rain cheques in mid November and was informed yesterday that the items would be in in APRIL !!!!

Off to make another coffee .. weather here is overcast and cold ..


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

It's very cold today. The slightest wind makes it bone chilling. Went over to a friend's house a few block away and we made some tacky Bird Cages. Looks cute on it's own, but where would you hang such a thing?

Thumbnail by joannabanana

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