What's Happening in YOUR neighborhood today #11

Victoria Harbour, ON

Usually about this time we move over for those on dial up...
It's Christmas month, hope you will share some of your favorite traditions or recipe's!!!

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Its COOOOOOOLD here and going to get colder tonight! Oh well a couple of days and then they say Chinook!

When my outside lights turn on ( which is not for another hour- they are on timers) I will go out and take some pics. In the mean time here is one of my angel /candle arrangements.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Betty .. your arrangement is lovely .. :-) Lotsa Evergreens around here to do that with .. I may try it out ..

Out our way there are oodles of homes lit up .. we're going to have to STOP vegging after supper and go for a ride about ..


Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

I agree, Marilynn. There are a several petitions going around online. Hopefully they can put an end to this craziness.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Had my painting class here tonight and we also listened ..going to tell you we have enough problems let alone contemplating such drastic measures...

Walked outside to say goodbye to the girls as they left and it was raining..know they are calling for colder temps. so perhaps a bit of freezing rain before the storm arrives...thank goodness I'm at home tomorrow and no travel worries..

Tired/tired..santa costume done except for his belt...
I 'm off to bed, long day but productive day..

Took a photo while I was outside..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Quick post..got to finish these christmas knife/spoon/fork place matt settings...they were fun..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Have three of the four larger Santa mitts for my DGTwins done. Will have to go buy another set of googly eyes as I seem to have lost one somewhere. I'm sure it will show up as soon as I replace it. I should be able to finish them off while watching TV tomorrow evening.

We prepared another 180 tax receipts at the Food Cupboard this afternoon. That is to say they are printed, the labels are printed and on the envelopes, the letters are divided into groups that go with the envelopes and about half of them are completely folded and ready to stuff into envelopes. There is a volunteer coming in tomorrow who will finish the job.

It would appear that the number of donations is very close to what we received last year and not significantly down as we had worried that they might be. And the average donation as of the ones recorded by last week was about $86 - also very close to the average donation last year. That's a relief because one major fund-raising project - a miniature village - will not happen this year because the Lions club which now runs it couldn't find a suitable location this year. It requires having suitable space in a large mall donated.

Friday is the annual "Come Sing Messiah" run by CAMMAC. http://eventful.com/vancouver_wa/events/come-sing-messiah-/E0-001-017287112-8#box-details
Usually 700-800 singers, soloists, the small orchestra in which I play, and organ. Rehearsal for orchestra and soloists starts at 5. Orchestra gets a short break while "chorus" warms up at 6. Then from 6:15-7:30, we rehearse and at 8pm we run it. It's a long gig but beats everything for spirit.

Well, off to bed. Have a good night everyone.


Ann, with regards to your first comment in your last post. I have some strong political opinions too, but I am not going to voice them here. It is out of courtesy to those who I know won't agree with my opinions, so that they won't be caused any discomfort that I restrain myself. That way they won't feel compelled to disagree with me in this forum, and break any AUP rules and we can hopefully all be happier.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

This is a 'FUN FORUM' .. no sense bringing it down with political jibber jabber ^_^

Lovely pics Betty .. the placemat is very nice ..

WHERE in the SNOW !!! I know I have now likely CURSED North Western Ontario .. but .. jeez Louise .. these cold temps with only perhaps 2" of snow is too much to bear !!!!

Ann .. if Murphy lives at your house, as well as mine, you will, NO doubt about it .. find that 'googly eye' as soon as you purchase another .. LoL

Going to my buds for some 'farm eggs' this morning .. time to go back in time a few hundred years ..

Stay safe everyone :-)


Victoria Harbour, ON

Hello everyone, well this is my 1st day working at the Barrie office...need not tell you all how happy we all are..never saw to many thank you, please, smiles, joking going on..we're all so relieved not to be travelling that 400..major storm happening in my area but here in Barrie it's sunshine...

We had to come in today in order to get all the computers and systems set up..Paul bought us all new computer systems...wireless keyboard/mouse, thin screen..oh happy days..said that was our christmas bonus..lol

Usually we finish work at 1:00 on Fridays but now that we are in Barrie we'll be working until 4:30..that's ok though...we were off to accommodate they long trip either for tourist travelling or winter storms..just so very nice..I'll be comfy here..loving it...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

WHat great news Betty .. congrats on the new locale and the easier drive in and home !!

Was on with VCARS today .. sadly a poor day .. a young girl (18) lost her life in a motor vehicle accident .. no one is sure what happened .. she was in a collision with an OPP cruiser on Wednesday .. she died at the scene .. my partner and I basically were there for the family .. the MVA occurred on Wednesday morning ..
This 'NEW' stretch of highway has claimed 3 young lives since August 2008 .. I refuse to drive it .. especially at night .. it is UNLIT for miles except at 'crossroad intersections' .. I am almost positive that there will be changes made .. I know I will be joining in the movement to see things changed !!

Hope everyone has a wonderful/safe and happy weekend .... OH .. I stubbed my baby toe today .. OWWWWwoowww .. gonna be wearing my Crocs forever it seems !!!


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Hi folks,

I'm just in from "Come Sing Messiah". The church was PACKED. Pretty full of singers - probably about 800 and another 200+ in the balcony as audience. They were sitting in a number of non-official seats. Attached is a picture from the event two years ago. The church was even fuller tonight.

And the weather was bad in the late afternoon. It would normally take me 15 minutes to get downtown to this church. Tonight it took me an hour and 10 minutes and I was late to the 5 pm rehearsal (along with a lot of others although I left shortly after 4 pm). I never got above 2nd gear all the way into town on the Queensway and most of the time I was in 1st gear. Never above 20 km/hr. downtown traffic when I got there was gridlocked.

A sudden snow squall between 3 and 4 pm made it very slippery close to home. Took me 25 minutes to get the first 5 km from home to where I got onto the Queensway. I thank my lucky stars that nobody had an accident - at least where I was. I guess contributing to the downtown grid lock might be one of the major bridges across the Ottawa River which was closed indefinitely yesterday due to deterioration of the supports.

Anyway, "Come Sing Messiah" might not be the most perfect version performed in Ottawa this season, but it has the most spirit by far. And at the end everyone applauds everyone else. Really good feeling. It's really glorious going through the Amen chorus with 800 singers behind you.

Rehearsal is a joy too as the conductor has a constant litany of one-liners related to the music and poking fun at the deficiencies of the "chorus". ("Ladies and gentlemen of the orchestra, we are going to get to the end (of the chorus) first") in regard to the chorus lagging behind, etc. We are kept in stitches. Anyway, the Christmas season has now begun!

Hope you all have a good night.


Thumbnail by ViolaAnn
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Glad to hear you made it to the concert safely Ann .. sounds as though your weather is absolutely horrible .. I think once it gets lighter outside, I will see that we MAY have had about 60 flakes of snow !!

Every year the TBay Symphony and Chorus puts on Handel's Messiah .. the church is filled to overflowing .. and I doubt I have ever seen ANYONE exit following the performance UNSMILING .. very uplifting .. and the music is absolutely outstanding .. it must be such a wonderful feeling to be able to play the music ..

I am hearing that we may see (feel) temps of -25 to -32C here (with the wind chill) in the next few days .. sure does NOT make me feel 'warm and fuzzy', altho, if I have to go out I'll be in my warm and fuzzies !!! Will have to remove the winter Crocs and replace them with REAL boots .. UGgggggggggggg ...

Take care all ^_^


cornwall, ON(Zone 4b)

'M' lucky you- we are being dumped on again. 2 weeks ago we had no snow on the ground and today we have over 2 ft snow banks and lots on the ground. Plows out constantly plowing and sanding. I love Christmas, but hate snow.
Our Hort. Society had our Xmas Banquet this past Monday night. I have been the chairperson for the last 4 banquets and I initiated a fund raiser for the Soup Kitchen with the 1st one and it has carried on since then. Our members donate any gifts or things(very lightly used) they have decided they don't really want and I have a friend who is a professional auctioneer who donates his time and skills for us. I am really proud of this effort and of all our members for the way they have come out and really made this an extra ordinary event. The 1st year we raised $350. ,2nd year $700, 3rd year $1015. and this year (my final) $1400. I have gone to the business community every year and managed to get a small thank-you gift donated as a door prize for each person attending this banquet each year and some businesses have even donated something for our auction also. We have had between 70-75 members attend each banquet, so I think this amount of participation is stupendous. My thanks and my hat is off to each of them.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Sandra .. my hat is off to you (even though I don't wear one) LoL .. what an absolutely wonderful accomplishment over the past few years. From $350. to $1400. !! WOW .. amazing .. HUGE congrats !!!

SNOW ? As I said .. we MAY have had 60 flakes !! However .. the wind and FRIGID temps are NO FUN at all !!!!
Poor Lilly has been lifting her paws after being out just 5 minutes .. if we had SNOW .. she'd be DIVING into the snowbanks and begging for MORE :-) The season is young ..


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

SNOW? Did somebody say SNOW? We got it in spades. I just looked at a weather forecast posted by a local TV and it said this would be a great day with snow starting this evening! Think they got it wrong. It started snowing about 9 am and boy is it coming down - wet and heavy! I had to go up to a NW home this morning to complete a dog adoption and some of the main roads which are hilly were pretty bad - came home a different direction to avoid any hills. The adopters who drove down from Edmonton were an hour or more late because once they hit Airdire just north of town they hit the storm. Said cars in the ditch, trucks jacknifed etc. We suggested they stay in town overnight if they had someplace to stay which they do.

Well this afternoon was supposed to be driving out to Brooks -2+ hours east of here on #1 - with some friends to do a Gardens Spirit sculpture workshop tomorrow! The dogs were off for a sleepover with their dog walker but we had to cancel. the workshop Just not reasonable to be on the highway if not absolutely essential and the storm was heading east in full force, Disappointing and now I am dogless until tomorrow morning! The roads are pretty bad so I dont want to go get them as it is on the other side of town.

Oh well I have a good supply of books so I guess it will be a popcorn and reading afternoon - until I have to go out and shovel snow again!

Oh and heres a link to the Garden Spirit Blog of the artist in case you are interested.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

The xmas trees in my front yard.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Ornamental Crab with Xmas decorations

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Come sit in the garden!

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

OMDAWG Carol .. what a mess !!! Please be careful .. well .. obviously you already were !!!.
Hopefully you enjoyed popcorn and quiet time, as for the shovelling of snow .. well .. what can I say .. we have none unless what you got stays alive over Sask and Man and heads into Ontario .. we seem to be missing all the FUN LoL

Cool day here .. frigid actually .. did get the tree up and the house decorated .. have been watching the 'BURNING LOG' with holiday music accompaniment on the TV .. just MAYBE the spirit is starting to move in me .. way way down deep !!!

Some kinda sad news .. talked with Lilly's breeder .. we were hoping for another Westie in April .. however .. Lilly's Mom just had GALL BLADDER surgery .. 7 stones removed .. so .. NO Piper for a bit .. she has another female she will be breeding for July puppies .. ah well .. good things come to them that wait ^_^

Safe upcoming week everyone


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Marilynne - you speak for Thunder Bay! In Ottawa, we have snow. AND it's suddenly cold.

Carol - love the pics of the snow on your spiral trees.

My bells played this morning. There's a sound clip of one piece we played at http://www.handbellworld.com/music/MusicPiece.cfm?piece=10939 Just click on the yellow bell. The other piece was my own adaptation of the three well-known tunes for Away in a Manger. All went quite well and we dedicated our three new bells and their case.

Gotta close off as I'm out shortly to orchestra rehearsal. We are working on January music - all Chinese for a special Chinese New Year concert. No rehearsal next week; so after tonight I'm done with the music except for two more handbell rehearsals, also working on music for after Christmas.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Still snowing.

Thumbnail by joannabanana
cornwall, ON(Zone 4b)

Thank-you "M" and Carol I know exactly how you feel about the snow. Ann your bells sound wonderful. I am really looking forward to moving back east, for a lot of reasons but being close to Ottawa is one of them. There is always something going on there.

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Hang in there you guys...keep thinking of all the winter insulation this snow is providing for your plants.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Oh I dont really mind the snow but since I had to drive this morning and had to cancel the trip this afternoon it was disappointing! We have had 15 cms so far.
And I just finishing spreading leaves on the front flower beds so the snow on top is great although probably we will have a big melt down next!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Sandra - do you have a time for moving back east? And where will you move to?

I should clarify that the bells in that sound clip are not MY bells, but a group that has recorded that particular music when it was new.


cornwall, ON(Zone 4b)

Ann, I am hoping that sometime next summer or fall I will be able to move back to the Cornwall area. My sister and her family live there and my best friend from grade school is still there. As soon as I am able to sell the two homes that I own here, I will either retire completely from Corrections or take a transfer to the Brockville Jail if I can, but travel back and forth from Cornwall. I only moved back here because I wanted to spend time with my parents again in their elderly years, but now that they are both gone, it is time to go back to Cornwall. I lived there for most of my adult life and still have a lot of friends there.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Sandra - when you do, we will have to arrange to meet sometime.

cornwall, ON(Zone 4b)

Ann Sounds like a good plan to me.

Fredericton N B, Canada(Zone 4a)

We had our first real snow storm last night.The yard was a fairyland with the trees coated with snow.There was very little movement of the air but branches that touched th power line set off little flashes of light.Here is the pear tree taken in the dark of the night. JOY

Thumbnail by agedgardener
Fredericton N B, Canada(Zone 4a)

We had our first real snow storm last night.The yard was a fairyland with the trees coated with snow.There was very little movement of the air but branches that touched th power line set off little Sparks light.Here is the pear tree taken in the dark of the night. JOY

Thumbnail by agedgardener
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I dont know how much more snow we had last evening and overnight but it has stopped now. As long as one does not have to drive it is certainly beautiful outside - lots of snow clinging to the trees.

It is strange not having the dogs here - they will come home later today I expect ( depending on the road conditions) and although they are not noisy around the house still it is two warm breathing moving bodies missing! But I dont mind not having to take them out to walk as I would normally do about 9am.

I need to go out and shovel the last of the snow from the sidewalks and then I think I will start making Xmas cookies Should have taken the butter out of the fridge last night!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Thunder Bay had another 60+ flakes last night :-) .. well .. maybe ONE cm ... I shoveled the patio just because. Like Joy, the Evergreens and other trees look wonderful .. very festive ^_^
Our temps are quite pleasant as well .. no more -23C ...

Went to the Dollar Store today for ONE item .. came out with 2 BAGS full !!! BAD store to let me loose in.

Good luck with your move back east Sandra .. best of luck with it :-)

Makin Shrimp Creols tonight .. of a sudden I have 3 unexpected guests and it's so easy to make ..

Off to chop


Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

oh I see those pictures from Fredericton and I just want to hide. I lived there for 6 years before my last move out here. I did enjoy the skidooing but I hated the cold and the driving in the winter. My 2 car accidents I've ever had were 2 years apart, both within 1/2 mile from home outside F'ton in the winter. I was lucky to walk away from them both.

Next week this time they are forcasting -7 for us. I know it's not cold compared to rest of Canada, but its' downright cold here.

The next few days are filled with appointments, entertaining and being entertained. I've got to find the time to do some baking!

Take care on those roads


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I have to agree with you Linda .. -7 C in Victoria is downright brutal, especially since you're not used to it.
I felt bad for the folks in Toronto the other day (Sunday) as the temps were -21 ..
When I travelled to Toronto for the Nurses Association .. it always amazed me just how cold and damp Toronto can be. Our Annual meetings were in November .. and when you walked out the front entrance of the Royal York it was always kind of a shock .. especially the wind in that area.

i can hear the winchimes 'bonging' out back here, so I am pretty certain our temps MAY be a bit chillier today.

On the search for fresh Pickeral today .. am thinking I may have to go ice fishing in order to get some though, and, that is NOT goin to happen LoL
One of my dinner guests last night was talking about a feed of Pickeral she had had last week .. only thing is .. over that week .. the lakes have frozen over .. may have to take a trek out to the Reserve, altho, that can be hit or miss as well if Lake Superior is too treacherous to navigate.

Off into the darkness with Lilly ..

Enjoy your day


Victoria Harbour, ON

Sitting here in the new Barrie office watching the blizzard wondering what in the world am I doing out on a day like today..can't understand them thinking that perhaps we'll be out in freezing rain by days end..hopefully I'll be home by then..yesterday it was -14, bit milder this morning...

Looked at the snowbanks in the yard this morning and thought to myself that it was almost as much snow as we had in February..amazing...returned the electric snowblower I purchased a week ago thinking before I opened the box how I didn't want to fight with the cord, then bought a gas one, used it as a test on Saturday, put it under the deck and yesterday and this morning I'm thinking, lots of work to take it out, get it started so why not shovel...something wrong with this picture isn't it..am sure though as I want to blow the snow to make pathways wider it will come in handy..

Mom called me Saturday, did I tell you this, said she talked with doctors and they said yes she can go to Florida, so told me to make up my mind and let her know Sunday..truly was a big decision so said yes after i was able to talk to 2 DIL's, kids about having my Christmas dinner this Sunday...thank goodness all my shopping was done, wrapped and under the tree..all left it cooking..did on Sunday make meatpies so on-top of things.. so yesterday afternoon I get a call at work, yep, it's mom telling me that she's having difficulties getting insurance and might not go..shaking my head here..so will continue with this weekends plans, if she can't go, I'll decide wether or not I want to venture out on my own...drats..hate it when my life revolves around decisions of others..but that's life...

Still working on the Mr.&Mrs. Claus costumes..almost done..don't need them until after the weekend so will get my things done first then continue with the project..Mr is done...

Hope you are all safe, enjoying the hustle and bustle of getting ready for Christmas (or not)..lol..

Any of you along route wanting to go to Florida??? lol

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Sheesh .. quite a bit of preparation for you Betty despite having your shopping done ... I do know that insurance is everso dear if you are 'infirm' and you travel outside of Canada's borders .. however, if your Mom's doc has given the green light for travel .. well .. I can see how confused she might be .. mixed messages .. and .. stuff like that just 'trickles down' to concerned and loving families .. so .. enjoy this Sunday

Ooooooooo .. Meatpies .. Tourtieres .. I have NEVER attempted ONE .. my Mom, as Irish as Paddy's Pig, made them every season for New Years supper .. SCRUMPTIOUS .. have seen many recipes ... just have to chose one .. altho I may try to find Mom's recipe .. I have all KABILLION of her recpe books and JOTS ^_^

I did get the Pickerel .. so .. it'll be another FISHY supper here .. but .. very palatable I'm sure .. Pickerel/Walleye is such a delicate fish ..

Cold here .. 'Fairy Tale' snow is on the way :-(
Perhaps I should stop saying that .. just in case ....

Off to crush some crackers ..

Stay happy and well :-)


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Stayed home and baked cookies yesterday. Dogs came home around noon so all back to normal here.
This morning signed up for a year at CURVES! Start tomorrow! Oh what have I done?
Initial goal is to loose 10 lbs in 3 months I think ( cant quite remember all the details!)
Anyway we will see what happens. 3 times a week .They have a xmas special on now so sign up was $100.00 less than normal and first month free! That sure didnt hurt.
So I came home and had a bowl of chips! She says I can continue to eat popcorn but I cant put butter on it anymore! Now I ask you what good is popcorn without lots of butter and salt? And of course there are all those Xmas cookies I made yesterday!
Well actually I need 3 dozen for a cookie exchange next week so gess I better count those off and put away some where! Or I will have to make more cookies next week!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Fancy - I guess I should check out curves. There's one near me and many of my aquafit /Red Hat friends are going there as well. I'll have to talk to them about not overstressing my shoulders though. I like Popcorn w/o butter but I've got to have the salt.

Good luck with the cookies.

It's been snowing all day here. Two of my students cancelled. Am waiting to see if the third shows up. I told them (by email) they could come earlier, but asked them to phone me first.

I did a bit of the driveway when I came home from aquafit, but you wouldn't know it now. This is the kind of snowstorm for which we've made a pact with the neighbour across the street. Her older son who used to do our driveway and hers in a bad storm is in his last year at University out of town.

She's single with an autistic son in his late teens who's afraid of her snowblower. We use the snowblower and do both driveways. And we paid for the tune-up on the machine last autumn. It works well.

So, I've been in all day. Been working on my Christmas greeting list. Most of the greetings, we send by email with a link to a letter on our web site. Then we make a good charitable donation with what we would have spent on cards and postage - usually around $100. But there are still a number of people for whom we don't have email contact. We'll have to print letters for them and mail cards.

I also spent a large part of yesterday and today entering music into my computer notation program. One orchestra is doing a Chinese program at the end of January and for a major concerto, the parts were cut and pasted from the score - ie, way too small to read. I've printed out the first copy and will do a final proofing of it before making copies for the viola section. (I'll have to wear reading glasses to read the original copy). I told them I'd look after the music for the viola section, but if they wanted me to do any for the rest of the orchestra, they'd have to pay me.

Well, I'd better sign off and be ready in case this student shows up.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well good for you Ann - I have written a Xmas letter but not gotten any further with it - some will be snail mailed some will go email.

But mention of your donation reminds me to tell what I have done for family gifts this year. Lastyear I sent a che que to the Calgary Herald Xmas fund in the name of my brother and his wife. All money's donated are split equally between about 12 local charities, different every year. So I have done the same this year.
But usually I also buy books for my 5 great nephews and 1 great niece. This year, prompted by a World Vision gift catalongue that came in the mail I have bought 2 chickens and a rooster in the name of one family and 1 piglet for the other! All animals going to families in a 3rd world country. Wasnt sure how the familys would take that so I sent a heads up to my two nieces, their moms, and they have both eamiled back they think it is a great idea!

Great way to solve giving gifts to people who live far away and whom you rarely see a nd who really dont need any more material gifts!
ey think it is a great idea!

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