Chicken beauty pageant!

Clarkson, KY

We always wondered if the snow that fell in OK landed in Arkansas. Watch it snow from west to east all day, no accumulation.

This message was edited Dec 1, 2008 10:06 AM

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

lol yea that is about it.

(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)

Glad I don't get any snow where I am chickens wouldn't know how to act around the white fluffy

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Moodene - they generally eat it!

Newton, AL

Jenks, the girl in the corner is a welsummer/americana cross. I got her from my friend who had to give up her flock.

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks InnB. I like the dark red. Gosh I like em all. How do you all ever decide?

Clarkson, KY

Stopping deciding is more the problem, lol. {I want that one. And that one. And that one...} Each decision is really very easy....

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Everyone's pictures are beautiful! So I'm going to blame this thread when I order more chickens this spring!!
Claire that snow makes me shiver!! We are supposed to get some light snow this Sunday but today it was around 50 with quite a breeze! I put a feeder outside and one inside during the day so the chicks can decide in or out. They spent most of the day outside.
Here's a pic of a white EE-check out her lovely green legs and ear tuffs! She follows me everywhere!

Thumbnail by saanansandy
(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)

Eat snow???..LOL...ok..Cool looking legs!!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Lovely EE pullet - she has beautiful legs. She would get lost in the snow though!

I have noticed the hens eat snow (not yellow snow) sometimes. I notice that instead of going back over to the heated waterer, they just eat snow. It's funny. Like me when I was a kid! LOL!

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Claire I loved seeing pictures of Rosie. She looks like she's doing very well.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

She is doing wonderfully well. I'm so pleased to have given her a home. She is obsessed with the snaps on my coveralls. They have snaps on the bottom of the legs at the sides, where you can make the leg bottoms tight around your boots. She comes running over and starts licking the snaps. I have NO idea why....she just cracks me up.

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

lol! Who said chickens have no personality?! Even if it's abit quirky at times!

sydney, Australia

What a great response peeps!
Thanks for all your lovely pictures, I enjoyed every one of them and I certainly think this could branch of into new regions of chicken judging!
As for what breed Queeny is im not sure but look at my thread "What breed are me and my sister" some people think she is a red commet ,but either way she will always be my little baby chickadee!
Here is anouther picture of my other hen, Specky, for you to admire!
Sorry I took the photo upside down

Thumbnail by chickengrl
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ohhh, Specky is lovely! Such a dainty look to her feathers!

Here is my silver laced girl - she's one of my beauty queens, and she acts like it too!

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
sydney, Australia

wow claire your laced girl is beautiful! Wish I had one like that!

Tacoma, WA

Claire, is that a silver laced wyandotte? She looks nice and filled out, I'm really liking this one!!

Jenks, grownut & saanansandy, Wow, I see what you mean with the deciding / stopping, I would like to have one of each of the ladies & gents in these pictures!! Great job everybody on your truly beautiful chickens!!

I don't have any chicks yet, but when I do there will be pics!!

Clarkson, KY

Tellmeaboutit...I got a camera finally to do this stuff!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Yes, she is a silver laced wyandotte. I hope she is still alive. Our farm help told us we lost 13 chickens the other day in a cold snap/storm. I am so sad. We won't be home until the 30th so I don't know who we lost.

(Zone 7b)

OH! Claire I'm so sorry to hear about your chickens :(

Have a good time and try not to worry♥ {{{{{Warm Hug}}}}}

Tacoma, WA

Oh Claire, that's to bad! Try to enjoy your time away and don't worry to much, but that will be hard. We'll keep you all in our prayers!! Becky

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Claire, I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you are still able to enjoy your time away for the holidays.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Seems that it was a virus. We have lost almost all our young chickens from this fall's hatches. There are 10 left and we started out with I-can't-count-how-many but somewhere between 75 and 100. We also lost some adults. I am completely shellshocked but my farm help is devastated and feels terrible, although it is nothing to do with him. I am very sad, but we will get home on the 29th evening I think, and I shall see who is left. I am so hopeful that Rosie is alive.

So it wasn't just the cold, it was an illness. Hopefully it has run through the flock and now we are past it.

Clarkson, KY

That does mean, sad though it may be, that there's nothing you neglected doing in preparation for your Holidays. I'm very glad of that. Hopefully you will learn what happened enough to prevent it's happening again. ((this part of the 'live and learn' thing reeeeally sucks though!! Chin up an' steady on, I guess...))

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Oh Claire! I'm shellshocked as well! I can't believe you lost that much of your flock. I'm SO sorry! :*-(

Is it possible the help cross contaminated from somewhere else they were caring for? Gosh, I'm just at a loss for words.

{{{{{{{Many Hugs!!!}}}}}}}}

and I'm crossing my fingers and toes (so hurry home) that Rosey is OK.


(Zone 6b)

They are all stunning. I like the gold and gray colored ones. I guess it's called "lace" is so gorgeous.

I shouldn't look at these pictures. Makes me want to have them. The other night I dreamed I had 2 baby geese. lol


Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh Claire, I'm so sorry to hear the tragic news... It is so hard to raise chickens.. I believe too that there was nothing anyone could do.. some things just happen.

Sending loving thoughts of strength and healing.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Claire so so very sorry to hear about your loss. I do know how you feel. Have a safe trip home.

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