What is the most fragrant flower in your plantings?

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

I should add that these lovely calacanthus shrubs were grown on the street across from the original sales office in my former community. They appeared to receive absolutely no care. No water, no fertilizer. They did have the formation of shrubs that had suckered. I wonder, given the lack of care, whether NOT watering them results in a stronger aroma. Some shrubs can survive no matter what, but care helps. I had a bunch of lilacs, and every July I would cut off all the spent flowers (really interesting when they got to be 12 feet tall). If you do this they flower to the ground! In the picture, they had been in for ten years. After two years away I passed the house and the bottom foot and a half was woody.

So it depends on what you want, and what crazy things you are willing to do, but growing to the ground meant dozens of extra flowers, and so more scent!

Thumbnail by DonnaMack Thumbnail by DonnaMack
Argyle, TX

My Jasmine Duke of Tuscany.

Thumbnail by moolaoyster
Anna, IL(Zone 6b)

Your jasmine even looks fragrant. Unique bloom?

Argyle, TX

Brendak654: I was surprised at size of these blooms and the fragrance is just heavenly. The photo shows one large flower and two smaller ones. They look connected.

Anna, IL(Zone 6b)

That is what I thought - a doubly bloom. Does this one come back year after year? Hope so!

I recently purchased an Angel Wing Vining Jasmine and it has blooms that are about an inch in diameter, but they are very single and spider like. It's fragrant, but I'm sure not near as fragrant on the one you displayed.

That's on my want list! LOL Jasmines are my all time favs!

Argyle, TX

brendak654, it does come year after year. I live in zone 7 and have to bring it indoor or at least in my heated covered garden structure for the winter.

Anna, IL(Zone 6b)

Oh - Wow on that gardenia. It's definitely a keeper. Lucky you!

I have tried the supposedly hardy gardenia, but did not have good luck with it.

"Jasmine Duck of Tuscany" - I'll have to remember that one. Dare I ask where that baby came from?

Argyle, TX

This message was edited Jul 2, 2015 2:05 PM

Argyle, TX

brendak654, I just went back to my records and found that this particular Jasmine was purchased from toptropical.

Anna, IL(Zone 6b)

How do you like my DUCK of Tuscany? Geeeeee! Leave it to me......

I found your Jasmine and I just may have to have that one, but in all reality I recently purchased this other one and I best work at keeping it alive before I venture to purchase another. However - I want to remember the name of yours for the next time I just have to have a jasmine.

Thanks for all that info.


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