CLOSED: Fall Frenzy Piggy Swap #3

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Welcome! We came from here: (FFPS #2)

There are still a couple of regular spots open in the swap, so please post if you're interested in joining us at the "trough." A special welcome to any whose gardens fell victim to storm, flood, or fire... please join us by posting in this thread and by posting a "wish list" over on the lists thread.

Swap guidelines can be found on this post:

Here's the thread for posting/editing seed lists:

Thumbnail by critterologist
Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

I'm here.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

me too.

I"m finding this swap thing is time consuming... i am getting nothing done in the house... grocery shopping?? What's that??

I'm harvesting the last of my seeds, creating, printing, cutting, gluing packets [thanks to Daves and Paul for the printable envies] sorting, updating my lists, D-Mailing and answering Dmail.... and i still have to pilfer some seeds from various plants.

But -- I told Dh that the DR table will be cleaned off by Christmas!!

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Ha ha I said that last year and we still ate with seed packs on the table. I finally moved everything to the garage and take it in and out the same day now. So much easier.

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I gotcha down RatherBDigging!

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Cordeledawg...didn't even get to send the dmail...will send for your records.
I appreciate the echies...

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi Gemini, Thank you for the Spanish Flag :)

I have you down for the Browallia viscosa.

I grew it from seeds in last seasons swap and really loved it. I planted it in pots on our porch. It was blooming away and I hated to see it end, so I took in the pots. They are going to seed now. The seeds are super tiny, I'll pack them in a wax paper bundle :)

Anyone who likes grasses, the Job's Tears is a great plant. The seeds can be used to make beads for jewelry. I loved that one too. You get a good amount of seeds from one potted up plant to make a rosary or whatever :)))

Thumbnail by wind
Beautiful Brazoria C, TX(Zone 9a)

Ike smashed my vines and I need some fresh -new and different seed, all I had was the red and that kept the hummers happy. Different colors would be wonderful if there is such a thing. I must admit I have not tried much new in several years. If the plant did well the seeds were collected and replanted the next spring, I had lots of hummers and butterfly fly by and enjoy the yard. I really should try something new, along with the old, and something borrowed and maybe something blue?

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

I know what you mean, I've been at this all day since 8 a.m. this morning! Didn't get a thing done around the house or even my home business (but that's the beauty of working at home!)

My Dmail is going crazy! Just when I thought I was done another pops up! LOL! I'm not complaining about it...this is actually fun. I waited all year for this!


North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Wind I was eyeing the job's tears earlier but I really don't know anythintgabout it. It's an annual right? Anything in particular I need to know? How much space does it require? Any problems with it becoming invasive (over-seeding)?

Frausnow I've got your gaillardia and your zinnias and yours too Fairy.

Neal, I saw you asking for echies. Let me know if there's any from my list you'd like to try.

LOL Chele, no one ever needs to tell on me. I usually manage that quite nicely all by myself.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Last year everyone was soooo generous - and I thank each of you because my gardens and the terrace looked fablulous thanks to all those seeds - But I do feel bad, because I had way too many seeds, and couldn't possibly use them all. However, I did keep your seeds refrigerated since I received them and I am now sending them out in hope that they do receive a permanent home. As much as I love these seeds (and I do!) I know they have limited shelf life, even in a fridge, so please don't be offended. I will probably ask for some seeds for these plants in future years - just not all at once. ^_^

My list also includes seeds that I have collected myself this summer and fall.

My wants are simple:
Great Blue Lobelia – Lobelia siphilitica - which Meredith has tagged for me
Lobelia cardinalis - which bluespiral has tagged for me.

I don't dare look at any lists - the temptation is too great! From what I have seen in a quick glance there are many, many wonderful seeds available . . . I can't dwell on this . . . the seed lust springs within!

Now, I have posted my list of seeds - maybe there is something you would like. I would like to point out that I have five little sacks ( like the toe of panyhose) filled with 100 baby gladiola corms. If you have an extra row in your veggie garden, plant these. In a couple of years you will have fabulous glads. The cultivar is Peter Pears - the most amazing, exotic peach-orange.


Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi Lala, I just loved the Job's Tears, but I like grasses too. It grows tall and grassy and looked best with some petunias or other annuals planted at the base. It most likely would grow as an annual in your zone. It likes a lot of watering too. I kept it in a pot on our porch so I could water it often, since it was potted it did not require much space at all.

Thumbnail by wind
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

La, I keep thinking of more things that are appropriate to cover my new leach field, and was like..duh..Echies! I'll be able to use boat loads of wildflowers there, and am getting really excited about it. The top soil that was brought in to cover the leach lines looks good, and its mostly in full sun. Its at the bottom of the hill near the creek, and judging from the stuff that was growing there, I think it will have plenty of moisture.

Wind, aren't you clever! I would never have thought to grow Job's Tears in a pot, and its beautiful! It shows off the graceful form, sort of brings it to eye level.

I just thought of another I bet would be nice in the field, Sneeze weed, Helenium autumnale. Do any of you grow it?

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

frausnow - is your amaryllis seed taken yet? I love growing surprise seeds to see what comes up - kind of like Christmas.

Hhhmmmm did I already ask this? I feel as if I'm dreaming all this up. LOL!

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I'm here-barely, but her!!

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Wind, I would like to try the Job's tears please.

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

tcs, thanks for the offer of Butterfly weed. The one that Rather was offering was of the Gold, I have the orange. Actually, I just gave a packet to someone here :-) Andrea

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

I wondered about the job's tears, couldn't find a pic of it. Thanks for posting those. Also had trouble finding the Browallia viscosa. Can anyone post a pic or a link for that one? I am headed over to see what you have posted Seandor!


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Tonya, here's one I found:

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Seandor - Can I have some Sweet Alyssum Oriental nights & Rosie, some Lion's Ears and Buddleja 'Guinevere'? Thank You!

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

tcs... I got you for that Mexican Sunflower.

Robynsnest... did you want some of the columbines and black hollyhock?

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Neal. That's very pretty.


Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Does anyone have any Thunbergia Alata? I saw one in a basket hanging from a mailbox. It looked cool and thought maybe the bright amber color would keep people from hitting our mailbox. We've lived here for about 1 1/2 years now and it, as well as our neighbors mailbox, have been hit three times! The last time they were knocked completely off their posts!


This message was edited Nov 15, 2008 12:09 PM

Thumbnail by frausnow
North West, OH(Zone 5b)

OK I'm back for supper. Where else would I eat? Oink

Wind I'm a grass freak, so of course I must try some!

There is a serious power of suggetion mentality going here. Who's got the Browallia viscosa and would it work well in a container? LOL @ me.

Michaela I too will be offering up left-overs from last year's swap (time permitting) and I'd like to throw out the same disclaimer. I appreciated every last seed and I planted so many of them that I beautified almost every square inch of Smallville last summer. But the amount of seed was so overwhelming that I'm going to play it forward this year. Some folks were so generous with the amount of seed in their packets that I just couldn't use it all. (My packets this year may seem rather small in comparison, but I'm basing the size on last year's experience.)

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Here is a pic of the Japanese Red Maple tree.

Edited to add....and of course the Balloon flowers underneath the tree.

This message was edited Nov 14, 2008 8:22 PM

Thumbnail by frausnow
Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

This is the Gaillardia from which the seed came. I also had some in the butterflygarden.

Thumbnail by frausnow
Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I updated my list :) I missed a coleus for someone so please check if you asked for some :) I've been ru nning to dr. appts. for dad and got soo far behind and it's going to be like this for a while sorry lol It's hurting me worse than it's hurting you, it was so nice the last couple of days and I got nothing done! And it's going to be rainy and cold now :(

Anyway, check the list and see if I got it right lol I'm going to get caught up on the thread :)

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

The Yellow Scabiosa. They look white in the photo, but they really do have a yellow cast to them,

Thumbnail by frausnow
Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Coreopsis lanceolata

Thumbnail by frausnow
Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Texus Star Red Hibiscus

Thumbnail by frausnow
Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Purple Balloon Flowers

This message was edited Nov 15, 2008 12:10 PM

Thumbnail by frausnow
Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Yes thank you gypsy, I can put the columbines in the back garden for fillers. Doesn't the black have a deep dark blue look to it? It should work in the front garden for the RWB theme. If not it will do good next to my white house.

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Last one...I promise! Fall colors in our side yard.

Thumbnail by frausnow
Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

JoAnn's picture with the balloon flowers has me sold. Ok, y'all, anyone have any? Oink Oink!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Deborah -- you have Coreposis (perennials) on your wants list...

would you like Coreopsis Early Sunrise?
It has mounding habit [maybe 8-10"] and blooms til hard frost - especially if dead headed.


Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

frausnow - I have some Thunbergia Alata....I'll put your name on it. :-)

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

This little piggie has tried and tried to be good......but I can't hold back any more....suey!!!

Tuink - I've been drooling over your site and I'll just have to refrain from looking any more. I'll be the first to admit that I don't use the scientific/latin names as much as I should - so I thought I'd do a little studying, which is making me hungry. Can I please add:

Ipomoea hederifolia
Ipomoea lobata
Oenothera versicolor "sunset boulevard"
Cerinthe major "purpurascens"
Lavatera trimestris 'Ruby regis'

I do believe I've grown into a Hog. Oink!

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Yes please Terese I really would like some of your Sunrise.

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

Oink...Oink... so many great things out there....

Lala Jane-can I add zinnia "Uproar Rose" to my request?

Critter: May I try you Gaillardia "Burgundy"?

Tuinkabouter: I tried to not look and failed...may I add the following?
Adenophora confusa (Lady Bells)
Agastache anisata
Anemone huehensis "Bowles Pink"
Asclepias syriaca
Campanula takesimana (Korean bellflower)
Lavandula stoechas
(I spent more than an hour or two looking up many of the names on your list...I learned so much! Thanks!)

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

One more oink...
or two...
Seador- may I try your Monarda, pinkish purple
and a pkt of Echinacea "Magnus"? Thank you so much.

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