What weird weather we're having #5

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

willow, that was a sunrise yesterday morning.

Eugene, OR

Susan, your porch looks like mine, except I don't need a 'no dog zone'. Perfect way to protect your guests hahaha.
And it looks great!

I put a double coat of weather proofing stain on ours. Supposed to last 10 yrs., I doubt it. But if it makes 5 I'll be happy.^_^

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Thanks Sally, THEY DO LOOK ALIKE DON'T THEY? Yeah, that's why we got the outdoor polyurethane, it's not only for the rain but for the sun too. It's supposed to last for 10 yrs as well, but I'm with you I doubt it. The pups just turned a yr old in Sept. and they just LOVE people, so when we have guests we have to PROTECT THEM! LOL!
Have to go to town and get some feed for the sheep, chickens and wild birds.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Wow, such great looking pets and porches and sunsets. everything is amazing.

Tilly, I forgot to mention that I loved the picture of your cat with it's head in the plant pot. So adorable.

Gardener, Those dogs are adorable. They look like they are two 'big loves' as I would call them. I pet sit for an indenticle duo. They're fun. Your porch is looking great as well. It looks as though I could skate on it in my socks!

Bruce, it's great to see you here. That sunrise picture is awesome!!! And your 'three boys' are so cute. What a tragic event and so disturbing that coolant was left out somewhere. I've never even understood why people would leave it "out." It seems routine to clean up trays, put caps back on, and put things away, it's not hard to do. That picture of your daughter and her dog looks professional! I'm still reading on what all you've been up to.

Sally your porch looks fantastic. definitely a work of labor and love that has paid off well. And to think that you did it all yourselves (with some friends). That bear is too precious. Thanks for showing him. We'll look forward to a pic of him in the christmas outfit.

Jan, oh my.... snow. :-s I've have several frosts so far. No snow yet, and I like it that way! I'll travel if I decide to ski. :-p

I took these two of one of my cats last night. she was in a strange mood.

Thumbnail by redchic01
southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

whoops, sorry that was a big picture. Need to resize this other one.

this one is a much better size.

Thumbnail by redchic01
Eugene, OR

rc...that first one reminds of my Poo when she wants to play. It means please, please.... get out the feather mom.
She sure is a pretty one.

Mostly dry here today, cold, but some sun. We had a freeze last night, my steps were icy this morning. Didn't see that one coming, but then neither did the weather man.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Bruce, So sorry to hear the of all that happening, poor you and the family. All my wishes to you all, glad things are making a turn to the good.
Sally, love the bear. I have 2 cubs carved on a stump as you enter the drive. Too cool. And for Xmas I have a blow up polar bear riding a quad. Love the Kittys
Thats Okay, Carol I know the pup will bring you many joys and give you lots of love. But I would like to see it next year?
And love both of the porches.

I got this one this morning, was too funny to pass up. Mom on the bottom, I think she was saying ' Do they ever grow up'
She is 12 He is 10
Opps forgot the pic.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Heres the pic.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Eugene, OR

You all have to go look on the pet forum to see Spike, Murmur put some precious pics up. Sorry I still haven't mastered links yet.

Eugene, OR

Now that's togetherness!

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Here ya go
I let you know how, but time for bed for me now.

Eugene, OR

Thank You Tilly^_^

Eugene, OR

We had a sunny day today. Wahoo!! Cool but not too cold. Getting much cooler at night now and we had ice on our deck yesterday morning. Time to get my runners out so I don't fall flat on my you know what. Did that once, that's why I bought the runners.LOL

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Is anyone else have trouble with Daves????

Eugene, OR

Yes, pictures are taking forever to load. Some of them not at all (or I didn't wait long enought).

Just noticed we have a fog alert again, should lift early tomorrow though.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Real foggy here.
Was just wondering if I lost my mind or the puter LOL I got home turned it on had no banner, no tabs and no pics. The treads where there, but home wasn't. Don't get it. I could read the tread but couldn't get back. Weird....I have found, that around midnight my puter is really slow on the net, then after about 45 min its fine. don't get it.

Eugene, OR

WOW, mine wasn't that bad, but I was looking at the papercraft threads and the pics of the cards didn't show up. Are they maybe doing some maintenance?

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Was really strange, I thought they did that on Mondays. Everything is fine now. I don't think it was my server everything else was fine. Was a hard day today, really hate this time of year, retail sucks if you are management, which is me (dummy) 6 10s for the next 5 weeks or the day before Xmas. Sorry I am suppose to say 'I love my job' "BITE ME" LOL
I think I need to go to bed, was a very stressful day.
Hugs to all
Have a good day to all

This message was edited Nov 23, 2008 1:42 AM

Eugene, OR

I've had those days too, not now, I'm retired. Sometimes, it felt like I spent more time at work than at home.

Don't think it had anything to do with servers, but that was my first thought too. Since we both had problems it had to be something with DG. Fixed now, no worries.

Hope tomorrow is better. Goodnight now.

This message was edited Nov 23, 2008 1:46 AM

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Felt better today after venting a little. I really can't wait for the day I get to retire, few more years to go. bummer

Its really cold, can't tell you what the temp is my outdoor thermometer fell off the hook and broke, keep forgetting to tell DH to get a new one.
Frist time I had to scrape the car windows at 10pm.

Don't know what happen last night, everything is fine tonite.

Eugene, OR

Cold here too, and real foggy. Saw a shiny thingy on the ground when I went to get mom's paper this morning and it turned out to be a piece of hail. Didn't find anymore, it was strange. Would have noticed, except the outdoor kitty had followed me over and I bent to pet her.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

You didn't hear any fall, that is strange.
The skys are clear, thats why its sooooo cold.

Have you been on Hollys tour?

Eugene, OR

Is that Mauryhill, I've been on that one, really interesting.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Yes, And I am next.
This will be fun, and keep us going all winter.
Pixie is after me then Laurie. Mine will start soon. want to add to the list?

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

red, thank you. Yeah, they are a couple of "BIG LOVES". We call Moose Lovebug cause he'll come over to you and sit in front of you and look up with those soft brown eyes and you can just read his mind he's saying "please love me". We call Brute Jitterbug cause he just can't sit still, he just wiggles all over the place and when he wants to be loved he'll come over and put his head down and just wag the tip of his tail. Cutest thing you ever saw.
Thank you for the compliment on the porch, I don't think you would want to try and skate on it in your socks though, even though DH sanded it there's still slivers and they HURT! LOL
It's really COOOOLD here too. It was 27 when I got up at 6:30. The boys slept in their kennel last night, I'm glad they got a drink before they went out as their water was frozen this a.m. They're happy now though can you tell?
Susan, M & B
( '..' )

Thumbnail by gardener105
Eugene, OR

Awwwwwwwwww...how cute, ya gotta love em.

Cold here again, still dry, keeps it cold. Just barely over 40 at most. 32 when I first went out this morning.
We had sun, just no warmth to it.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

These are the most hilarious resting/sleeping dogs and cats pictures. And you definitely have the gardening cats Tilly, interested in everything including the flower bulb order. Too funny!

Eugene, OR

Here the latest from my two, Poo doesnt think Gretchen gets her ears clean enough!

Thumbnail by Sally_OR
Greenacres, WA

Happy Thanksgiving to each of you

Thumbnail by MarciaS
Eugene, OR

That pic didn't look that bad on my camera! Maybe this one is better, feet came next.

Thumbnail by Sally_OR
Eugene, OR

Thank you Marcia...same to you.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I was really worried that I would've missed a ton since I haven't been on the computer since Fri. I'm sort of glad that I'm only several posts behind. I think that I can thank DG and attribute it to the site running slowly. At least I hope that's why not much has been going on!

It's cold.... that's my weather for the day. Although, I suspect that i'm warmer than Gardner105... so I can't complain much. :-p

Gardner.... so no sockhop on your new porch then?! Darn! Oh well, it's a little cold for that now anyhow:-p Jitterbug (brute) is ... The yellow lab? and maybe Lovebug (moose) is the brown one? Either way, they're adorable.

Awhhhh... Sally, I sure wish that my two cats got along as well as yours do. They are soooo sweet!

Tilly, those cats are cool. What is Holly's tour or Mauryhill? I definitely missed something somewhere.

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Thank you Marcia, same to you.
Sally, Brute (black) knows how Gretchen feels, Moose (yellow) is constantly cleaning his ears. He acts more like a dad than a brother.
Red, sorry about the sockhop and that I forgot no-one on this thread knows the boys by name or color.
Tilly, your cats are too funny!
It's a little warmer today than it was yesterday, got down to 32 last night so wasn't too awfully cold. No snow for the mountains so Mt Bachelor won't be opening for Thanksgiving. Oh well, I'm not a skier anyway and they don't like the locals anyway, they don't feel we make enough money. A season's pass nowdays is $1000.00. DH used to go skiing but since I'm not a skier and we just took swimming lessons together we'd rather go swimming cause it's warmer and "cheap"! Closer too, 7 mi as opposed to 30 mi. We can swim for as long as we want and then sit in the hot tub afterwards for 10 or 15 min. all for $10.00 ($5.00 ea.). Can't beat that with a stick!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I forgot Marcia. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. The family will be here tomorrow through Saturday, so I wont be getting much yard work done. Believe it or not, I'd rather do something in the yard than sit around, like blobs, watching tv or whatever all day. It's always a "score" for me if I can convince my niece and nephews to work out in the yard with me, of course I have to pay them for this! But, that way I can call it a family thing.

I agree completely about the snow Gardner. I don't miss it. And can definitely see your point about the situation that exists between "the locals" and the skiiers and tourist. People ask me why I don't skii anymore, which is because of a messed up knee, but I've often thought about taking up snow boarding (supposed to be easier on knees) since Willamette Pass is only 30 min. away. Someone almost always says, 'well why don't you get a job there so that you can get a pass and skii for free.' My thoughts are always the same.... so, I'm going to spend how many hours working simply to earn a season lift pass and maybe a little extra by the time I pay for my gas?? :-p Nope, I'd like a real paycheck. Anyhow, I wish that there was a local pool so I could go swim someplace warm in the winter! That's a great idea. Sometimes I'll drop in somewhere in Eugene that has one. Which is really nice! But, it somehow is lessened by the hour drive home.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Marvelous pet photos here - makes me wish I had one of each . . . well, I lied. No it doesn't - honestly, I'd forgotten what a lot of work a puppy is (it's been about 40 years since I had one!). But I'm loving it and Spike has really brought the young life and young energy that I needed back in this house.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

red, Holly's tour is a new thing about giving pictorial garden tours of our homes this winter. Mauryhillfarms started hers and now Tils is doing hers. Next will be Laurie's turn. They are each on a thread of their own.

Eugene, OR

Hope this works and it's o.k. to put it here. If you want to see something that will make you laugh go here.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4E6HOPtU90& sdig=1

Eugene, OR

rc...my cats aren't always that friendly. I just have Poo sitting with me tonight, she ran Gretchen off!

Greenacres, WA

Your Bird is FANTASTIC thanks for sharing

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

That's an awesome video Sally. Had me cracking up. I had a link to a video a long time ago of this dog prancing through the snow. It was great. i'll have to see if I can find it.

Murmur, I'm so glad to hear that Spike is brightening things up for you.

Tonight is a little warmer than the last few nights have been. I'm very hopeful that the leaves will dry a little tomorrow. I've been raking the leaves, wet as they are, but the wettest ones on the bottom stay pretty matted down to the ground. So, the plan is to rake up the top layers and hope that someday the bottom layer will dry enough to then be raked up. We'll see how that goes!

I have to take Precious, my orange cat up above, to the vet tomorrow (the only day that the Vet is in town) because one of her eyes has been weeping continually for days. Has anyone delt with this before? In the past when her eye has weeped, teramyacin has been able to stop it. But this time it has no affect on it.

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