Time again for - Mid Atlantic - show us your furr babies

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Miss Chloe would like to introduce the Canine Crew aka: Baby, Makwa, Amber and Wolfie

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Head shot of Prince Makwa

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Princess Baby

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

and....wait that's not a furr baby...that's Chloe (then again - THAT hair!!)...where's Amber and Wolfie???? Stay tuned....

Thumbnail by Chantell
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

just like Grandma, always with the wonderful smile ^_^

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

They're all so cute!!!

This is the litter I may be getting 2(1 boy and 1 girl) from. german shepherds

Thumbnail by flowAjen
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Look at those pretty boys! Makwa sure looks like his mama, Chantell. His chest spot is even similar. Chloe's curls are beautiful, not to mention that smile.

Jen, I think those are definitely potato chip puppies - you can't have just one. Have you decided what color/colors?

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Lovely furries all, including Chloe!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I've always wanted a white shepherd.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Sally - YOU are always so sweet!!!
OMG THOSE puppies....what gorgeous wonderful puppies...SOOO excited for you, Jen!!!
Diane - he's a handsome boy, isn't he???
Thank you Stormy!!!
Now where's the rest of those furr babies?!?!?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I have a friend who has a white shepherd named Boo. He's so pretty, not to mention a complete sweetie pie.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Boo, I like that name.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

When we take Addy tothe dog park, mst people who comment say they didn't know about black shepaerd but did know white ones. First I have to give you this, my Chester, saying- OK the plants are cared for, what about ME?

Thumbnail by sallyg
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

There she is- on the alert.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

She likes to get a toy and then find a home base- a tarp laying on the ground, or in this case a pile of leaves.
jen- if you can handle two, they sure would entertain each other and be company.. That's what I ended up with for cats. I don't know if I can personally handle two GSDs. ENERGY

Boo is a great name.

OK Chantell, I hear you yelling at me--Land sakes Sally, its no big deal!! Get four big dogs!!

Thumbnail by sallyg
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

FOUR dogs...sounds perfect!! LOL Sally is Chester a lynx point? Such a pretty boy!!!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I figured we'd train 2 now get it out of the way instead of getting one now and getting one a few years from now and have to do the puppy stage all over again. The question is can these pups keep up with my kids? Talk about energy.

I'm not into cats but Chester is a cutie.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL Jen!!! I say keepin' pups and kids busy is a good thing...then they don't have time to get into something else...^_^

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

the plan is the pups and kids keeping each OTHER busy, eh?
Egad, I haven't turned this, but you get the idea. Chester is, I think, a cream tabby with white toes and boots and points. He was lighter when younger, more Siamese looking.
(sorry jen)
Back to pups. Good plan, jen! When we picked Addy, we sat with half the litter at a time, and she sat with us the whole time instead of wandering around, so we took it as a sign she liked us.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Sally, I love that photo. Does Addy levitate Chester very often? LOL

Jen, I like the name Boo too.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Hart, as always, quite the jester. You folks keep making me want a furry friend. I'm too busy with my furry FIENDS!!!!!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hey stormy how about a rat terrier to take care of your "furry fiends"?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

How about some more pics!??! Is that a subtle enough hint???? LOL

Shenandoah Valley, VA

This house had been empty for almost a year when I moved in and, despite the rocky soil, there were quite a few voles. My dog I had at that time, a lab, pretty much cleared out all the voles within a few weeks. Any kind of terrier would probably do even better since they're bred to hunt small animals.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Just slap me why don't ya! LOL I have been terrible about getting photos of Phoebe, but enjoying all your furr babies :) Chantell, I can't believe you've got four dogs!!!! I'm having a tough time, thinking about adopting so Phoebe would have a playmate but I just can't fathom having two dogs right now, let alone four! Thinking when we retire and know that we'll be around to give them the attention they deserve - maybe, possibly?

Oooh, Jen, sweet puppies! Can't wait to see photos of the two you choose :) How do you decide?

Sally, Chester's adorable and Addy's a sweetie too :) LOL, hart, I thought the same thing when I looked at the picture - I thought Chester was jumping from something above Addy to attack!

I really need to get some pictures, Phoebe does this thing with her ears - if I make just the right sound, they go straight back and then they perk up and her head cocks, like what's up? Then she has this 'pose' where she looks like Queen of Sheba and I keep thinking we gave her the wrong name - she should have been named Sheba, it would have been perfect :)

Stormy, don't even get me started on your "furry FIENDS" - I've got my hands full here, they've invaded every inch of soil where I've been planting the past few weeks :( And now Phoebe has discovered them - good or bad? She stands there with her head to the ground listening to them, and before I know it I'm discouraging her - she'd dig a tunnel to China to get to them if I let her! I'm hoping the ground will hurry up and freeze and I can forget about them, at least for now.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

They have various tests you do when you meet the litter for the first time. Pick them up turn them on their back and if they really fight and kick probably not one you'll want. When holding them you squeeze between their toes(gently) to see their pain threshhold, drop a set a keys when they're not looking to see which gets frightened easier and who comes to investigate first. The couple that has them will let us know when the mother is ready for strangers to come see them. I can't wait!

Thumbnail by flowAjen
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

oh yeah we did all the tests--snort.
That's a precious puppy!
our 'mother' was very trusting and had no problem with us visiting early. and Addy has turned out very tolerant of child abuse, sudden noise, not a yapper for no reason...just a super breed IMHO LOL
How did we not take a handful of these?

Thumbnail by sallyg
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

OMG....I NEED another one.... Whew, sanity returned....that was a close one.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

ohh look how cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I have kitties and no pups! (Still livin' in an apartment.)
Would love to have a dog...
but I believe these guys would have a STROKE!!!

This is Remy...

Thumbnail by VA_Wild_Rose
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

This is Skye...

Thumbnail by VA_Wild_Rose
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

And brother Virgil...

Thumbnail by VA_Wild_Rose
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

VA WR- all beautiful cats! I am partial to the 'pointed' ones. Are they more vocal than many 'regualr' cats, in your experience? Our first cat had a kind of long face, and now Chester also is something of a talker. His bro Chip tho is classic idiot cat.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

(((Karen)))) - where have you been?!?!? Missed you!!!

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Great pic's, everyone! They're all very cute!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Jen & RCN, That's been one of my concerns. I'd get a really cute dog who would go around tearing up my gardens to get those nasty fiends. RCN, They are very active in the winter. Then my really cute pup might get rabies or lymne disease from them.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Chantell!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I've been here.... lurking mostly!

I miss you too!!!

Congrats on being "Grandma" again!

Looks like you have a very busy household!

{{{{{Hugs}}}}}} to you too!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Sally....

Yes... I am partial to the "pointed" ones too! All of mine are mixed breed though. Skye and Virgil are actually littermates. To adopt Skye, we had to adopt Virgil with her... but it was a blessing for all of us.

These three are very "quiet" kitties. My last mixed Siamese though... whew!!! He was very talkative and noisy... always following me around "YOW"-ing all the way! He looks down on us from heaven now!

Remy went flying about five weeks ago. We live on the third floor in our building... and however she did it, she went over the edge of the balcony. I was petrified we'd find her broken in a million pieces! When we finally did find her several hours later, she was fine. I think she is minus one of her nine lives now though. And she doesn't like to go out on the balcony anymore!

Thumbnail by VA_Wild_Rose
Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

This is Ashley, an American Eskimo. Picture was taken in her favorite spot. She was a sweet and gentle mama who peacefully passed away at aged 15 three weeks ago...

Thumbnail by aspenhill
Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

This is little Miss Jordan - Ashley's legacy. Jordan also loves the rocks, but prefers to perch on them rather than rest in the shade beneath them....

Thumbnail by aspenhill

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