The nice thing about being a Great dane -

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Pure beauty. Could that be loosely translated: Never regret?

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

"I regret nothing" would be the translation....and if you knew the life of Mme. Piaf (beautiful but depressing movie for me) you will know what a mouthful that is!!!!


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you, Carol. I'm more accustomed to Spanish dialogue.

Kapaa, HI

My daughter in law recently brought home a Neopolitian mastiff puppy. I think it is 4 months old. What a funny looking creature. He is all feet, and legs and is falling all over himself. He has these giant eyes and he has just begun to sag. hahahah She says he at full growth will be 185 pounds!!!!!! Now that is a big pile of poo!!!!!!!!!.

I lost my elderly dog recently. It was a big loss to me. After about 2 weeks of saying to myself and everybody else NO MORE DOGS,I got so lonely i went to the Humane Society, lucked out and found the love of my life, a 7 year old Brussels Griffin mix. What a darling!!!!! He is 13 pounds of cute. A running puffball. He looks like a cross between a Benji and and an Ewok. He took over the house in about 3 days.

Because he is so small i was concerned my 3 cats might beat him up. No chance. He put them in their place very quickly!

The only thing i know about him is his previous owners passed away and he had been a running back yard, flea bag for quite awhile before he ended up in the pound. Whoever had him before me really loved him because he is perfectly trained, except an occasional leg lift on the nearest flower pot. This island (Kaua`i) is so small I keep expecting someone to come up to me and tell me they recognize the little guy and tell me who his previous owners were.

I have never let a dog sleep in my bed. This one can sleep in my bed. This one can do what ever he wants. He has completely won my heart. He has completely won me over about regarding adult dogs. From now on if i am ever faced with having to get another dog it will be an adult.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi, everyone.

I am writing this on my laptop, a task I totally despise because I find the keyboard's flatness awkward. A brown-out wreaked havock with my hard drives on my desktop and I lost all my data. Luckily, the data was backed-up every night on my external hard disk. That is how i came to find out that my desktop should NEVER have been conveted to Windows Vista in the first place. I am now the proud owner of an idiot box that can't even connect to the internet. I will be re-installing programs for weeks to come.

QWe are now in the middle of a downpour here but no thunder or lightning. I am sorry I couldn't provide a translation for Rien de Rien. The fates conspired against me there. Anyhow, I'm back and yes Carol (thank you), Rien de rien translates as I regret nothing.

Take care, all.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I have now owned my first iMac laptop for two weeks today. You're right about the keyboard but I have the option of purchasing a wireless regular size keyboard. I did get the wireless mouse right away. Can't do without that. Presently on our "remodeled" deck and I love the freedom of having the pc outside.


It would take 25 pictures to begin to show even half of it. The chair with the back to the camera is where I am sitting right now.

Thumbnail by LouC
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

That looks cozy.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

This is Becky's view.

Thumbnail by LouC
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

my view of the koi pond

Thumbnail by LouC
Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Gorgeous pictures. I notice you have what appears to be a thalia dealbata near the waterfall in the pond. I had one of those in Montreal that resisted the frightful winters over there every years, grew to 5 feet as soon as it got warm and bloomed year after year. Ah, memories...

Take care, all.

Tilaran, Costa Rica

I used to know a dude named Sylvain that lived in Delray.
Are you a machinist ?

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Hi Sylvain,

BHM, could you tell me more about the liquid that you put in your dog's food for arthritis? My Lil' Boy is starting to have problems jumping up and no longer likes to go for walks. (He's a Shih Tzu.) The vet has tried 2 different meds, to no avail.


Oh, Hi everyone.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)


Hap, I give them Glucosamine made by Wellesse. It has 2000 mg glucosamine, 1200 mg chondroitin and 500 mg of msm (whatever that is). They get 2 Tbs per day - one mixed in with each meal. We buy it at Cosco. We also give them 1 baby aspirin a day. The glucosamine has been okayed by the vet who also added the 1 baby aspirin per day. I can't tell you if this really works or not because they have been on it for the past few years and they have never missed a dose, so I am not sure just how stiff they would be without it. I am so sorry to hear Lil' Boy is starting to have problems, perhaps you can give this a try - I am not sure of the dosage for your little guy though... do let us know if it helps.

d_Thom, your new friend sounds wonderful - we need pictures! Many of the dogs we have had in the past have been adult or adult-ish dogs from the pound, and they have always been wonderful, although not as well trained as yours! I am so glad you have found such a nice "new best friend".

Christi, what a lovely lanai! I could sit there all day long, especially as it looks like Mike is preparing to bbq in the picture! I think of you guys often...


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi, everyone.

Nancy, that dosage is for a great dane. Archie would need much, much less. Jenn, how much does your big guy weigh? Let's say for example that the great dane is 80 lbs and Archie is 8 pounds, you would only give him 1/10 of the dosage. Most dosage is by weight.

Sheldon sent me a recipe for golden raisins soaked in gin for a week and that you eat 9 raisins every morning for arthritis relief. Now, if a person can be helped with 9 raisins, Archie could probably find relief with 2 raisins.

ToucanOasis, you used to know someone called Sylvain that lived in Delray Beach... must have been a good guy but it's not me. All the time I lived in Montreal, I never came across another Sylvain Forest. Now that I am living in Florida, I know of 3 with that unusual name.

Take care, all.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I tried the raisin/gin thing. Didn't help the arthritis much but I did care less.


We finally had 1/2 inch rain today. First in weeks, plus a break in the 100+ temps.

The neighbors are shocked that we have essentially joined our yards. It has worked out quite well as we are both avid gardners and now they are sharing the koi pond with us. Somehow we have been very respectful of the others privacy. Sometimes we chatter, sometimes we don't.This is actually the side yards of each home...long narrow spaces. Happens we each have doors opening out to this area. The lion's share of my yard is to the south and east. Covered with plants. Goal is to eliminate all st. augustine grass as it is useless and is a water hog. Wish I had a wide lense camera. Will try another little piece.

Thumbnail by LouC
Keaau, HI

Never, never, never give a dog raisins or grapes. It messes up their kidneys, causes them to have uncontrollable bowel movements.

Garlic, onions, and chocolate are also toxic to dogs.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks to both Sylvain and Dave. You are probably life savers. Sylvain is close, but with his father's treats, Archie now weighs 15 lbs, which is really not that bad.

Yes, I would like to know how much he would need at 15lbs. I'll give anything a try. I like the ASA thingy. But even 81mg, would that be too much?

I had a nun tell me over 50 years ago when I was in HS, that I should take 1 ASA a day. How did she know? She was surely right on and she was in her late 70s at that time. Smart lady!! Loved her and think of her often.

Thanks again all.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

What a diverse conversation! Perfect example of how to meander blissfully, and yet find our way back home.

Christi - how I want to just cuddle up on that deck and talk the day away! Iced ginger tea, good conversation and gentle scents wafted in on cool breezes...heaven!

d_thom - your new friend sounds like a match made in heaven. Congratulations! Can't wait to see pics!

NO NO NO - there cannot be another Sylvain! One is quite enough! Precious he is, but no duplications please!

Yokwe all,

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

This is my little Erin's hideaway

Thumbnail by LouC
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi Princess

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

wish I could send more than one at a time. Deck is actually 4 levels...then there is the rock patio below with a canopy. The deck is covered with wisteria...drops the temps at least 15 degrees.

Thumbnail by LouC
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh wow! Here we start with Jen's beautiful Danes and look where we are now. My favorite people. Hi, Randy. Cooled off a little a 1/2 inch rain which really helped the plants. Howsomever, (as my grandmother would say) it is to be short lived. Back to 100+ by the weekend. If I could only get all of you here at one time....heaven it would be.

Princess Kilikina

For those of you that don't know: When I went to Jennies in Feb., 2008, it was necessary to translate my name into Hawaiian. Hence, Kilikina. One a very good day I am PK or Princess Kilikina. I am definitely a missplaced islander...

Thumbnail by LouC
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

"If I could turn back time....." Cher

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

It was cloudy most of the day, so I crammed some gardening in this morning before work.
I've been working every weekend since June for overtime, which reminds me I need to sign up for this weekend.
I figure as long as it's horrible hot I'll put in some ot and make some extra money.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Don't forget, we still have a date.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I haven't, and I'm needing a full weekend soon.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

If you can stand the heat...I need a personal consultation. Mainly a hug.


Thumbnail by LouC
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL, me too!
and a glass of wine, some silly chat...

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Got all of the above and then some. Mike has been asking about you.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes soon, I think drive again so I can bring more plants.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

See with jealousy! Have fun!!


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes, well wait till your stuck with the Princess and I on your little Island Nation! You may send us on an underwater tour with out oxygen! LOL

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)


No, please NEVER give a dog raisins as Dave says - toxic!

My danes are 130lbs or there about...

Having great troubles with the internet, hope to be up to speed soon here at home. I will be checking in when I am at at work!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Stuck??? Not on your life! It would be so wonderful to chat with everyone without having computer/internet problems to deal with! It seems like as soon as one of us gets things all fixed up, someone else goes into pooter purgatory.

130 lbs!!! I just weighed Bogie at the vet tech's office...almost 8 lbs. I can't even imagine an indoor pet at 130! Brave indeed is Braveheartsmom!


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

During avocado season Thelma can weigh up there at about 110 but drops down to about 99 off season!! But she is convinced she weighs about 8 and is a lap dog!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

oh I know! My friend has a Great Dane, and those dogs simply think they are people and should be treated as such!

Christchurch, New Zealand

hope that Neo pup is getting obedience trained :)
easy to let cute puppies get away with stuff that later isn't going to seem nearly as funny...
they need positive reinforcement from an early age, any dog does but a giant dog with no manners is hard to live with
I swear by Karen Pryor's Clicker Training.
It works wonders & is so much fun for the dog & owner.
My two dalmatians think training time is the best time of the day although the old girl is retired now.
My little old Chita is nearly 15 & she can attest to glucosomine being good for sore joints.
She is getting fish oil too as that is an anti inflammatory.
Can upset tummies in some dogs.
Flax seed is another good one - but my two are allergic to it so it pays to be careful with these herbal remedies & supplements.
My 11 year old 'puppy ' Copper is on the couch with his head resting on his flank, I cannot believe how tightly he can curl himself up.
Very flexible pooch!
I am giving him the supplements to try & keep him that way.
I left it until Chita was showing signs of stiffness & while it has helped I wish I started earlier for her.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hello, Aloha, Bonjour, Konichi wa, everyone.
After re-reading that first line, I feel like that teutonic trollop in Blazing Saddles. LOL

Shari, I understand your incredulity. Let me reassure you: there is only one lourspolaire (the polar bear) named Sylvain. I remain to this day often imitated, rarely equalled and absolutely never surpassed. Sometimes, when I am proven right about something, I'll tell Gail: "In the Bear...". She is expected to answer "We trust and all others pay cash". Then we laugh. The Cree indians of James Bay (Canada) believe that The Creator realized that all the other animals would be jealous of the polar bear's beauty and witt. That's why He confined them to the Northern polar regions. And since penguins are so clumsy on land and so tasty, He placed them at the South pole to protect them from the Polar Bear's voracious appetite. Those were truly wise decisions, if you ask me.

My father's side of the family always fancied dried fruits and nuts of every kind. I like all foods. In my pre-diabetic life, I had dried fruit almost every day: figs, dates, prunes, raisins, pineapple, papaya, trail mix, etc. We owned this very good little Lhassa Hapso mixed-breed dog that lived to the ripe old age of 16 1/2 years old. As a rule of thumb, what I ate, the dog ate with the notable exception of chocolate. The dog even knew that when I had chocolate, she couldn't have any. Smart little dog, she was.

I tell you all this about dried fruits and nuts because I swear I had no idea that raisins were bad for dogs. Nancy, I am sorry I mentionned that soaked raisin thing. You know I wouldn't hurt Archie. With Gail's arthritis, I leave no stone unturned to try to bring her some sort, any sort of relief. If it entailed dancing the can-can naked on the roof under the full moon, I'd be there and you all know it. I can see it from here: Delray Beach's production of Polar Bear On The Roof. It would stop traffic. As they say in showbiz, it would bring down the house (literally). The roof would probably need a roofer's attention afterwards but I'd do it. The raisins are soaking in the kitchen. I'll let you know how that turns out. The way I see it, it's the gin and she should have a good swig of it at least once a day.

Take care, all.
Edited because I can't make a coherent sentence this morning. Where's that coffee?

This message was edited Jul 21, 2009 8:42 AM

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Have you given up your Thong Dance?

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Of course not. But that is to be used with the greatest of restraint because it can cause such calamities worldwide. As a matter of fact, thanks for reminding me. My flowery purple thong is still in its secret hiding place in Lauderhill. I will have to retrieve it and hide it in Delray Beach. I shudder at the thought of the condo's new owner finding it by mistake and the devastation it might bring.


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