Alexandra's exciting news!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)


Well done Alexandra - and what perfect timing to have your schoolwork all done before the next chapter in your life arrives!

You know that we will all be cheering you on when you go for your orals, and that we are all very proud of you!

Hi Gail! ^_^

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Agree with the group above. We are already very proud of you.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Want to add my 2 cents! Very proud of you friend Alex! And I agree with Jenny on the about Planned Parenthood! If your thesis comes anywhere near as thoughtfully presented and provocatively educational as some of your posts here, you are a sure "distinguished" graduate.

Well done Alexandra!


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I definately agree!

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Not sure how I missed this thread but wanted to say congratulations again to you!! Now she is in El Paso with out family and friends. SO girls how about a baby shower by mail?

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm all for it.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I'm for it too. Kinda hard to resist baby stuff. lol

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Oh yes!!!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Sounds like fun... who's going to organize it....think someone in c/48 is better!!!


Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I am not the most organized person but maybe myself and someone who has it all together? I am hoping to make a trip over to see her in the late spring.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Hello, my friends! Thanks for the vote of confidence, I'm proud of having you all close to me! For us the "family planning" was the amount of stress I've dealt with during these years. In the rhythm I'm writing now, I don't think I'll ever graduate! I have big concentration issues...

You are all a wonderful group of people, and I want to thank you for thinking of me, with the baby shower idea and all (Hi, Marie!!!)... but you know you don't have to do it! Just the proposition left me speechless!

I've had my appointment with the Dr. It was a bit stressful: waited for 1 hour, half of it dressed with just some paper... Good news is the baby is where it's supposed to be (this was one of my fears). Could-have-been-better news is that I think she placed me as a high-risk pregnancy, but this hopefully means they'll be watching me more.

Sleeping a lot lately... almost like a cat!

Sweet dreams everyone, and have a great weekend! Hugs,

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Baby shower by mail?

I'm a guy. I've never been to a baby shower. Is that where you dress someone in toilet paper? I'll have to check with Gail when she gets up.

Anywway, I'm all for it. When is it scheduled? Will you cover your head with the presents' bows? I am so mixed up here, it's not funny. Don't worry, Gail will straighten me out.

Take care.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Wonderful news. Take care of yourself first and foremost. The sleeping is very normal. After all, there is two of you now.

Mimi aka Christi

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Congratulation! They are little miracles.

I remembered in my first trimester, I could barely keep my eyes open by 4:00pm. I couldn't wait to get home from work to lay down. Those pillows were calling my name. You'll feel energize in 2nd trimester.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Glad that you are doing well. Get all the rest you'll definately need it later! Take care of yourself and the little one.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Alexandra, wonderful news from the doctor, despite the high risk bit. I was high risk during two pregnancies and it really does mean that they will watch you and the babe very carefully, and you will get the best of attention. Just try your best to keep the stress level down as much as you can - you are going to ace that exam!

When I asked your permission to make the announcement you thought that everyone wouldn't be interested - HA! We are all rooting for you kiddo, one big "Ohana" here at TZ!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Definately one big "Ohana"! We LOVE babies!!!!!!!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

So did we decide on an organizer? Troop Leader? Head baby guru?? Marie - don't sell yourself short - I think you just volunteered!!

Keep me posted, pretty please.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi, Shari. Been missing you. I think you are right, Marie you are elected.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hiya Christi! Just sent you and Mike a little something...our pooters have been down more than up may have heard someone "hacked" the Pentagon, so we are all struggling with the fallout.

Happy Thanksgiving one and all!


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I haven't heard about the hacking at the Pentagon.

Hi Shari!!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

The Pentagon got hacked? I just want to say it wasn't me.

These last few days, I have become acquainted with "Achmed the Dead Terrorist", a character from ventriloquist Jeff Dunham. It's very funny.

Here's a link to YouTube:

He's so funny, IMOHO. The clip lasts 11 minutes. Sit back, relax and enjoy.

Take care, all.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

We watched him all the time at work. He truely is funny. My parents and I are going to see Jeff Dunham next month. I can't wait!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you for sending us to a great funny site!!!!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

LouC, keep an eye on the Comedy Channel. He has done a few shows on there and you might be able to catch a rerun.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

You are all nuts! and I love you!

I had my first couple of nauseous days... but with my childhood motion sickness experience, it was/is bearable! I'm eating lots of oranges and tangerines, and avocados (???), plus never-before reached amounts of milk (not a big fan) and cheese and yogurt. And (my best cure for non-alcohol-related nausea) sleep!

So, hum, what's with the hacking?
I know Achmed, and Peanut (who loves Peanut?), and Halapeno on a stiiiiick! And Walter! We both love Jeff Durham, and watched it on Comedy Central and on youtube, we never have enough! He has a new show rolling now, holiday-themed.

Speaking of bows in hair, I don't remember if I ever showed you a pic of me with LONG hair... did I?

My husband is cooking today, as I am beat (didn't sleep well last night, and it is true that I seem to dream more; and more is not necessary better, because some are really scary).

This year I'm escaping the turkey, or the turkey escapes us... a party of two and a half going to Santa Fe, NM for the Thanksgiving weekend!

Have a great Thanksgiving, all of you, and your dear ones!
Hugs and Thanks for being here!

Thumbnail by goofybulb
Keaau, HI

Hey Alexandra, can we guess from the picture that the baby is going to have Keith Richards and Ron Wood for guitarists?
An appreciation for nature and gardening, and good music! What a lucky baby!

Aloha and Happy Thanksgiving! Dave

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Well, I finally have a bit of time to myself before family arrives shortly. I thought I'd give you an idea of what's going on here.

For all intents and purposes, the meal is done. We'll have little ham canapés with wine in the afternoon. The turkey with mashed potatoes, dressing (2 kinds), mixed root vegetables and gravy is cooking slowly and the house smells so good.

Then, it's on to pumpkin pie, pecan pie and banana bread, all homemade from A to Z. I did purchase a box of belgian frozen mini cream puffs at Costco... just in case. We'll play cards during the evening and I'll surprise everyone with a batch of a traditionnal french canadian fudge. It seems I'm the only one who remembers how to make that stuff. Basically, it's heavy cream, butter, brown sugar, walnuts, vanilla and confectionner's sugar: all healthy stuff. I know you'll agree.

After that, I'll kick them all out and it's gonna be SYAG (See'Yall A Christmas). Company brings you pleasure twice: when they arrive and when they leave.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Dave, yes, they sing to my baby!
Private concert... apparently, my baby has ears already!

Sylvain, great meal, and everyone must love the home-made! I love that kind of healthy stuff! The only thing we cooked for today was the huge omelet with mushrooms that we had for brunch.

My holiday season starts officially on December 5th, evening, but I'll take any reason of celebrating, so we adopted a bit of Thanksgiving!

I've finished watering the plants, so now we're hopping in our car and off we go! Have a great time tonight and all weekend long!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Hope everyone had a happy and healthy, safe weekend! We did! Family was here. Everyone pitched in! My only Grandson came over Wed. to learn how to make pumpkin pies. Some we made with frozen pie crust, some we made with homemade pie crust. We used six cans of pumpkin! Thursday we got the turkey in on time. DS injected it with a marinade of chicken broth and seasonings. It was sooooo juicy and tender! We had all of the trimminings....mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes w/ marshmellows, bread dressing, cornbread dressing, frozen corn, creamed corn casserole with jalepenos, green beans, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, rolls, soda, tea, coffee, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, whipped cream.....I think I forgot something.....oh, of course, deviled eggs, and fruit salad!

We sent left overs home with everyone, and finnished ours up today. Everything was very good. Everyone's help was sincerely appreciated!

Alexandra...hope your trip was enjoyable. I found the best thing for nausea was saltine crackers before I even lifted my head off of the pillow, and then a very bland breakfast. Good Luck! It goes by much faster than you think.

Happy Holidays One and All!

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Hey, everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend! Just reading the menus you cooked, Jeanne and Sylvain, makes me hungry! But this year is the first in 6 years that I didn't cook for Thanksgiving! And I don't feel guilty at all!

Our trip was wonderful! Santa Fe is a magical city, and we'll probably visit again when my Dad comes to spend some time with us. We also went to Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument, a beautiful place worth seeing. I am very tired, as we walked a lot, but otherwise I feel great! The baby must also be happy if I'm happy, right?

Baby listened to music/singers starting with J-L (the iPod? alphabetizes them...) all along our trip, while in the car: Janis Joplin, Jean-Michel Jarre, Joan Baez, Joe Dassin, Kaoma, LeAnn Rhymes, La Lupe, just to name the ones that were better represented... and that I remember right now... my memory is not in the best shape these days!

No nausea anymore. I start to believe that the brief bad feeling was something else, maybe too much fat that particular day? I feel good! Well, except I'm fluffier these days, but it's not important now. Plus, I'm a tall girl, so I can take some...

Tomorrow I have my scheduled ultrasound, the first good look at the baby. By my count, I entered the 10th week (Dr. said 1 week less than I said), so we will not find out if it's a boy or a girl yet... but keep guessing.
By the way, "food for thought": anybody thinking twins? This we'll know tomorrow... At some point in my life, I wished having twins... now it would be a bit scary, taking a new mother like me so unprepared!


Thumbnail by goofybulb
Keaau, HI

The monument is in New Mexico?

Don't forget that babies love the Beatles!

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Yes Dave, it is in New Mexico. Surprisingly, it does not appear in two of the travel books about New Mexico that I checked... a friend of ours told us about it. Here's a little info about it.

We'll get to Beatles too... it wouldn't be right not to hear them!

Thumbnail by goofybulb
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Alex, I wanted twins with my first one. Should not have wished that! I did not get twins but DS had the energy of two at two yrs! LOL! At least all of his energy was going in one direction.....haha!

Glad you had a great trip!

(Mary) Poway, CA(Zone 10a)

When my twin nieces were 3 they used to break away in stores and run in opposite directions .... laughing at their Mom who didn't know which way to run. They're delightful 10 year olds now, and yes ... their Mom did survive.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL! Yes, DS is a grown man, and I survived also! My daughter is also grown, and doing very well. When she goes thru trials and tribulations with her now teenagers (WOW she's getting OLD....haha) she often calls and says, "Mom, can I talk to you?" I say, "Sure....." She tells me her dilema and then apologizes (SP?) for her and her brother's behavior when they were teenagers! I just smile and say, "Well thank you! I knew you would understand SOMEDAY! LOL! She is waiting for the day when her kids realize she's not so dumb either! HAHAHA!

When I was 13 my Mom married a Marine that had never been married, and no children. He was a wonderful father and NEVER referred to us as his step-children. He was often puzzled by our behavior (my sisters were 6, and 4). Mother would say, "Oh, it's just a phase they are going thru." And he would shake his head and say, "That's what you said last time!" She would agree, and basicly just said, "Get used to it!" He lived to see us grown and three grandchildren before he passed away at age 46.

Now, a Grandmother (NaNa) at age 58, 59 the end of this month, I can tell my daughter, "Oh, it's just a phase they are going thru!" (Smile)

Adorable infants and toddlers, terrible two's, trying three's, fiersome fours, then at five you have to let go of them to go to Kindergarten. That's when some of the "worry" starts when they are out on their own in a School System. By six they are old hands at it. Very accomplished, matter of fact knowledgeable children that will truly amaze you with all that they have soaked up out of the world. They seem to continue along that path until those "teen years". Yes they have grown in height,
weight, and more vass knowledge of the world. So much so that they think they could tackle anything. While their hormones are soaring, so are they. They litterally can have "NO FEAR" of anything. Everything's an adventure! The world is their's to conquer! It's like guiding a horse with a bit in it's mouth when it would rather be "free" to run wherever on it's own. Then after the teen years are gone, they begin to learn that their parents aren't so dumb afterall. Some choose further education, some marry and begin to "Conquer the world" and procreate, and so starts another cycle, another generation of "adorable infants" which to Grandmothers are ever so precious than even our own. Grandparen'ts seem to "spoil" this new breed. They seem to let them do more than the previous generation, be more patient, understanding from the lessons we've learned thru our journey down the path of life....or just another "phase" we seem to be going thru. For all of you younger parents.....You too will survive! Enjoy each moment, each phase as it's only here once. Today is yesterday's tomorrow. Enjoy!!!!!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Catching up with everything.... the fun time is now, Alex, when you can go thru doors at will....all that changes once they are out!!!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL! That's for sure!

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

My dear friends,
this is so hard for me to say, and I usually don't find my words too well when I'm sad, but here it goes:

After a month of joy and happiness, my feelings went form seventh heaven to very down below. I lost the baby. For a week, since the first detailed ultrasound, and continuing with frequent trips to the clinic for tests and two ultrasounds more, I oscillated between despair and the string of hope that I wanted to have... This one wasn't meant to be.

I don't know right now what else to say. But I want to thank you all for being close to me!

Lots of love and hugs,

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Dearest Alexandra,

We have "talked" and you know my thoughts are with you during this sad time.
I send you all my love...


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