۞ Lingernot/Staynot Gladomeer ۞ #7

Eugene, OR

I think Lingernot has had lots to enjoy in your garden. True there would have been more flowers earlier and would have been even lovelier, but you have a very interesting garden without them. He has met wonderful friends to remember and tell stories about on his travels. And a praying mantis! What a treat.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

So true Sally!! This is a real nice treat indeed, able to enjoy beautiful fall with Lingernot, the OR way!! Especially the 'neon' leaves put out her blueberry trees. My blueberry leaves went from green to straight brown!

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

It was a blistery day here in Silverton. Lingernot and I ran errands most of the morning getting rained on and almost knocked over by gusts of wind. Dreary day!

He did make it to the movies last night with the Ladies. He had a great time and enjoyed the soda & popcorn.

After running errands, we spent most of the day hanging out in the warm house. He did go out between rain showers to meet more of the garden residents.

More pretty girls today!! He is in heaven with all these ladies!! He thought the white fairy who resides at the pond was so pretty. I was afraid he may get blown into the pond as he climbed down on the rock to get closer to her. They spent a lot of time talking and giggling. They do make a cute couple!

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

There is a second fairy who lives near the waterfall part of my pond. She also met Lingernot today. He seemed to be very fond of her also. I think this little guy is quite the ladies man!! I hope all the ladies will not be broken hearted when " lover boy" has to leave.

Thumbnail by BeaHive
San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

It looks like he's having a total blast, in spite of the bad weather. Hopefully it will indeed be warm enough for him to swim down here...or maybe he needs a wetsuit? ;-). Man, he sure has a way with the ladies!

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

I later joined him in the garden to make sure he met some other friends of mine.
He met Petunia the Pig. He asked if we could have pork chops for dinner and bacon & eggs for breakfast tomorrow !!! I quickly picked him up and brought him to another part of the yard.
That hatchet is still worrying me!

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

He enjoyed sniffing one of the last rose blooms in my yard.

This message was edited Nov 11, 2008 7:26 PM

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

And playing hide and seek in the brunneria.

Thumbnail by BeaHive
(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Humm, do you think that "no good dude" that showed up here Lingernot's last night told him about girls? He does have a reputation so I hear.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

I left him in the good care of Ernie this evening. They are going to have a boys night out!! I am sure they will have plenty to talk about, girls!! Left the porch light on and the key under the mat for him. Hope he is not out to late as I will worry until he gets home.Stormy night... :(

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

I did speak to all the lady faries after Lingernot and Ernie had left, and all the girls reported that he has been a "gentleman" while visiting and that he is a very sweet guy. I was happy to hear that.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I'm not sure but is someone suggesting there might be gnome hankypanky

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Well, I was never certain what happened here his last night. He ask to have a small party with a few of the resident grnomes and fairies. Sometime after I had gone to bed, this "no good gnome" slipped in and I think he may have caused a few problems. Had to keep Lingernot one extra day until he was feeling better. He said a stomach virus but I am not sure that was it. Oh well, did give him the benefit of the doubt and took care of him until he was feeling better.

I think he must have been pulling your leg about that pig. He must have had a wild hair because I don't think he would actually kill it. I thought gnomes were vegetarians. I know mine are.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

abbisgramma that sure sounds like a teenage coverup to me. Were they summer fairies or winter fairies? I'm positive that Lingernot is a a fine young man but he might have been led astray by summer fairies :O Now that I look back at the threads there seems to be alot of summer fairies luring Lingernot :O

"a teenage coverup" ROFLOL!!!! Sounds like you've 'been there, done that', dahlia!

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Well it actually would have been late summer or early fall fairies. He was here the first part of September. Ohhe was a really nice visitor and so helpful but I do believe he wasn't responsible for what happened at the party. I think the "no good" trouble maker caused all the problems.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Pixy I resemble that remark but take the 5th. (Geesh once a party animal and they never forget) AHEM I'm just trying to point out that PERHAPS Lingernot might be smoozled by the summer fairies into gnome hanky panky

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

I will have a heart to heart talk with him tomorrow. I hope he and Ernie behave themselves tonight. This is a small town and I do not
want the town folks upset or rumers to fly. We did have a glass of wine when he first arrived, but it has been nothing but milk with his meals. He did have a pumpkin spice latte today while we were running errands. Hope the caffine does not keep him up to late tonight!
Pixy, I do not think Lingernot is vegan. He gobbled up his chicken tonight at dinner and had a burger for lunch !! Glad your faries and gnomes are healthy vegans!!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well all is good. Beahive will have a heart to heart about the summer fairies. Of course Dahlia's good name and rep. has been trashed but we're all happy. Actually I'm kinda excited. Can I be a 'tart'? or 'loose'? I don't even know what 'loose' means but it sounds naughty.

Eugene, OR

LOL you can be whatever you want!

Another good day for Lingernot. I'm sure he's learning some of life's lessons on his trip.

Who could possibly eat a pig with a face like that?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Good I'm gonna be a 'Hussy'. I wonder how my DH will feel about this (snort).

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

ROFLMBO!!! I about spit starbucks through my nose just now!!

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Ah, but aleast you are having a Starbucks!! My granddaughters thank you!!!

Okay so now we are going to have a "hussy" in our group. LOL Did Lingernot influence you or?

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Boy he seems to be having a blast. I wish I could go with him.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

abbisgranma it was the influence of the summer fairys. Mine look like they're having way too much fun all the time. ps. My DH thinks that I need to lose my gum boots as they are not hussyish. He suggests spike heels LMBO.

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Ohhh! Sounds like hanky panky to me. Summer fairies? Well there were some at the party so they must have been the ones involved with poor Lingernot feeling bad the next day.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Well we had another day of horrible weather. It gave Lingernot and I plenty of time to have that heart to heart chat.In a nut shell, I think he has been and will always be a very good boy. He did say that some things went on at the party at Abisgranma house but he was not a participant!! The summer fairies and her gnomes also were not involved. It was those naughty gnomes and fairies that live down the block!! Party crashers!! They finally left the party when they were told to leave.
Lingernot was not feeling well the next morning because he was nervous about traveling to Pixy's house. He had such a nice time
at Abisgrnma's he did not want to leave. All that fear left as soon as Pixy took him out of the box. He had a blast at her house as well.
Did you know that Lingernot is very good with computer stuff? I was
installing Quick Books Pro today. The install went smoothly but I had a few issues trying to record my business information. Lingernot took control of the mouse and showed me what to do.
he is very bright..or I am really slow..
sorry flash still not working..

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

After I got my work done , we logged on to DG to see what is happening on the forums.
Here he is reading about his adventures. Santeelissa..he laughed so hard when you said you almost spit starbucks out your nose. He would like you to do that when he is at your house in a few weeks!!

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

I found him this afternoon checking out a few more house plants. Here he is looking a Strep called Andronmeda. He really liked this one. He would like to take a leave with him to root when he gets back home. I am not sure if it will last that long. I guess I could send him one later. All he has to do is D-mail me!!

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

He was under the grow lights checking out the African violets.
The grow lights did not help him. He is still 8" tall!! LOL

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

During a short break in the storm we wandered outside to see if anyone was around. We met up with Sparky who is Ernies dog.
He and Lingernot took a walk around the yard. They were so cute together!

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

He was fortunate to meet up with my mallards. They have not flown
south yet!

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

And he met another pretty lady. This is the fairy who guards the fairy
bridge. Only nice faries and gnomes can use it. NO TROLLS!
She thinks Lingernot is just "dreamy".

This message was edited Nov 12, 2008 4:59 PM

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

When my daughter got home from school she had a surprise for Lingernot. He had seen her skateboards in the garage and wanted to learn how to ride one. She gave Lingernot her regular board
and she took the long board. Here she is instructing him on how to push off with your foot.

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

There was one BIG problem. His feet could not reach the ground!
There she goes! Poor Lingernot got left behind!

Thumbnail by BeaHive
(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

He certainly does charm the ladies. What an athlete!!!

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

My daughter came up with the perfect solution! He had a blast...
weeeee... look at him go!
(Don't worry..he was wearing a helmet under his little gnome hat!)

Thumbnail by BeaHive
San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

It looks like Lingernot has good taste in both plants (Andronmeda is lovely), as well as the company he keeps. He is quite athletic too…I had no idea!

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Sunnyg..you will love your visit with Lingernot. He is the perfect house guest. No trouble at all. I received your address and he will be on his way to San Jose tomorrow. I checked the forecast in San Jose for the next 10 days. Looks like he is in for some lovely Bay Area weather. Mid to high 70's . yeah! He will need a bit of sun as he has been here in the PNW and is starting to look a bit pale!!
Tonight my daughter was making some cookies for the football team to take on the bus as they have an away game. Lingernot smelled the chocolate and climbed his way up onto the counter to "supervise". These are no bake chocolate/oatmeal cookies. They are very good but a bit messy. Lingernot was a mess after eating three cookies! He is in the shower now getting all cleaned up for his journey tomorrow.
(please excuse the mess my D made in the kitchen!)

Thumbnail by BeaHive

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