Long germination time

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9A)

Twice this week I have been reminded that suculent seeds may take a very long time to germinate. Last year I ordered Dorstenia seeds from the CSSA and only one came up (at least it survived the winter and is doing great!) But I looked in the pot this week and there were three tiny dorstenias coming up! No adults around, so they have to be from the original sowing.

I also planted some seeds of Cycas revoluta last summer, and in late autumn dug them up - no sign of sprouting. So I put them back in and a little while later put in some large bromeliads. You guessed it - this week I noticed cycad leaves amidst the broms!

Valley Village, CA

Are Dorstenia the plants that have rather odd green out of space flowers that have spokes coming out from the center?
If so, these are coming up all over other plants pots as well. I like them, they are really interesting, and seem easy to grow. They have gone through my mild winters with ease.

Regarding seeds not coming up when expected, I have noticed this also, you think you lost a complete crop until the weather or? set them off into sprouting, my Gasteria did that this year, just two seeds to the pot from last years seed, but now they are coming up. I still don't know where I planted the E. obessa seed, I am told they will germinate in the early spring, so I might as well hold my seed until then to sow. I will definiately have 30 more seed, this batch will go to the CSSA for sell. Crasulady

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9A)

You are right, they have very wild-looking inflorescences that "shoot out" the ripe seeds and the babies may appear in nearby pots. My plants would bloom for me but would slowly waste away and by the third year would fail to wake up from dormancy. Perhaps I kept them too cold in winter.

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