What's the primary color in your garden right now?

There are a total of 387 votes:

Green (leaves, grass, or...?)
(200 votes, 51%)
Red dot

Yellows, with all the leaves turning
(51 votes, 13%)
Red dot

Orange, from all the pumpkins, gourds, and flowers!
(14 votes, 3%)
Red dot

Red (sugar maples, mums, and ???)
(17 votes, 4%)
Red dot

Purple (foliage plants and flowers!)
(25 votes, 6%)
Red dot

Brown (seed heads, frost-touched tender plants, etc.)
(24 votes, 6%)
Red dot

(56 votes, 14%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

(Zone 8b)

Oranges, reds and yellows, but it has nothing to do with pumpkins, so I voted other!!!

Its African Marigolds, and Dahlias mainly with the odd gladioli and rose causing the colour. The secondary colour is green from grass and foliage and there is the odd dash of purple and blue from buddlea, verbena, scabiosa and Morning Glory.

This message was edited Oct 13, 2008 11:07 AM

Morganton, NC

I said red cause i do have mums, suger maples, etc. but i alo have mixed pansies so i gues i could have said other.

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

I still have a lot of color - the calendulas, cosmos and annual dahlias are still in bloom along with chrysnathemums, a couple of daisies, native asters, osteospermums, pineapple sage, Salvia patens, even the morning glories. This will of course all end with the first hard freeze, but so far we've only had light frosts and the forecasts looks good for another week.

forgot the roses!

This message was edited Oct 13, 2008 12:12 PM

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I voted other as the leaves haven't started turning (although it is way too dry) but I have noticed the bloom colors seem to cycle and lately both wildflowers and my "tame" flowers are blooming in whites and yellows.

Thumbnail by podster
Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Very unusual, no frost yet! So everything is still in full bloom. Trees are glorious colors because they are turning naturally instead of being froze. Field crops are looking great. Corn fields are a blend of green & brown. Alfalfa fields are bright green from recent rains.
I even picked a bouquet of Gladiolus yesterday. Last year at this time they were all dug & in the greenhouse drying.

(Zone 1)

I had to vote "other" because there seems to be always something blooming down our way. I still have red and pink hibiscus blooming, pink knock out roses, yellow alamanda, red, lilac and pink pentas, white tuberroses, four o'clocks of different colors and vinca minor/periwinkle (which are weeds down here and sprout up everywhere.) Last week I even found two flowers on one of the hibiscus bushes!

We are having an early fall, the Maple tree in the front yard has begun shedding it's leaves, the eastern red bud and crape myrtle's also. The hickory's haven't starting losing leaves yet but by the end of November or early December they will probably be bare also.

There are a lot of Golden Rain trees around the area right now with beautiful colors, some with the pinkish colored seed pods and some that have the beautiful yellow flowers.

I would trade all of these blooming flowers for some of that beautiful fall scenery some of y'all get!

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Nearly all the trees still green here, just odd ones here and there starting to turn yellow or orange.

Nice mild 16° today, no frosts yet.


Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I still have cannas blooming and vitex with blooms. No major leaf changes yet; so everything is still mainly green with asters, zinnias and others adding punches of color.

Minden, LA

There's a hint of yellow in the leaves and grass, but not because of fall's approach. Everything is so drought-stressed around here that our leaves will probably shed before they really get the chance to be pretty from cooler weather. However, the ditches and fields are full of goldenrod and varieties of late summer sunflowers, some white asters, and some wild ageratum. Pretty, but not spectacular.

Katy, TX(Zone 8b)

We have few trees that are reliable "color changers" since we have a lot of pines and live oaks and other oaks. The Crape Myrtles are slowly changing color and will soon drop their leaves but we have the beautiful bark on them. Until we have a frost we will have our usual flowers and bushes, etc. I am in the midst of planting allyssum (sp?), dianthus, Petunias, lobelia, and some other stuff that I have forgotten names of . I restrained myself when I went to the nursery because I knew it would be difficult to get these in the ground w/out help. I like seeds best because I can scratch the ground, scatter the seeds then toss on a handfuls of potting soil (if necessary) and tamp down w/the hoe. No more really colorful beds for me now that I am so blasted old!


Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

Interesting syntax: "...'primary color' in your garden..." (i.e. blue (not an option here), red, yellow).

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

LOL nifty! I never noticed that. I voted purple because I have mounds of asters that are nearly 4 feet across. My second choice would have been whatever color weeds are. :-(

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

I voted green, we finally had some rain and the weeds are rampant.

(Zone 7a)

I voted green, too. Most everything in still green even after snow yesterday. That's gone now.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I voted other cause we have all the colors. Yellow leaves on the trees, mums, and zinnas, Purple on zinnas, some other flowers, cannas and a bush, orange from the leaves, white from pentas and the dust from the gravel road, red from cannas, green from foilage, grass and leaves that haven't turned yet and brown from the seedheads of my coneflowers and all the other wildflowers in the pasture, plus the bark and limbs of the trees that are slowly being more exposed everyday.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Everything is about 90% greeen here.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Still lots of green but since we have hard hard frost the past 2-3 nights a lot of the green is frosted! I still have some blooms - Autumn Joy sedum and a couple of fall blooming asters still looking OK. - globe thistles still in bloom and the Euphorbia and Peony foliage stilllooking nice. But not for long Im sure! We often have a killing frost early in Sept. so it has been a nice treat this year to get into mid October without one.Snow in the mountains but nothing in the city yet.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

MIne is all of the above - so I had to vote other.

I had to vote other because there really isn't a main color in my yard. I have roses so there is yellow, red, orange, white and pink. There's still plenty of purple salvia and asters. Soft pink mums and pink salvia. Yellow mums and rudbeckia. Maroon mums and dark red snapdragons. Bright red holly berries.

Too many colors to narrow it down to just one main color. Next month will be a different story though.

Loads of vines....passis, MG's Crossvines and Honeysucles...there are some flowers for another month or so, plus the ground is covered in Perwinkle gone mad as well as spider plants stretching out!!!

Brighton, MO(Zone 6a)

Still green here. I have a few cukes to pick, then they'll be done. Zukes are still blooming like crazy. Tomatoes still ripening, but I don't think we'll see any more. Okra still blossoming every day, though the pods are maturing in odd shapes -- still taste the same. I have a few bell peppers that are still growing, but the jalapenos are over.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I said other as my yard is a riot of color.
I have a good 1,000 coleus planted and all against ornamental sweet potato and peanuts.
So many blooming goodies.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

It is still green here. Besides most of my bushes and shrubs are evergreens. I do have splashes of flowers here and there, and a lot of brown gravel, but no turning trees. And it is supposed to get down to 23 tonight with rain and snow. I suspect we will have no leaves exept on the evergreens after tonight and tomorrow. Downtown there is quite a bit of red and yellow, but not in my yard.

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

I'm sure this one is very geographical. I have grass, evergreens, and even vegetables that are still green. A little bit of red and purple due to flowers and foliar colors. The deciduous shade tree in my yard still has green leaves.

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Mostly green here, grass, roses, etc. Some of the larger trees are starting to turn though.

Dover AFB, DE(Zone 7a)

I voted purple, it is my DH's favorite color and is planted everywhere he could make a spot. Only the forsythia and some of the sassafras is turning color, and the celosia looks a bit "tired", everything else looks good.

Santa Fe, NM

Green rapidly moving to yellow and brown. Our first freeze may be tonight! The wild plants are already moving from yellow to brown, however.

Hilliard, OH(Zone 6b)

most of the leaves that were starting to turn last month got blown off by ohio's first "hurricane". the winds got up to 78mph in columbus, but all the trees that faired well are now in full color. my 70 Foot tall cotton woods have no leaves b/c of the storm:( many of the beautiful green ash trees were strewn about the streets, my banana tree was ripped to shreds, and all the leaves were VERY wind burned:( oh well. other than that, i voted green, because thats the primary color in the garden. but other places the leaves are beautiful.

Thumbnail by tropicsofohio
Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Brown, gray, beige, brown...... cardboard, rocks, leafmulch, dried grasses, brown......

actually I shouldn't even vote as it is not really a garden yet, only in my imagination is it so.

We had 20 degrees of cold night before last, crystals of snow the previous morning.......

The morning freezes sparkle that ole brown up some, they do. ;-)

sorry, only word pictures available.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

I had to vote other, since white wasn't an option. When I left home yesterday morning there was about 8 inches of snow on it.

Thumbnail by Joan
(Zone 6a)

In my small garden the rose of sharon has turned a beautiful yellow which goes perfectly witht my perennial mums of the same colour. Also the yellow and blue pansies are beautiful as well.

Phoenix, AZ

Green. Those hardy plants that survived 2 months on 110 degree heat are beginning to wake up. Many visits to the nursery where we can purchase 'tunias, snaps, mums etc.... add lots of other color. We need to 'make hay' when we can. Overseeded a small lawn with winter rye for even more green. It can be so severe here. We tend to freeze in Dec/Jan and have to start all over for a short spring. Its all good.

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

All of the roses, tropicals, and annuals are still in bloom here, in every possible color, so I had to choose "other."

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Spring here, all the colours of the rainbow, and then some!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Baton Rouge, LA(Zone 8b)

I'm zone 8b. Everything is blooming.

Baton Rouge, LA(Zone 8b)

Belfield, ND
(Zone 4a)

----oh good grief. I cannot imagine being that cold already. I'm in shorts and a tank top. Burrrrr. I whine about the cold [warm temps to you I'm sure] in November.

Missouri City, TX

Definitely GREEN - winter herbs(parsley, cilantro, dill, basil), horseradish, rosemary, and tomatoes with some flowers.

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

green. there are no blooms. new house = garden comes last in the list of to dos but we are almost ready to tackle the landscape again :)

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I voted other because its still colourful. Reds/oranges - mountain ash, cottonyaster, virgina creeper, mums, marigolds, snaps, sedums, roses. Purple - bergina, asters galore, herbs galore, burning bush has started to turn. Yellows - rudbeckia, 2 feet of leaves on the ground. White - phlox. Black - frozen dahlias LOL (actually I dug them all up this weekend). Lots of green too although with our night time temps. soon it will be brown sigh.

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