
La Vergne, TN

It's been a while since I was online due to business. Today I was looking forward to the forum but all I've seen is people attacking people. A lot of ego and condescending attitudes. I talked to one person about begonias and another person talks to me like I'm an idiot. I thought the purpose of this site was to help others and to learn things in return, what happen to that? If I want to be attacked I'll call my mother in law at least I can hang up on her. Everyone needs to stop one upping and enjoy the rare time we have.

(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

I know you feel hurt,but try to ignore the egos.Although a few people get a little condescending (SP?),most people here are really nice and happy to be of help.Sometimes I don't think people realize how they sound.

La Vergne, TN

it's nice to hear a nice person today. I sewar sometimes I follow this forum for days and people get attacked for grammer, what are we 2? Anyway, I didn't get hurt I am so frustrated. I wanted to find a get away from mommyhood and everyting else and find my own niche and BAM ( on my God that was so my daughter) anyway hope you have a great week and look forward to typing with you!

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

kitten0115 - ok, (bear with me this may be painful) Take a deep breath. Relax. Let the deep breath out (hopefully before you explode). Then let the light in - there is no perfect place on this planet with or without cyberspace.

This has been the closest place I have found yet. Generally the people I have conversed with here have been helpful and considerate. Some of them, to an extent that astounds and amazes me to this day.

I have had the privilege to meet a few DGer's in person and have never been in the least way disappointed.

I have had small disagreements with some and those were handled civilly (we made our points and parted friends).

Good luck - please do not give up - ever!

Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

Kitten, please dont give up, that would be pampering to the few people who use the site like they were talking to a class of 5 year olds, your an adult and enjoy the time you spend on the forums, so dont give in. 99%9 of the people on the site are truly lovely friendly people who have gardening in common, maybe you just came across the 1 per cent who have no manners, no thoughts for other people and definitely no decorum, but like I said, these are very few and far between, in the past you have always enjoyed the site, so dont give up, have a good week and enjoy the garden, WeeNel.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Also, if you get attacked over and over by the same person you should def let admin know.

The majority of the people here on DG are absolutely wonderful.

Dover AFB, DE(Zone 7a)

Ditto to what Wee Nel and Flower Jen said!


Dover AFB, DE(Zone 7a)

Some things just have to be ignored or chuckled at!

(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

I'll second that!! I am not a beginning gardener,but I often ask questions simply because I want other's opinions or I don't feel like dragging out all of my books and notes(LOL).I have found that as I get older and sometimes lazier It's easier to ask some of the real experts here than to search my memory.I have met some wonderful people here (not in person) and there has never been a day I didn't feel I learned something.This is what it's all about!! Sometimes my grammar or spelling is off,but so what as long as I am able to communicate?
One thing I do encourage you to learn as your gardening experience increases is the true names of species,cultivars,etc.This may sound confusing now,but in the long run it will really help you.Keep your plant tags,too.
I too use these forums for relaxation.Just relax,go with the flow,and never be afraid to voice your opinions(in a nice way of course)LOL.

Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

Flowerjen you are so right, but I would rather leave that personally to others, I would find taking that action as making the attacker feel important enough to merritt that type of action, best to just ignore it and try to put yourself in there shoes, maybe they just have sad empty lives, there are very few people on the site that are aggressive or belittle themselves, or take pride in trying to humiliate others with their negative replies, so why give them more attention their childish nature is craving is my thoughts.
I just hope Kitten realises she is always welcome and encouraging to most people, the other person did say sorry if their comments were taken the wrong way, thats good enough for me anyway. good luck and stick with the forum, we all have fun, thats what matters. WeeNel.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

There's always the consideration too that we don't have tone of voice and body language here to help us understand people's intentions--different people have different written communication styles so it could be that people aren't intending to come across in the way that others are interpreting it. I think that 99% of people here mean well 99% of the time, so giving people the benefit of the doubt and assuming that they meant well and it just didn't quite sound that way can help avoid conflicts too.

Also keep in mind since it is a beginner forum and people don't necessarily know everyone's level of gardening expertise, a post could come across as "talking down" if you're an experienced gardener, but the person writing it either didn't know someone was a more experienced gardener or felt that since there were going to be beginners reading the thread that some additional explanation might be helpful to them even if the more experienced person wouldn't need the additional info.

Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

Well said Ecrane, I am off to bed now and as it is very late, I say good night to you all. WeeNel.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Kitten, I feel bad that you were offended, but I think you just misunderstood the "tone" of the post you are referring to. I read through that particular thread earlier this evening and I couldn't see where anything was said rudely to you. The person did apologize to you for you taking the comment the wrong way.

The common practice for when you are speaking directly to someone, is to preface the comment with their name or use the Dmail for private conversations. Otherwise any posts are open for the community to join in and comment.


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

kitten heres a big hug and hope you have a better day

Dover AFB, DE(Zone 7a)

Yes! Please use D-Mail for things that are best said in private! Some things are not for public viewing and DO offend.
Confrontational personalities are scattered throughout the world and I still think they are best dealt with by ignoring them or (privately) laughing at their insecure little selves.....

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Kitten, these people here are really great people. beleive me i came from another site that was mostly crabapple ranters and this is such a pleasant place comparably. and it is pure pleasure to read what everyone has to say.

Sometimes i wonder if i come across as a ranter as i'm at an age i love my soap box. So please tell me when i get carried away and i'll come back and hug you.
It is hard for me to put things into a warm tone as i'm one of those nutty science nerds. who tends to "want the facts maam, just the facts." Than reread and say i did,nt say that.LOL
Anyway hang in here and here's a hug (((kitten))).

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

I didn't take the response as preachy or snippy either. I think the person was simply trying to provide additional information on the subject and he/she did apologize for the misunderstanding. It can be difficult to put things in writing and sometimes the written word can come across the wrong way. Hopefully, this issue can be put to rest. Let's all get back to enjoying our forum :-)

Thomasville, GA(Zone 8a)

Tonight I have read several forums where people are talking about what and how they say things, and the responses that are given. As someone earlier said it is hard to know and understand exactly what the person is saying because it is difficult to understand words that are typed. Just remember that " A person can accumulate immense knowledge and still lack wisdom. Wisdom requires compassion, justice, humility, and spiritual discernment". Not all people have that ability.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

" A person can accumulate immense knowledge and still lack wisdom. Wisdom requires compassion, justice, humility, and spiritual discernment". Not all people have that ability.

Yes, but some people are lucky enough to have it find us...

Thumbnail by ViburnumValley
(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

Love it!!!

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

Good one VV!

Thomasville, GA(Zone 8a)

Great sign and you have it and we do not. Elaine

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

That's in Montana. We passed it on our way to Glacier National Park during a vacation in 2006.

I had a feeling that someday the opportunity would come to use what we had found...

(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

And you were so right!!!


Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

Hello from Sweden
Kind hearts are the gardens,
Kind thoughts are the roots,
Kind words are the flowers,
Kind deeds are the fruits,

Thumbnail by hobbyodlaren
(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

Thanks hobbyodlaren,
I got a good chuckle!!


Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

that looks exactly like my flower garden!

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

LOL hobbyodlaren--that looks like my garden every spring. Each year when my flowers return, it feels like Christmas! I'm always saying, "Hey, look at that, I forgot I planted it!"

Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

Yes Itīs the same for me, I found unusal flower always, which Iīve forget I have sow. It is lucky surprices.
And as the pic, It's like me too, I alway mix up the labels, or even drop seedpots on the flor, so I donīt know what is what.
Bought seeds from Ebay last week and got seeds from Australien.
A nice name also on the seller shop:

All U need is Seed.

Thats the truth - Love and attension make all things grow too


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Please hang in there kitten. DG is a warm and luving place so try not to be discouraged by a few.

LOL sylvia. Thanks for sharing the cartoon. I have alot of somethingsomethings every year ^_^

Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

I say the same dahlianut, not listen to a few negatives, there is such people everywhere.
Listen to all nice and smiling people on DG and ignore others.
Lovely kitten

here is my pet his name is Morris

Thumbnail by hobbyodlaren
Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

Ahhh yes hobbyodlaren, looks like my cats--they have a way of looking like they own your whole house. And they usually do too, don't they? One of my cats, Tutti, has taken over my chair to sleep in every day. Hey, have y'all noticed what a wonderful conversation this thread has turned into?

Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

Yes itīs begin sad and turning happy. Naturelover, my cat own ower house, it is he that controlled here. When I sit in front of the computer to long, my cat jump up on the bildscreen as you can see on my pic above, now I want attension :o)

Tonight and now in the morning we have real cool, 1 degree below zero. Itīs frosty outside. And soon all leaf have fell off the trees.
Tomorrow the say we shall got 1 decimetre snow in my area burr burr burr I hate it.
But it is beautiful, with all colors this time at year.

Thumbnail by hobbyodlaren
Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

I start with my garden for 2 years ago, we move from a smaller garden totally complete filled with plants, tree and bushes. Now we have a much bigger garden, outside town, there was only grass and some threes when we move in here 2006.
Now I have start much I have plant roses, much fruittrees and berrybushes. I have done a vegetable garden for potatoes and so on. And much of flower in patch.
A couple of days ago, I walk around our garden, it was and cooler sunny day, and I had company of my cat.
Here are some pic, please enjoy

Thumbnail by hobbyodlaren
Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

Morris the cat

Thumbnail by hobbyodlaren
Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

Calendula defy the winter cold

Thumbnail by hobbyodlaren
Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

once more

Thumbnail by hobbyodlaren
Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

My Populus in autumn/fall - colour.

Thumbnail by hobbyodlaren
Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

rosehip on Rosa Flammentanz

Thumbnail by hobbyodlaren
Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

My house behind stones Pinus and Picea

Thumbnail by hobbyodlaren

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