
(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

I'm so glad you are enjoying your retirement ^_^.I'm looking forward to mine.I have so much planned in the back of my mind I don't know if I'll ever get it all done,but it will be fun trying!!!

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

Trust me Lynn, you're gonna LOVE retirement!

Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

I can vouch for the fact that once you have been retired for a year, you will wonder how you ever had time to go to work, we have both been retired for a good few years now, husband too the chance of early retirement and we have never looked back, the years slip by and we just suite ourselves what to do each day, some jobs you cant put on the back burner, but unlike when hubby worked, everything had to be crammed into a weekend, now we just take our time and go with the flow or the weather, if the winters are going to be too nasty here in Scotland, we just take off for some sunshine as we really cant garden in winter here, but this year we have been decorating /painting outside summer months and are now doing the same inside so come spring, we will be free to do the garden, I make lists of things I need to do in the garden, but they never seem to get any smaller, just grows and grows, but then, does it matter if we dont get it all done now, we will eventually, have a great retirement, this is your time now so make the most of it and be good to yourselves, you earned this time. good luck and best wishes. WeeNel.

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

LOL WeeNel--my list does the same thing to me! For every job I cross off I add at least two or three new ones! But, like you said, we have plenty of time now so I don't worry about it. I get it in my own good time. Retirement is the best isn't it?

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

Hey this retirement thing isn't easy! I retired in September and my DH had retired two years before. I have lots of things I need, want to do but I try not to make lists! We go to bed when we want and get up when we want, we have no schedules. I'll plan to do one thing but then I find myself getting side-tracked (started cleaning a closet-ended up looking at picture albums) you know that sort of thing and before I know it the day is gone. I think I am going to have to get some structure to my days! Some times I feel like I am wasting time! We are doing some remodeling on our house and doing most of the work ourselves. DH has his own schedule for his jobs and he treats them like they are hobbies. :o) I think of it more as getting the house fixed up so we can start enjoying it more. The things I want to do depend on when he finishes his. Oh did I mention he also has a 38 foot sailboat in Seabrook (it came through Ike just fine) that demands his attention? Such is the life of retirees. It is great!

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

OH bobyrd! I feel your pain, LOL! Retired life is such a hard job but, as they say, someone's gotta do it! I'll bet taking care of that sailboat is really hard on your DH too, isn't it? For about the first year after DH and I retired, my daughter would try to call and not get any response after several tries. She'd finally get us late in the evening and ask, "Where WERE y'all?" I finally told her to quit worrying, we DO have a life, LOL. I explained that we are far from ready for the rocking chairs. She deals with us being gone a lot much better now.

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

I know, aren't kids a hoot? My daughter is always checking on us. Of course my mom is 83, lives in Austin and still drives. Now her I worry about! ;o)

The sailboat is my husband's pride and joy. He built it back in the 80's when he was younger, then took his "then" wife and 3 kids off to sail for a year from Dana Point Ca. to Houston on the gulf coast where they took up residence. I am afraid if I had been married to him then I would have been his "then" wife too! Day sailing is about all I can handle.

Thumbnail by bobyrd
Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Nature lover.
I wore a collar for about a month and that is all have been out of it now for a few days. My neck still bothers me some but I will know what a day with out pain is after I get completely healed I hope. I think what it is now is that my neck just gets tired and then starts to ache. I could go on and on about my aches and pain but nobody wants to listen to every complaint there is LOL

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

You're absolutely right--kids are a hoot! My DD is learning that now that she has a 13 yo son and 9 yo daughter. NOW she understands what me and her step-dad went through with her and her brother, LOL! I'm with you on that year-long sailing trip. I love the outdoors but not full time! I do enjoy my comforts at home.
Did you have your c-spine fused? That's what I had done earlier this summer. It hasn't returned to it's original state but it's sooo much better than it was prior to the surgery. The doc told me it would never be 100% again but that's O.K. I still get an occasional twinge in it and I can't put my head all the way back to look up for more than just a few seconds but I can live with that. Before surgery, there was pressure on a nerve which made my shoulder hurt something fierce but it's better now. I think you'll be pleased with your results once you've finished healing. Getting out of that neck brace was wonderful, wasn't it? Good luck.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Yeah I did and it also has a metal plate in there too.Dr did an MRI of my shoulder just to make sure that I didn't have a tear in the rotorcuff because I was having so much pain in it and I was having pain in my back just under my shoulder blades and it even got rid of that. Right now I have this burning itch in the big muscle of my neck that leads into my shoulder on the left side and it is about to drive me nuts. Have to go back to the Dr this next Monday and I am going to ask him about it. Ok is everybody ready for winter LOL I am not. Can't get outside and do the things I want done. Well actually I want my flowers to bloom so I can see them LOL

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

Flower, I think everything will settle down in time. I healed quickly but it took several weeks for everything to really settle down. Ready for your flowers to bloom already? Wow, you're not a winter lover are you?!?! At least by the time next spring gets here, you should be all healed and ready to tackle all those flowerbeds. I'm still trying to finish my fall flowerbed cleanup and get mulch around all my trees before it starts to get cold.

Port Sanilac, MI

Retirement IS GREAT! We sure love it also! I never had many flowers before. I always said I loved to weed; I could do it all day. Everyone would laugh because our veggie garden was always a mess along with the few flowers I had. I didn't have time. Now I have time to weed and my body can't take more than an hour or so at a time. lol. However, dh made 5 more gardens this year alone along with the ones we did last year. It keeps us busy and I LOVE IT. "Grow old along with me, the last of life for which the first was made". We are so blessed., don't know how long it will last but we just thank God for every day. They are all a bonus!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

kays_camelot Amen to that for sure.
NatureLover, No I am not a cold weather person I hate it, but can't just pick and go somewhere warm as we own all of this and just can't go off and leave it and to DH doesn't want to go anywhere but here. LOL HOMEBODY !!!!!!!! Well I think I got everything we put out ready for winter. We put out so much this fall I can't be sure of anything at this point LOL. I just want to get thru the winter so I can get back outside again.

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

Kind of beginning to look like we should move this wonderful conversation over to the Retirement Forum, LOL! It's ironic that the title of this thread is "anger," and here we've all turned it into such a nice conversation. DH and I are really enjoying our retirement too. He's working a part-time job to pay for a surprise purchase we made. While we were building our house (during the HEAT of summer down here!) we tried to take frequent breaks. One time we were standing out in front of our half-finished house and DH looked across the creek to the wooded lot in front of ours (we had bought the flag lot) and said, "You know, I don't want to look at the back of someone else's house. Let's look at our budget and see if we can buy that front lot." We did and now it's almost paid for--when it's done, he will retire again, hopefully early next spring. But we still have enough extra time now to do a lot of the things we always wanted to do before retirement but just never had time.
Flower, I don't like the cold either but I won't let it keep me inside. I get claustrophobic in a hurry and need at least some outside time every day. Of course, we don't usually get as cold down here as you do up there. Hopefully, spring will be here before you know it and you and your DH will be outside making even more new flowerbeds!

Prattville, AL(Zone 8a)

flowerfantasy - Hey Lady, I grew up in the Tell City/Cannelton area. There are transplanted Hoosiers everywhere. Hang in there, and pray for IU basketball. Happy Gardening!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

I am hanging in there. I actually got out yesterday and put some stuff in the ground and some more today. Just about froze my fingers off in the dirt yesterday but today wasn't bad. I think the wind blowing like it was yesterday is what made it so cold. I still have a few things comming thru the mail that I hope gets here b4 the ground isn't workable anymore. If they don't I don't know what I am going to do with them. Any advice. They will be hostas.

Dover AFB, DE(Zone 7a)

Maybe you could heavily mulch the area where the hostas will go. that might keep the ground from freezing so soon.

Or, dig the holes and put the dirt in bags or buckets in the garage. When the plants come in, you could plant them in the pre dug holes with un-frozen dirt.

(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

Great idea,Nan.I always have a hard time deciding what to do when plants arrive so late!!

Deland, FL & Hot Spr, AR

I agree with all of you who are retired that it is great! There has never been a day when we got up and said, "There is nothing to do today." It is more like, "What can we get done today?" We have so many projects and hobbies we feel that we won't have enough time left on this earth to get all of them done!

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

DH and I know exactly how you feel JeanK! There never seems to be enough time to accomplish everything we want to do either. I would hate to have to go back to work now!

(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

Ok a little envy popping in ^_^. My DH has been retired for 7-8 years and is always running out of time.I'm still working and feel like I have too too much time on my hands at times,yet not enough to do some of the things I would like to.Go figure.....LOL.


Deland, FL & Hot Spr, AR

NatureLover, it was interesting reading your post about being able to sit out and watch the animals. Both of our homes are "in the woods," and sometimes I have to go out and shoo the deer away from our azaleas and hydrangeas here in AR but enjoy watching them while they aren't grazing on our plants. Last summer in FL, DH and I put in a daylily bed beside our house and had a pair of owls who sat up in the tree and watched us all afternoon, although we walked under the tree many times during the afternoon! Will try to find some of the pix to post later.

Vicksburg, MS -- what a lovely place to live! We love driving through MS and visiting Vicksburg and Natchez. As a gal raised in the south, there is no place like it!

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

I have to plant only things the deer won't eat out on the west side of our property and down by the creek because of the deer. Of course, there's the food plot down by the creek for the deer. The first year we were in our house, I planted some flowering trees surrounded by daylilies out on the west side of our yard. That's when I learned that daylilies are "deer candy," LOL. I ended up having to dig every one of them up and either plant them in my flowerbed by the house, which is surrounded by electric fence, or give them away. We do like it here in Vicksburg. If you and your DH come through here again, give me a holler--maybe y'all can stop in for a visit.

Deland, FL & Hot Spr, AR

Found out the hard way about the "deer candy." Planted some daylilies last fall that I bought at Home Depot after they had bloomed and they bloomed this year and I got to see them one day! The next day, all three had been topped. Your place sounds beautiful -- thanks for the invite! Found the picture of our owls in FL. Kinda look like love-birds, don't you think?


Thumbnail by JeanK
Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

The deer do love those daylilies! Mine kept trying to grow back but the deer didn't give them any rest. The all recovered after I moved them to a safer place. That's a great shot of your owls. I love to go out to the woods to do wildlife photography and I only have one shot of an owl. It was sitting up in a sycamore tree and I had to creep down into the creek and slip along the bank--I got a couple of good shots of it before it flew off. Birds out in the wild are really hard to get pictures of. Guess anything that has to be able to see insects on the fly in order to have lunch has to see reeeeally good. I've been trying to get some shots of the pair of Great Blue Herons that wander around down at out creek but there's no way to sneak up on them.

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