Tuna Boat has set Sail!!

londonderry, Australia

wow and i am not the only one to go off topic some times it seems LOL

Commander Williams how is the hatch

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Oh sorry about that commander harmony. I plugged my ipod in and got to scrubbing. I'm back. Fat cat is sitting near licking himself. ;-)

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

sorry didnt mean to cause an uproar.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

No worries Tia, we all do it now and then! LOL!

(Zone 7b)

No uproar i just am the type of person who when i have a question or concern i go and ask and thats what i did.

I really like the Daves Admin. They are watching and waiting to help and that makes me feel comfortable being here.

I have seen some site's that are not policed or anything and they are to raw and just awful so i say hat"s off and {{{{{{Applause}}}}}} to all the Dave's Staff.

Thank You Dave's Admin. ***Harmony***^_^

Clarksburg, MO

What in the Tuna world happened here???? LOL All is forgiven. And all hands are dismissed as the hatch is complete.

I ended up with 2 RIR, 2 Blue Jersey Giants, 5 Cuckoo Marans, and 5 barnyard specials.


(Zone 7b)

Congratulations Sheila glad to know the tuna boats mission was a big success i can see it sailing into the sunset with it's new crew aboard.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Commander Sheila,
Don't we get to see pics?

Lodi, United States

Congratulations Commander Williams!

The NPGC staff are having a cupcake party to celebrate. They want to decorate the cupcakes to match your hatch. But without pictures that is proving difficult and they are getting cranky and starting to fuss. Please supply pictures to improve staff moral.


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Cupcakes?! Midwest GC is now extremely cranky and fussing considerably. WE WANT CUPCAKES!

Lodi, United States

Fairy cakes!

Clarksburg, MO

I will post pics late tonight or early this morning. Dial-up stinks this time of day. I think the Commander should be mailed cupcakes. I will expect them in priority mail by this evening. Orders issued and expected to be followed! LOL


londonderry, Australia

cant wait for the pics

Lodi, United States

Official Notice re: Manditory Food Policy Change:

NPGC threw a fit with cup cakes, smashed them in their hair and in the carpet and have all been locked in the brig. New trainees being brought in to restore order.

No more cup cakes for anyone! Repeat: Cup cakes are no longer permitted for celebratory occasions on any land bases.

Requisitioning instead 2 dozen Mrs. Smith Frozen Banana Cream Pies .


londonderry, Australia


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ummm....Midwest Ground Control believes Banana Cream Pies are possible worse fight inducing food source. In fact, MGC is so annoyed with the new cupcake policy (more properly lack of cupcake policy) that morale is dropping rapidly and possible mutiny expected. The mention of the banana pies drew glints of glee in the eyes of the particularly ornery crew members. This is not believed to be a function of their edibility, and rather a function of their resemblance to frisbees.

(Zone 7b)

I Don't like banana creme pie.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

See, all the more reason to throw it at somebody....

Lodi, United States

Please see NPGC comments on BCP interdiction on Iowa launch thread--personal preferences have no place in the proper regulation of celebratory foods.

Chacun a son gout.


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ooooh, Major Catscan is getting ornery! And French!

Clarkson, KY

Nuttin' worse that an ornery and French california girl! Where's the lemon meringue!?!

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