Tuna Boat has set Sail!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

These ones from your "Hi I'm new here" thread.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh no Sheila.. was not doubting.. more like begging!!!!!! I wanted to see them so bad.. Much better now.. thank you for posting identification for your darling babiez!!!!! so cute!!!

Harmony.. that blue bitty is absolutely a doll... boo boo babiez...

(Zone 7b)

Claire those are the chick flippin chicks i will get a pic tommarow right now it's gettin close to dark and i've got a new roo down with the pox i been doing iodine treatments for the last hour.(Depressed)

I have learned something i have a hen and the poor thing spirits are good but the pox has literaly eaten up her comb. I had been useing just the 10% iodine because i was out of the tincture iodine with the alcohol.
Well i noticed her comb wasn't getting any better and was getting worse i thought what in the horse pucky is going on it had been doing great.
So i put some 10% iodine in my little tincture bottle plus a little alcohol and after only 2 treatments it is doing better. Thought this was good to pass on:)

(Zone 7b)

Claire How did you get my picture i thought these pictures were copyrighted and not for anyones use??

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

They are Harmony, I should have asked your permission. I just moved it over from the other thread by saving it onto my desktop and reposting it. Sorry. :-(

(Zone 7b)

Thats okay but i have alot of pics on the photo forum and i wouldn't want anybody getting those.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Well, the problem is that anybody can just copy the image and then post it somewhere and crop it to remove the copyright. Of course, that is a copyright violation (same as what I did, but mine I didn't remove the copyright info, but it blended ours together if you look closely. Anyway, as a legal professional, I should know better, but I was just trying to show which chicks I meant and I did it really quickly at work. Shame on me. But just letting you know it is pretty easy to "steal" a photo from here and crop out the name. I do it all the time with my own photos for re-sending them via email to somebody else, and I crop off my own copyright info just so they don't wonder what it's doing there...


(Zone 7b)

So my pictures aren't safe here at Daves??

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Well, I'm not saying that for sure, I'm just saying you could go look at any one of my posted pictures (feel free to do this just to see how easy it is) and right click on it, and one of the options on the menu will be "save picture as" and then you can save it onto your computer under your own title. Then, you can just stick it into a document and crop the picture to take out my copyright. It's illegal to do so, but I don't know how many people are aware of copyright protections. I am, but only because of my work and because I have learned about these things. I have read on BYC where people are annoyed that someone stole their picture and then used it in an eBay listing to sell birds.

I know that people could steal my pictures if they want, but it's hard to make anything truly safe these days, in terms of copyright, unless you use major technology, like the CD or DVD companies use.

I think most people are upright and honest. I once had someone email me to ask me if they could use my picture on their website. I agreed no problem, but that was my choice, and at least they asked.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

It's not just here Harmony.. if you put a pic on the internet, you are at risk of someone copying it. Chances are it won't happen... but you need to be aware of the risk.

If you have pics that are very valuable.. you can watermark them before posting them online. That takes away from the beauty, but does protect it somewhat.

There are people out there who will go to great lengths to steal pictures.. Usually the gang in a particular forum goes after the person who stoled it and they give it up. I've seen many brug pics on ebay that didn't belong to the seller.

(Zone 7b)

Hmmmmmmmmmm that concerns me i consider some of my macro pictures and others priceless and wouldn't want them on some calender or other place.
A one of a kind picture is hard to replace and being a person who strives for that type of picture i might hesitate to post my pictures here.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm you have put a bug in my ear dear claire i hear a wakeup call and i may just have to answer it.........

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Sorry Harmony - just bein' straight with you!

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

It is just a picture, I think it is stupid of Daves to copyright it anyway. Just my opinion tho. It is the internet, If you post a pic expect it to be published.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Well, I'm not so sure about that. The legal truth is that a photograph always carries a copyright to the person who took it. They can choose to exercise that copyright or not. For those people who are photographers, especially professionals or people who spend a lot of time and care on photos, they have a better legal basis for an argument when DG does the copyright for them. So, I think it's a good idea from a legal standpoint. Otherwise you would not be well placed to argue the point in court. And if photography is your business....you may well want to take that step.

Personally I can't figure out why anyone would want to use any of my pics - they are not particularly inspired, but if I made my living on it, I am sure I would feel otherwise.

If I post a pic, nonetheless, I don't expect it to be stolen and used by others. It is copyrighted, whether DG has the notification there or not. That said, I'm unlikely to pursue legal action unless it was used to slander me or something.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

then I would not publish a pic that I wanted protected.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

We offer several copyright watermark options, one of which imposes the watermark across the center of your image with a translucent watermark. It leaves the image viewable, but it's less likely to be "borrowed" without permission since you can't easily crop out the watermark.

You will find your watermark options by clicking on "My Info", then "Manage your preferences."

luvs2garden2000, most members (and we) don't consider watermarks stupid. We offer so many choices of watermarks because they are a good solution for our members who generously share their photos, but would like to protect them from theft. If you disagree with that position, you are welcome to use the "Contact Us" link at the helpdesk with your suggestions, but please don't use the forums to quarrel with those who feel differently than you.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Each photographer here at DG retains the copyright to their own images. Dave or no one else owns them, only you do.

That said, any image that is placed on the internet can be stolen. Some may take a bit more work than others, but a determined thief can lift them from websites.

We take image theft seriously here at DG, and will do whatever it takes to get a member's images removed from any website that you find them being used without permission.

(Zone 7b)

Thank You Terry & Melody for the information i will take a closer look at the watermarks and copyrights.
I love to share my photo's but i also wanted them to be safe.

Thanks Again!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Interesting topic we've gotten on here ladies (and gents?). I've always thought of the internet as an unprotected place to put pictures that I would be concerned about theft, but since my pictures are not commissioned I'm not terribly concerned about it.

Harmony, I like the idea of the watermark across the center that Terry mentions above -- this would make it much more difficult (and less appealing) to lift, but even that wouldn't stop the most determined thief. All they'd have to do it use a photo editing tool to fill in where the watermark was.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

That is very comforting Melody.. I appreciate the efforts DG takes to protect us.
Now that I'm not using photos as a living.. I am much more relaxed.. I spent 2 years chasing down my pics on ebay.. it was so frustrating and such a waste of time! I feel very strongly about "lifted" pictures on a website or ebay. It still makes me furious.. and I still ask sellers if they have permission if I recognize a photo! I may never get over that.

My advice to everyone is to be aware out there.. if you see someone's picture.. let that person know.. take action of some kind! Too bad this is not a part of learning how to surf online.. it's like everyone should know it, and everyone should be proactive in stopping the thieves.
Posting pics is NOT public domain!! Not everyone has the time or money to go through copyrighting every photo..

I hope this does not stop you from sharing Harmony.... Just be aware. There are more people active in making sure photos are not stolen than you think!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Test... here's a pic with my copyright changed...

Thumbnail by Lazy_Ladies
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

If you're still watching this thread... this is not centered. Is that because my pic is bigger than 300 megapixels or is that what you'd expect to see?

(Zone 7b)

I have been trying out the more secure watermark it's not that bad i just want to protect my macro and other photo's that i share on the photo forum.
I know there is no 100% safe way to post picture but knowing DG would be there if it did is a comfort.

My pictures are not art quality but they are my property and i would take offense if someone stole them.
ZZ i'm sorry it happened to you:(
Here's the more secure water mark what do yall think?

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

I want to be "THAT CAT" man what a life that would be LOL! Love the pic!!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

That's a purty trumpet flower.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

There's nothing that says comfort like a sunbathing 22lb tabby-cat -- HA!

(Zone 7b)

I posted it on the backlit photo forum a while back.

(Zone 7b)

Lovin The Cat Lady!!! i won't call you lazy is it okay if i call you lady?

(Zone 7b)

MOXON You have opened a can of worms and apparently Lady has let the cat out of the bag LMAO!!!!!!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

That is a beautiful brug pic! I love it!

See? How could you miss that on a ebay auction! LOL


Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Now that you all have stolen Commander Williams Thread...and caused censure from the Admin Mods, could we please get back to business??

Report please Cdr Williams... How are your Cuckos???...

(Zone 7b)

Love My Brugs ZZ did you know i got me a white one when i went to the flea market here's a pic.

Sorry forgot this is the poultry forum not the show your brugs this will be the last pic (SORRY)

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm sorry for my part Sheila...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Sorry, I guess I "rocked the boat" so to speak! Love the brug pic Harmony!

Cdr. Williams...awaiting your report!

Secret news update: Cdr. Moxon secured purchase of cuckoo maran eggs this evening, via eggbid.

Even more secret news update: Cdr. Moxon also secured purchase of welsummer eggs using same method.

Most utterly secret update: Crd. Moxon has bid on blue andalusian eggs. Anybody messes with the Commander's bid and they get an earful!


(Zone 7b)

Me too but claire started it "nanny" "nanny" poo poo

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Squaaaawk! Did not!!!

(Zone 7b)

Claire that water mark doesn't take away from the picture does it?

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Cdr williams is sleeping ma'am thought it'd be OK to talk fat cats for a moment. I'll be out scrubbing deck until you tell me its ok to come back in.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I don't believe that it does, because it is not too big and yet it's larger than the other one. It is probably safer than the other. Also, if you crop your picture so that it would look odd if somebody cropped off the top area, that is also better. in other words, minimize the top "dead space" so that the watermark is in an area that can't be cropped and still leave a good picture.

(Zone 7b)

Gotcha Claire i like this one and lady please come back i love the fat cat it looks like it needs a tummy rub.

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