jade and var. jade leaf propogation

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

crasulady2 is the best........:)

heres the start of Jade and Var. Jade propogation....my regular jade leaves have new growth, nice little roots, and all from my little bottle greenhouse....lol

DO VAR. JADES ROOT AS EASILY?..........i think ill try those next.....

WHEN IS THE BEST TIME OF YR TO DO JADE PROPOGATION?......i didnt know if it mattered

thanks norma.....u r the best........:)


Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

yes she is! shes sending me a variagated jade leaf to try and root so i'll let you know how i get on..

i find that any jade leaves that fall from my regular jade root in the moist compost very quickly.. i have had loads of new plants that way.

Are there any other varieties apart from var and reg? i have two different jade plants given from different people and the leaves are different in shape.. ones rounded and straight and ones kinda pointed and boat shaped (ie concave).

I thought anytime of the year was ok for propagation..


Valley Village, CA

Okay, okay, enough is enough. I have about 22 different 'Jade' if I can trust the labels. Names have been created for every little nunance by every nursery, mail order house, that wants to sell something new, more names sell more plants, I really don't believe I have that many, the are all Crassula ovata which is a new name (25 yrs old)
there are about 6 syn. for ovata (oblique, agentea, etc)

Really the leaves will start without soil, just lay them on the top, leaves will start with soil, just lay them on the top. It really doesn't matter if they have stripes or poka dots, they will root. The variegated is usually slower.

Make sure you use a plump young leaf, you will be more sucessful. The new growth uses up all the moisture that is in that leaf, so thus, does not need any water until it gets roots. No roots, no water, it can't take it in and actually you may actually rot it before the new leaflets
get a start. This should take about 17-21 days during the early spring. I start my new ones after they have flowered and dried up. In the house I believe you can start them any time you want. Be careful not to use plastic bag or jar, they must get good air circulation, must not be kept moist all the time, allowed to dry out between waterings.
Now these rules are general and to be applied and suited to your growing conditions.
I live in a very dry arid valley, this is what works for me, it may not work for you. I am now letting 6 cuts of 'Sunset' set out to root and keeping track of how many days it will take. Next month it may be different, I will try and see what happens them. These cuts or leaves will grow approxmately 8" or more per year according to car. The love to be in a tight pot, lots of air, very cool nights, no misting, deep watering when dry, good sun so the tips turn red. I may have left something out, so ask questions if I have. The following are some varieties, selections that I have at this time.
'Gollum' 'Hobbit' 'Coral' 'Skinny Fingers' all are similar.
'Peek' 'Hummel'sSunset''Rainbow' 'Variegate'
'Crosby's Sunset' 'Crosby's Compact' or Compacta 'Crosby's Red' Hummels 'Red''Ruby' now I am missing another 8 or more which I don't have from memory and would need to look them up. 'Baby jade' 'Minature Jade' 'Agentea' all the same
Please ask questions, I will respond to all unless just darn right setting me up. Oh, yes, us a loose well draining soil containing only 10% organic like orchard bark.
You may get bugs at a later date, we will discuss that when it comes up. If you don' have enough air circulation use a fan. Don't burn them, but give good light. Crasulady

At one time the UC Botanical Garden in Berkeley had planted out a variety with deeper pink flowers (than the common pinkish white type). I don't know what happened to that cultivar. Their plants may have died in the freeze of 1990. Norma do you grow this one?

I've often thought that there must be other deeper colored clones out there somewhere, which would make nice flowering shrubs for frost free coastal California.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

On rooting variegated Jades:

IME they seem much more water sensitive than the non-variegated. I've recently rotted a couple of them myself & have to get more cuttings to start over, :.(

My Crassulas have rooted best for me when simply placed ON TOP of the mix, not in it.

Also, pls. no misting on any of these, as Crassulas (Jades) really don't like this (& will likely rot &/or get bugs rom it).

HTH & keep up this great advice column pls. Crasulady.

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