
Clarksville, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi, would like a variety of new cacti and succulent seeds. For indoors if possible. thanks DebK

P.S. My sorry, I meant to say seeds or cuttings. thank you. DebK

This message was edited Wednesday, Sep 5th 5:55 PM

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9A)

The best place to buy seeds is from Mesa Garden. They do have a website; to find it, go to www.cactus-mall.com. Literally thousands of different kinds!!!

This message was edited Monday, Sep 3rd 10:17 PM

Valley Village, CA

If you belong to the CSSA (Cactus Succulent Society of America) you must be a member, they offer seeds for .50 a pkg. I think they are reliable as for germination. Try www.cactus-mall.com different sites may offer seeds.

They may have seeds listed from various countries. Very few places sell seeds.

The Haworthia society offers seed
The Sansevieria society offers seed
The Sedum group offers seed
Join a club if you have one close by, they will offer seed and plants free. Crasulady

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