Fibromyalia & Gardening #3

Napa, CA(Zone 9b)

How did the freeze watch go, Scraps? We went from beeeeautiful sun to cold and rainy today. Hope you're feeling better after that vacuuming. I winced reading about it.. I know I cannot be on my knees AT ALL.. terrible pain.

Because I am out in the garden every day, my body is starting to relax and loosen up to the physical work. I have felt locked in a barely functioning body for 2 years as I went thru a tough pregnancy and early babyhood where I basically sat or laid down and did nothing. Now that my youngest is almost 17 months and is getting busy on his own, I haven't been able to do much because I am literally locked up.

I was hoping the garden would help me overcome a bit this spring. When you move thru the pain, you start to loosen up a bit, but moving thru that initially is so hard. I've always got back pain, muscle fatigue, etc.. And so far nothing else motivates me to move thru the pain day after day like my garden has. My husband is being supportive and giving me kid free time to work out there (at snail's pace, but it's still work!) and that's just what I need. I don't think he generally is on board 100% w/ the fibro diagnosis. He doesn't "get" it because he doesn't fee it himself, but he's trying.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Go, Gina, Go! Gardening is like that for many of us. I know for me I am motivated to work harder at physical therapy every late winter/early spring so I'll be able to go out and play in the (container) dirt when it's warm enough for my achy muscles to tolerate.

Napa, CA(Zone 9b)

I went for coffee this morning and actually held my toddler in arms standing up for quite a few minutes while I waited on coffee and chatted. I called my husband to brag! I was so excited. I haven't been able to hold him standing up like that since birth (I have to sit) but the gardening has me working on strength and stamina.

Not running any marathons any time soon (or evah!!) but I'm happy with progress. My fibro was one of many reasons I moved to a warmer climate.. more months of better weather where I can get out more often and gently do something. NY weather is terrible for someone with FMS.

I hope everyone is feeling spiffy today :)

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Feeling spiffy? I like that!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Hi all,
I finally got my computer replaced....after Dell lost the other one in shipping for warranty repairs. I have soooooo missed Dg and my friends here who have become like family. You all are my closest support system. Little thingies are coming up all over my yard including some new perrennials just planted last fall after getting on lale. The darned voles have eaten lots of my Hosta and other things , it looks like. Because of the Vole varments I am hesitant to plant some of the stuff I have gotten in co-ops here @ DG.
I haave Geraneums & Clematis and Hellebore waiting to be planted. Plus 165 Gladiola bulbs and about 80+ Caladium.
WhAt in the world was I thinking??? I have pots (no potting mix yet) for the Caladiums and have posted the Glads as savailable on the co-op site. Sure hope somebody that missed it sees em & wants some. Must have been in a major "fibro fog" to have ordered so much.....but the price was good!! LOL
{{{{hugs}}}}, Sheri

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

165 gladiolus bulbs? Wowee kazowee!! I still have my 4 or is it 6 to plant.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

LOL!!! ^_^ it is a bit over the top I guess...but the price was so great! that many only cost $65!! How could I resist!

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Sorry I have not checked in, we had another death in the family, my second cousin. I have been busy but will check in again soon. I have to put sealer on concrete floors tomorrow so keep me in your prayers for both reasons. I am running low on energy about now for sure. Love you guys bunches, scraps

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Ouch, so sorry Scraps, have "fun" sealing your concrete.

Sheri, easy, just say N-O by thinking of how it will be when you have to plant 100,000,000,000 gladiolus!

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Have I mentioed that research has found that fibro may be mostly an insidiously slow depletion of B12? I'm taking a shot once a month and the sublingual 'dots' from WalMart & seem to have much more energy and a brighter outlook on life most of the time.

I'm on very low doses of Lyrica and think that is helping with the pain in most of my body. Not helping my low back pain a bit tho. I'm also using the cherry concentrate to see if it helps with the pain, etc. Look for it in the produce section of your grocery store or a healthy food store. I may have already told you all about it. Sorry for the repeat if it did.

I have so much sanding and more stripping to do in the bathroom it is somewhat overwhelming to me. Must get back to it. I work until my wrist and hand give out then rest them for a while.

GOD bless & keep each of you.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello everyone, I got that sealer on concrete floors but only one coat and could barely move my muscles were so sore. And my dear hubs ask if I thought it needed another coat? Hahaha. Are you crazy man? was my reply. I surely hope it is not needed because I am Done. I had to sit on a rolling stool without back within five minutes of starting because my back hurt so bad and that fool is going to ask if it needs another coat. He watched about half of that time and used the excuse that he might mess up again, because there were roller marks before but I left them too. Anyway I am ready to do something else, that was tough on my old body. I cut grass at new house today and my brother did a little weed eating and I wonder how I will ever be able to keep that yard up. With all the trees come alot of leaves and sticks. So maybe I can talk DH into just sowing flowers over entire yard. I need to get some rest. Goodnight all. Love and prayers, scraps

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh Steph...wouldn't a wildflower yard be beautiful!!
I hope you rest well.
Love & prayers,

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Thanks sheri, and yes it would be wouldn't it. I am not sure what will grow there in the shade but am trying to read alot about shade gardening when I have a moment to read. I may have some sun but not alot. I am just dying to get started planting and he says I have to wait to plant near house until it is all done so the guys will not have to worry about messing up something. It is driving me mad I am so impatient to get started. Hehehe, maybe impatients should be my flower choice. I have a few things coming up out away from the house that I have been slowly moving. I wish I could have his strength and energy for a day or two. have a goodnight all, scraps

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Hee hee, I like that, because impatiens is a terrific shade flower, too, and that's what I thought you meant at first!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Yes, yes...inpatiens is a great flower so pretty and a good shade one too...I vote for that one.
flower boxes n pots hun...until you can get into the ground..that way you can both have your cake n eat it to (no caleries though!!). you can get things growing but they can be moved out of the way when the crew comes in!!!

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hey Carrie that was a great article. I enjoyed it and learned something too. I have a few rocks in all my pots and have for years but they do not always do well. So explain to me why it is not good to put them there. I am not doubting you at all I just want to understand better, I am not good with indoor plants and that may be why. Years ago I did fine and had begun to believe I had lost my green thumb. You may have helped me alot by diagnosing my sick plant. I am not sure when I heard that you should put rocks in the bottom of pot so that could be where I went wrong somewhere along the way. Also recently when my Aunt passed away I got a large hibiscus (Probably misspelled) That is dropping all its leaves. They are turning yellow and falling off all over the floor. They told me it would be fine in the pot it came in for a while but it is dying fast. Do you have any ideas as to why? Any help would be appreciated. I can usually make things grow outside but llately all my houseplants are not doing so well. I do not have much time for them with building a house and keeping two yards cut and mom in nursing home. Life is hectic around here girl. Love and prayers and Goodnight, I am getting sleepy. Scraps

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

My son Kyle & I are remodeling my main bathroom then will put new flooring in the kitchen. Quite a job.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh my gosh!! I potted up about 30 Gereneums and planted most of my Clematis yesterday. My hands are so weary...not realy sore, but like the strength has been "sapped" out of them. Also helped with some brush cleanup and mulch spreading. Need to do more gardening today, but whew.......
I feel like singing my old Air Force song...."Off we go, into the wild blue yonder....." Hoping I can muster up the takeoff" today!
Man I wish I hadn't gotten so many co-op items & more still to come.....Anybody want any (165) gladiolas??

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Well, I am hardly a houseplant expert, as my houseplants will explain to you! Basically, they just need all the oxygen, nutrients and water they can get, the rocks just take up space otherwise occupied by one of those important things. Plants in the ground can just go deeper and deeper looking for more moisture or whatever they need; plants imprisoned by a pot are totally dependent on you to give them what they need, EVERYTHING! Better than rocks at the bottom is to make sure the (not dirt) potting-mix you use is very fast draining; mix in some perlite. Re-pot every year, even if not to a bigger pot, just to give them some fresh fluffy soil and take out the old, exhausted soil.

Isn't it warm enough now to leave the hibiscus outside? I take ALL my plants outside in the summer (to make space for the rest of us) to give them a better chance of being watered regularly, but it rains pretty often here (outside).

There are many articles about houseplants and maybe even one about hibiscus -- I can't remember. I personally have killed two hardy hibiscuses and one butterfly bush, fyi. Happy spring!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh Sheri, I've seen you in the co-op forum! Not lurking but buying!!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Yes, Carrie....way to much...& now they're all coming at once....I didn't think of all the work I was ordering for myself to do..., but only of the pretty flowers...oh me...I hate to think of the things I wont get planted...I cannot even find anybody to give these Glads to....I love em, but just have gotten my self way in over my head.....guess what gets planted does & what doesn't ..doesn't & that's it.
I'm pooped from 2 days of planting, mowing, planting, slipping, hauling to curb, more clipping & more planting....Oh my aching back n knees n hands & my eyes r itching something awful too....yada..yada...yada....hehe
Oh...I have 2 bluebird eggs in the nest on my back porch and am so excited!!!

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Thanks Carrie I was just curious about the rocks. I took the hibiscus outside and it rained some today so maybe it will survive. I will treasure it because my cousin gave it to me to remind me of my Aunt when it blooms she said it was a smile from her mom. I thought that was so sweet of her. Maybe when it blooms I can remember to take a picture. My brain is slow today though I overworked my whole body but mind is going fast. I lost a 2 liter Diet Dr. Pepper yesterday. I just knew I had it on the table and then it was gone I looked all over and then discovered I had put it in the fridge. LOL. I thought I had gone off the deep end.

Leaflady, I hope it is going better on your project than mine I am not cut out for this kind of work anymore.

Birdie I would love some gladiolas if you have not found any takers yet. Love you guys Goodnight and have a good weekend. Love and prayers, scraps

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Hey, why did it take me so long to find this thread~ LOL! I am a gardener and I sure as heck have fibromyalgia.

I used to be on DG some years ago; then got distracted by something (probably a flare). Last year I tried working (job working!) so I didn't get much gardening done. This year I am fortuate to be able to stay home so I've started quite a few seeds.

Right now, I am on day 3 or 4 of a nasty virus. I feel like complete "manure". It cheered me up to see this thread. Looking forward to getting to know all the Mighty Fibromites on DG!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Howdy, Planti! or should I say Ms. McPlanter?

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

LOL! Yeah, I love my DG name. My real name is Jacki and I live on the east side of Washington state. Been diagnosed with Fibro for 4 years though I'm sure it was affecting me for a long time before that.

One of my favorite things to do is grow plants inside and out. I'm hoping to plant a new cutting garden this summer and I've got lots of seed started.

Glad to meet you :)

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Hi & welcome to PMcP!! We are all in that similar achy "boat" jes a tryin to row to the flower side of the river! hehehe ^_^
I just potted up about 45 Calacium. Hope I did it right, too. Except for a few, there was absolutely no telling top from I guessed that the ones that had stringy things might have been dried roots so that side went down. I potted them in 10" bulb pots and pretty close together. Just grabbed a few out of each bag, cause the tagging and IDing was slowing me down. I figure if there are some that I realy want more of the ID forum or our beloved dear helpfull BilL will helpme there. I have decided that anything that is holding me back or causing additional stress, etc has got to be eliminated. Procrastination and frustration are ever looming and I just am so over those to (attacks of the enemy that I am determined NOT to be thwarted anymore by them!!!) Does that make sense to anyone else??
I also potted 2 Alocesia (Elephant ear....but am not sure they are done correctly...I have learned that they need to be 6-8" below the dirt, and the crown is showing in my always...PlEase share any experience hope and strength that you might want is aLwayS welcome....
Here's a pic of my growing pot no...ahem...potted garden ^_^

Thumbnail by BirdieBlue
Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Looks pretty impressive to me, BirdieBlue!

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello Jacki, I always hate to hear that someone else is suffering with fibro but it is nice to have you join us. I started this thread because I needed someone to share both the joy of flowers and gardening and yet someone who understands what that means for someone who has fibro. It means we suffer pain all over when we get out and plant flowers or work with our plants. It means we work knowing we are going to hurt, just to enjoy the sight of the beautiful flowers. It makes me smile awhile when one blooms and God knows we do not get to smile often because we always hurt. Not everyone understands what we go through. We sound like a bunch of complainers. I know I am Blessed in other ways and I thank God for all my Blessings Daily. However, I need my fibro buddies to chat with who do understand. So glad to meet you and feel free to send a dmail when you need a buddy to listen. After you work all day planting or weeding and you wonder why do I do this to myself time and time again. We will remind you, it will be worth it when the flowers are blooming and the butterflies and birds are singing. We will cheer you up when you are down and you can return the favor when we are dragging. I have to sit in a chair or rolling stool to do most everything I do but I was in a wheelchair for a while so I am better now. I have to get epidurals in my back every 3 or 4 months to stay out of wheelchair. Also staying active helps. My husband and I are building a house ourselves right now so I am not getting to work with plants as much as normally.Goodnight and I will be praying for you as well as all the rest of the gang of DG Buddies who have accessible Gardening issues. Love, Hugs, and prayers, scraps

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

BTW, guys and gals, I am going to write an article (in the far distant future) about how we all DO it, cope with gardening despite impairments or pains or legs that don't play well with others.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

LOL ....."legs that don't play well with others"....I chuckle, because it seems like my 2 legs are on separate schedules. When the right one is doing well, the left one has issues and visa versa..I am still waiting to see the benefit of having each knee Arthroscopically "fixed" this past winter.
The good part is that I usuallh have at lease 1 good leg to stand on.
I certainly could be worse, tugh, and so I praise God for the strength and good days that I have!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I thought that might get a laugh! I roll with scissors.

I've been planning for 2 years or so to write an article about how to garden from a wheelchair or how to garden with a disability. I finally realized there is no one way to garden with a disability. Each of us has a different strategy! So (eventually) I'd like to write an article about all the DIFFERENT strategies there are out there, whether it be Western medicine or herbs or massage or turning to religion/God or ergonomic tools. (That's a funny juxtaposition, God and ergonomic tools, from the sublime to the ridiculous?)

I know of a LOT of DGers that don't post on this thread or even in this forum who are disabled and have found ways to do things somehow.

Anyway, gotta go, hugs to all.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

procrastination is my main tool!

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hey everyone, I think the saying "Where there is a will there is a way" kind of suits us. I know I am going to have flowers around my house if I have to lay on ground to plant them. If I were rich I would hire a good looking yard boy and watch the hard work but I think I would still want to get my hands dirty and help with what I could. I also get a kick out of sharing plants and knowing that certain flowers came from people I care about. It is also fun to get a flower from someone on DG that you do not know but you have chatted with on DG. Then you will have plants from all different parts of the country. I am going to do more trading when I get this house built. This house that just will not hurry up and get done already. It is taking forever. People ask if we are done yet and I say I do not know if we will ever finish. Things just seem to be dragging along. Can you tell I am anxious? impatient?

Carrie, I need a little of all the strategies you mentioned, Massage from the yard boy I hire sounds good too.LOL
Gotta go to bed now I am already dreaming .Night all.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Whoa, I never considered massage from a good-looking yard boy... Wonder what DH would say. No, I know what he would say.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a) no DH, but no yard boy either...good looking or otherwise.......
Do have plent of plants to plant and weeds to pull and...and...^_^

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hey everyone, another day of work on house and I need something for all my pain I sure wish I could get a massage from someone. I would settle for an hour in hot tub but do not have one. I noticed weeds are taking over what plants I have planted. I have not had time. I did another round of bleach on house to get mildew off wood before staining. I am trying so hard to help get things done because I want to be done. But the fibro will not let me enjoy working. However, it was good to be outside at least. It was a beautiful day but hot. Keep me in your prayers because I am seriously in pain. One knee is swelled up and back is numb. I have Dr.'s appointment tomorrow so maybe he can help. He will say I am overdoing it but there is no hope of slowing down if I ever want to live in new house. I feel like the biggest complainer in the world but I can't help it. I want to get in house so I can plant flowers everywhere. In order to get moved in I have to keep my procrastinating hubby moving. If he sees that I am working he will usually join in. We put insulation in ceiling in one room after he got home from work. I had worked all day myself but would not tell him how tired I was so he would work. I am going to ask for vitamin B12 shot and see if that will give me energy.
Love and prayers, tired scraps

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I'm cheering you on Steph and me and my church prayer partners pray for you daily. I so admire your determination. It is so Easy for me and probably others to give in to this horriible disease of chronic pain. And as I have learned...the more I lay around cause i hurt, the less I am able to do and the More I hurt from the inactivity....not to mention the depression from things piling up and feeling worthless, etc....what a viscious cycle.
You are one of my heroes, Lady!! Your stories of all that you do inspire me.
Love &prayers, Sheri

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I went to the dentist today for the first time in 5-8 years! The hygienist and I got to talking about men vs. women and pain tolerance. (She was talking, I was grunting helpfully.) She has this sharp think that she sticks in your gums, you know? I am new to the practice, so I was explaining that if I need Novocaine, I usually need a very high dose because of all the pain meds I'm already taking. And I said I usually think of myself as pretty tough with pain, but with nerve pain and pain meds and stuff I just am not. And she said women are SO MUCH TOUGHER than men when it comes to pain! (And I suppose she's seen both.) Moral, Steph, don't be hard on yourself. We all do the best we can, right?

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Well Howdy ya'll, Sounds like I was pretty down and out last time I checked in. I just reread what I wrote and I am sorry for being such a bummer. I do not have time to check in most days until I am tired to the bone but I usually keep my complaints to myself. My doctor is a jerk sometimes and yesterday was one of those days I guess. I told him my list of complaints and that skinny teenager looking little fart said it was my weight. His funeral is tomorrow.LOL. I knew that before I went. I wanted him to fix me and he said take more pain meds and eat less. I have never wanted to hurt anyone so bad. I told him if he could not walk without his knees cracking and popping and swelling and his back hurt like mine he would gain weight too. I was a cowgirl growing up and rode bulls, horses, motorcycles, jogged daily and climbed trees. I am no weakling or wimp. I just have a muscle disease now and can not exercise much. That does not mean I sit around eating icecream all day. That punk heard from me about it too. Anyway they drew blood to check vitamin B12 deficiency. wrote my prescriptions and rushed me out of there. LOL.
Birdie you are too sweet girl, I am working too hard then complaining about it how does that make me a hero, honey? I love you for thinking of me so highly though. I cut grass today and it wore me out. The lawn mower broke steering rod or something and hubs wired it together so I could finish. I want to do so much more but just can't because of the pain. I am a hyperactive person trapped in a worn out body. I need a replacement on the whole body not just one part.
Carrie, my hubs can take most pain but not nausea and fever type sickness. he is the toughest man I have ever seen. He broke his toe a few years ago, dropped a huge piece of wood on it at the sawmill. It turned purple swelled up the size of a baseball and looked like a turkey drumstick that had been broken. He worked everyday in workboots and never complained. But when he gets a cold or virus he acts like such a baby that it is so funny. He acts like those women in old movies that swoon at the sight of anything frightening and throw their hands over their foreheads. It has only happened twice in 20 years but I keep him in vitamins so he will not be sick. Little kids do not act that bad when they are sick. It is unbelievable it is so funny. he whines and says can you get me the thermometer I think I am worse? Can you get me some soup ? can I have more tylenol yet. Normally, he is so tough but the flu brings out the little girl in him. And he is a huge big formal football player and carpenter who can tote couches alone and washers and dryers etc. But he is a baby when sick. I use to think I was tough but now the fibro makes everything hurt worse. I am still strong enough to pick up heavy stuff I just hurt the next day or so. I am getting sleepy. Goodnight all. Love and prayers, scraps

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