New Chick Pics!!

(Zone 7b)

I just came back from feeding and i took some pictures. These are of my chicks and of some request for pen pictures and a chocolate winged Owl pigeon. I got my first mille fleur egg and there will be a pic of that as well as the mille fleurs there will also be some of chickens i didn't have pics of before.
Everything was doing great today except 1 hen shes a water pooper she had just started this i was keeping her water cleaned daily but was out most of the day one day last week and she pooped and drank it. Put up a wire cover so she couldn't get on top of the water but i found her sickly 2 days ago. I waited to see if she would improve sometimes they just get a little tummy trouble but today shes the same. So i got out the Amprol and treated the water and she will be fine in a few days. Newbie's i treated her for coccidiosis a intestinal problem caused by eating poo or drinking poo water i treated her with amprolium trade name Corrid i put it in her drinking water. The symptoms are loose watery poo and sometimes with blood in severe cases... The chicken will sit with feathers ruffled and acts cold and is very lathargic they may or may not eat but will still drink. cocidia are protozoa not a virus or disease and are impossible to control. If you need more info just ask. Let the pictures begin!!

This message was edited Sep 8, 2008 10:49 AM

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh how I love those little blue chicks. They are just so cute! I want some!!

(Zone 7b)

Self blue beautys.

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

All nice and warm!!! {sorry my downloads are a little slow}

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

My first Mille Fleur Egg

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

One of these girls laid the egg....... {the splash isn't old enough to lay}

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

Blue Mille Fleur Roo

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

Sorry Claire that first pic was from the other day *duh* HERES the pic that was supposed to be there!

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

Blue Mille Fleur Hen

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Awwww....feedin' time! Mum is sure teaching those little fluffers how to eat! Good deal - such a cute family pic! What does Dad look like?

(Zone 7b)

Crelle roo please pardon his shabby looks hes molting

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Beautiful family Harmony!


(Zone 7b)

Heres Daddy hes in a another pen with his other hen

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

He's a very good looking fella!


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Both are very handsome roos! Although blue roo seems a little bit loose with his affections...already knocking up another hen, and his children barely out of the egg. What a guy! ;-)

(Zone 7b)

Here he is The Chocalate Wing Owl Pigeon

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)


(Zone 7b)

New Color!!! COCO wing baby owl

This message was edited Sep 8, 2008 11:32 AM

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

Lemon Blue Splash Rooster I'm keepin this one

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

crelle pullet

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

Grey wing Owl

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

White Indian fantail

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

OK Harmony, this confirms it, you are the ULTIMATE enabler. Now I seem to need both chocolate and grey wing owl pigeons, some self blue bantams, a lemon blue splash anything, and more! I insist that you cease and desist from making me lose my mind from figuring out how many more coops I need to build!

(Zone 7b)

Rosey Dove My personal favorite

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

Not a Chance Clair i haven't even showed you my pens yet hang on!!

(Zone 7b)

Pied Tangerine Dove

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

Almost Forgot the blue splash cochin

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

And my Final Bird pic a mottled cochin Next i will show you a couple of my pens.

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

This is one of the larger pens and it has a roost but no nest box. I'm going to design and build about 10 That won't be quite this big and will have both roost and nest box and these will be my breeder pens.
Up until spring 07 i had been ordering chicks and raiseing them but i just was putting to much expense into them and i wasn't happy with the quality of the birds so i started last spring gettin good friends with show people and people with good stock and today i have some of the best of the best stock. So as my breeder flock is growing we must build BUILD I SAY

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

This is one of my original pens i built about 5 years ago it's too small and i had to add the nest box. When i get the larger breeder pens built I'm going to turn all this size into brooder pens for my setting hens.

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

This is a temporary pen it's just some fence wire formed to a cirle and held together with zip ties and its moveble like a tracter just pick it up and move it and thats and old army tarp i found in the trash. It's holding i think 10 fantails The CF blessed me with... actually i traded a brown wing pair {chocolate claire}of owls for some beige wing and the man insisted i take all these free of charge {pigeons for sale LOL}

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
Clarkson, KY

You have yet to post a picture of your tangerine elephant...

(Zone 7b)

Finally this is HOLDING its a 16 foot rabbit cage on legs i have 4 others like it and the individual cell pens are about the size of one of the all wire rabbit cages you know the pop up kind.
My chicks stayin the large brooder pen it's on another thread but if you want i can put it here.
Then i have 3 pens that are 10 feet long and divided into two 5 foot pens here is where i hold my young birds then they are eventualy separated into pairs or trios in the HOLD pens and sold.
These long rabbit cages are great if you have fighters or ones that have to be by themselves you have a quick pen availible at all times. That is if you aren't compulsive and fill them up too.
In the background of this pic you can see one of my rabbit hutches.

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

My Angel Trumpets

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)


Lodi, United States

Yes, yes. Stunning birds, well thought out breeding pens and beautiful fragrant flowers. More than anything I can ever hope to achieve.

But what about the tangerine elephant?:0)

(Zone 7b)

Okay here it is and his family just moved in with him boy CF should have Mercy.

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
Lodi, United States

Nope--not tangerine. At least on my monitor.

(Zone 7b)

Well i hated to admit it but he left me thought i could cover it up with this picture but when i thru him out of the bed this morning he got real mad and just busted thru the front door. Haven't seen him since guess i'm just not a tangerine elephant kind of person :(

Lodi, United States

The tangerines are notoriously temperamental. I, for one, do not think ill of you. You should know we will all be here for you--tangerine temperaments or mauve. We've all been there.

And you have birds we covet.

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