New Chick Pics!!

(Zone 7b)

Thanks Cat and yes it's over and the elephant has gone and i know some people are glad:(
But I don't have anyone who understands me and my birds and i love to have fun.
Most people i know show or just have *Chickens* i enjoy my birds and love to share but i have nobody to share with so i signed up here just lookin for some like minded people.
I'm thinking of subscribing because i allso garden and collect antiques and i love yard sales flea markets and makeing things out of other stuff. Did you know that ash trys make good feeders and grit holders and old coffee cups are good waters in a pinch.Well enough about my junk thanks again cat and i promise to keep a check on my behavior are you listening CF.

Lodi, United States

I think s/he is napping--s/he's really not as all-seeing as she wants you think.

I am using 98 cent plastic chip and dip bowls to feed mine--except for the plastic aspect, I really like them. The dip part can hold treats and the regular food goes around the perimeter--so the birds have some space. You do have to fill them daily and I don't have hundreds of birds, so they are not for every(any?)one.

Clarkson, KY

Probably covetousness was my main problem. that and we did get a little wild last night...;-)

Gao, Mali

Well, the Chicken Fairy needs NO NAP, and is now "watching" this thread.

My commendations to Harmony Place. Everyone else is being watched for wild, covetous behavior...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I am still highly covetous of the chocolate and cocoa wing owl pigeons. I cannot deny it. It would be lying to say otherwise, and I am sure the CF doesn't want us to lie...

I think I also need a self-blue something.

(Zone 7b)

Thanks to all and i think its okay to have ALOT of fun life is toooo serious to begin with and if we can laugh at our own selves and bring happiness to others we have given a great gift and a very selfless one at that. I delight to know my elephant story made people laugh and i would do it again just to know somewhere maybe somebody had a hard day or lost something dear to them and just maybe i made them smile or laugh and for just a moment life was a little easier to live.
Give all you can give if its only a smile.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the smiles Harmony - they do wonders for us all. :-)

I can't wait to get the Eggsplorer II shuttle going again...countdown to hatch everybody! Get your space suits ready and prepare the ground crew!

Lodi, United States

Taking protein pill and putting my helmet on.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Well, at least dust your helmet off. We'll be at 12 days tomorrow...and since they include banty eggs, we might get some activity at 18 or 19 days? I added the two banty eggs that I collected yesterday (and left for 24 hours with the large end up). I brought in another today to let it sit for its 24 hours too.

(Zone 7b)

Hey The CF blessed me with an unexpected surprise i went down for the evening feed and found my lemon blue setting. I want some help here should i set modern game or blue splash and brown red shes setting on fake eggs right now. I have a dozen modern and a mixed dozen of blue splash/brown red.
Let me know and then i will be on the egg watch Hello CF Going To Have some more chicks Thank you!!
I thought i heard and elephant breathing heavly outside sssshhhhh better turn off the light pretend i'm in bed but i'll leave the puter on.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

LOL, you need to get yourself some mice to scare those wild elephants away, Harmony. I think they've become rather fond of you!

Very excited to hear about your lemon blue. I don't know what you should put under her but I bet either would work. I'll be interested to see what others suggest.

Please don't send the elephants to Iowa. Send them to the Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald, Tennessee. They are awesome there. I love that place.


Gao, Mali

Harmonyplace, Take good care of that Elephant, and you will have MANY setting hens...


(Zone 7b)

Yes oh Great CF and thanks for the new setting hen she is on 10 eggs of 3 different breeds.
The Elephant is currently sleeping in the guest room.

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Check out these gorgeous German Owl pigeons on eggbid.... I want them!!!

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

wow! nice pics... I need them all!
wait... I need country and land first! drat!

(Zone 7b)

Just looked at the owls i don't know what the standard there but those owls are not what i know as perfect show. There is too much white in thier wings and i see a hint of brown on thier tail feathers
and the ones jabot {feathers on neck}is a little to fluffy and thier crowns aren't very pronounced.
True German owls should have SOLID wing color no white and only on thier wings and a row of feathers that extends down thier chest. $50 for a pair i will sell a pair thats better than that for $20 they really aren't expensive and really good birds can be bought very cheaply.
Take a close look at my birds perfect wing color and mine do not have a jabot but look at the head feathers full and erect the only bad trait is the black spot under thier wings and i'm working on that and hope to achieve a perfect colorless body with only wing color.

Thumbnail by Harmonyplace
(Zone 7b)

I will take pics and give a little Owl pigeon 101 discussion to help people get to know pigeons.
I'll get it up soon or later if i'm busy just keep lookin and it be there.

Clarksburg, MO


If you need some mice I can trap some here and send to you to cure the elephant problem. They just came marching through the living room carrying snacks, blankets and the TV remote. They think they are here to stay. I have other plans and know their weakness. Can you say PPEEAANNUUTT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUUUUTTTTEEEERR!


(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

lol sheila! I have a kitty who will travel :oD

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the lessons Harmony - I'm just so taken with the chocolate wings! Good to know from an expert perspective that they are not so great examples of the standard. And $50 is a lot for just pet pigeons I guess.

(Zone 7b)

Claire not putting off airs here but i hate to see people get cheated i'm ALWAYS honest about my birds. Theres alot of snake oil folks in the OEG bantams and pigeons.
Thats my price because i sell for what i think is resonable and if i sell them for $10 each and sell 3 thats a sack of feed that wil feed about 40 pigeons & Doves for 2 weeks.
I love makeing people happy and Kids are the best little bird people the way they love these birds is amazeing and hearing thier stories of thier pigeons and how much they love them and yes they do actually dance and in the fantails when a mateing pair have enough room to do it it's allmost like a waltz. PEOPLE ENJOY YOUR BIRDS ****SMILE****:)

(Zone 7b)

Yes Sheila PEANUT BUTTER!! it works and i will back you up ive got plenty of the nasty things with it big and little.

(Zone 7b)

I will no longer be posting on this thread

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Harmony what's wrong???


Foley, MO

Um, at the risk (once again) of sounding rude, I have noticed that Harmony has posted this on every single post she posted on. I didn't have the pleasure of meeting her (wish I could have) she seemed interesting. However, to continuously post that she will no longer be posting seems mildly confrontational, or passive aggressive at best. Alright, I'll shut the heck up now : P

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

I think it is enough, post or dont post. If one has upset you please let them know in dmail. Remember we all have an opinion, and entitled to it.

Gao, Mali

What is the MATTER with you people? Peanut Butter is not good for birds...

Harmonyplace, if you don't pick your chin up and get back here this instant, I may have to dust your eggs to all be roos!!!

The CF is terribly sorry to have been gone so long, these Tropical Storms and Hurricanes are keeping me bouncing back and forth between continents...


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