Logee's Tropical plants

Saugatuck, MI

Just received Logee's Tropial plants Fall catalog and alot of plants look very tempting. I have never ordered from them before and wondered if anyone here has and if they were happy with the plants? Any particular plants that you haven't had good luck with or any that were very easy to grow and you were very happy with?
Thank you.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I've always had good luck with them and I'm pretty sure they're in the Watchdog Top 30 so you can't go wrong in terms of plant quality, customer service, etc. It's always a good idea to read other people's comments in the Watchdog though before you order from anyone. If you haven't been to the Watchdog before, click on the "Products and Sources" tab at the top of the page, and you'll see a link for it.

Danville, IN

I received an order earlier this summer, and everything has done well. The plants are priced well, and if you can't find them locally, Logee's is a great source. Do check Watchdog for other comments. (My ginger plant did really well, from a small 4" plant to a healthy, full 18" plant now.)

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

I agree...always good luck with this company's plants.

Granted, the plants you receive may be small...but they're always healthy and well-rooted.

They also have an option (for some plants they sell) that you can choose a larger pot size = larger plant.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

The only thing I wouldn't buy from them anymore is Hibiscus--nothing wrong with their plants, but since they're so small it takes a while before they bloom, so I prefer to get my tropical hibiscus from some other mail order sources that sell larger plants for not that much more money, and since they're larger they bloom much sooner.

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

I second Nan's post. Small plants, but well rooted and healthy. The make good on their mistakes and have great customer service overall. I have several plants from them that I've had for a couple of years now.

(Zone 1)

I've never bought from them but I get e-mails all the time and am always tempted! I have heard folks say the plants they ship are quite small, usually 2 1/2" pots but they are very healthy. Logee's has great feedback in the Garden Watchdog: http://davesgarden.com/products/gwd/c/35/

If you do purchase from this company I hope you will leave feedback on your experience!

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I have been a Logee's customer for years and have had only one bad experience, which they immediately corrected. They shipped on a Friday, priority mail, which I should have received Sat. and it was a long weekend, it did not arrive until Tuesday and the plants were a mess. I nursed them for a day or two and then I decided to call and tell them not to ship to me again USPS unless it is early in the week. I am in NJ and they are in CT and it should only take two days at the most. I told then I was able to save all but one of the plants and I wanted them to replace that plant. They replaced the entire order at no charge. There were four or five plants. I was so impressed I immediately called them when the plants arrived and thanked them over and over. I have also emailed them with problems and they have been so gracious in their answers and assistance I can not say enough about how much I like doing business with them. They go out of their way to help their customers.

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