aloe vera

Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

does any one have a piece they can share.? thanks for answering

Valley Village, CA

How do you get them to offset without cutting off the head?
Mine is not the spotted variety. Crasulady

Kamloops, BC(Zone 4b)

Dear jcf,

I have one I can take a pup off of for you. Contact me privately. Heck, I am feeling expansive, I'll send you it as well as other succulent cuttings for the postage ($5.20).


You can do it two ways - the first is to put it in the ground and wait several years, until it decides to pup (mine went through two flowering cycles before it did) or two, which I am not totally sure of but does work sometimes, is deliberately underpot it. Sometimes they pup, sometimes they don't - a variation of that wonderful succulent game 'Then You Sedum, Now You Don't'.

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