My first serama egg!!

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

this wind keeps up i may have to, my coops might fall over and bust, grrr. humidity shouldn't be over 45% during incubation for first 18 days.

i forgot to mail u a copy of my ai and pt clean flock lab results so if u need them please d-mail me ur email addy so i can forward u a copy. i sent u a pm on byc telling u how many of what i sent yesterday i think it was i had forgotten i did so check ur pm's. also i forgot to tell u my flock is ILT, IB, mereks and new castle disease vaccinated.

Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

Hey Silkie,
All the eggs arrived Monday. As usual, with my last 5 or so packages through USPS (not just eggs, btw) it had the "received in damage condition" red stamp on it!!! I am so over USPS. Anyway...because of how you packed, the eggs were in fine condition to the "eye" except 1 Serama was cracked on the air sac end. So, I put it in the bator anyway :)

My question is: you marked a larger egg w/ BB. What type is it? I ask because it is GROWING like a weed inside! It is so perfect when I candled it. What is it??
I'm excited...can you tell :)


Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

i have never heard of them stamping one that, i sure hope they r all ok, that worries me now. lets hope they all do good, i'll be crossing my fingers for ya. was the box damaged??

lol, bb stands for standard buff brahma and those hatch out some feather footed cuties!! they r very nice large egg layers. this isn't the greatest pic and momma is moulting in it but here is the parents at their first show in aug.

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I had not heard of Seramas until this forum. Darnit, now I have another reason to want MORE birds! They are so dang cute!!!

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

realy? lol, that is awesome!! i would highly reccomend them to anyone they r outstanding birds and such a joy!!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Yes, really. I'm definitely new to keeping chickens. I'm sure I could do research on them, but since you're here and at my finger tips... is Serama just a size classification of bird or are there other defining qualities about them?

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

forgive my blondeness, lol not sure what u are asking so i'll try to answer and if i miss what ur question was please ask again differently.

serama is a new breed of birds origionally brought over from malaysia about 15 or so years ago. there is american seramas which r bigger, heavier weight and crossed with sebrights and oegb's and such. mine r pure malaysian seramas. they r the smaller more typey ones, some of my breeders r a's, b's and c's size. most r a and b size but i do have some i think r AA size.

american seramas r c size or bigger almost bantam size like a silkie ect if that all makes sence. ea class- a, b and c, r certain weights. when a serama is shown they r to go by type,size, weight and 4th color. serama breeders try to breed for the smallest most compact bird and good type. they don't usually go by color for breeding since there is no standard. that being because there is 2,000+ color variations of them.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Wow - very cool. Sounds like fun. I can easily see how people can get addicted to chickens... there are just so many to be had! ~8-D

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

yes, they r very addicting, i raise several breeds. i always see more i want,lol but i love enableing too, rotfl.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

about as far as I can go beyond this would be to move... so not much enabling satisfaction here. :-S Although the guy I bought my last pullet from was eyeballing my kids as future 4Hers. He said, "you know they can start at 6 years old -- keep my card!" hehe So maybe we can show as the kids get a bit older.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

i know what u mean. my kid's show in open classes with us which is actually harder probably. my daughter is 4 and she put her first girls in this year and took 1st place for both. i have 5 kid's and alot of birds which is a pain but so much fun and well worth it with them to enjoy family time. here 4-h has to be 9 to be in it. if they have younger siblings they can show with them but they r not actually part of it till age 9. my kid's were heartbroken only the oldest could show and not them so we put them all in open class right with us.

this is one of our silkie girls at show in aug.

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

Good morning peeps!
Well, my first Serama eggs hatched today (2 out of 4 so far) the first to hatch was about 8am this morning and I was shocked!! She pipped yesterday and she is the smallest of the 4 eggs...I MEAN REALLY SMALL! She came out blonde :) She helped her sibling out at about 10:30am this morning. He is brunette with blonde on the top of his wings. 3rd one is the 2nd largest and is pipped, the other (largest egg) is just a wiggler at the moment.
The older one has preened and eating all the exra egg off the brunette, but now she looks like she's being downright mean! She has "small egg syndrome" I think. Pecking and pulling at Brunette's feet.
Heres a photo of the pipping ...3rd from the left...the LITTLEST egg, above one of "SilkieChick's" healthy Buff Brahma eggs that she sent me all the way from PA!:


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Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

Here she is when I woke up this morning (roughly 8:30...I MISSED THE ZIPPING!)

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Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Yaaaay! Excellent hatching musicnotes! Can't wait to see photos of the little peeps! That is one tiny little egg. I can't imagine how tiny that baby must be. Sounds like she has the attitude though!

Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

OK, here is MIss agressive, joining the hatching of the next baby. Beginning to think Blondie is a ROO!

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Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

Now, Blondie was picking on HIS sibling so much, that the new baby wanted to go BACK in the egg!
Thanks Claire...I'm so excited. You guys helped so much in the beginning, so this is a TEAM effort. :)

Thumbnail by musicnotes
Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

You don't KNOW how badly I want to p/u and hold it in my hand! And to take a picture of it in my hand! This is taken about 12pm EST.

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Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh my GAWD!!! You don't know how bad I WANT to pick them up and hold them FOR YOU!!! LOL

I can see I'm setting myself up for torture.... I'm afraid...

Congratulations on the darling mini teeny tiny musicnotes! Your heart is probably ready to explode... I know mine would be! This is just toooo cool..

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Silkiechick!!!!!!!!!! They are here!!!!!!!!!

My eggs are here!!!!!!!!!!!!

the littlest one was leaking a tiny bit.. One of the bigger ones had the wrap stuck to it.. so it was damp too.. but the rest are okay!

I am sitting on them now.. OH wait.. I mean.. they are resting near the bator.. I've been telling them to hang on and I love them and they are home now..

Is that weird or what?

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm so nervous I'm going to have to send myself an email to calm down if someone doesn't reply reallly sooon...


Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

Ha! Oh, how much we rely on Silkie :)
She has a LOT of babies all over the country, now !!!
I have to go to work. Am already 3 hours late...what can I say...I'm a new mother! Don't they have maternity leave for this kind of thing?

THe 3rd Serama has hatched. Will post pics tonight. X fingers that the 4th pips while I run to work and back!

Music, sorry to have missed welcming you earlier,congratulations!
ZZ, congrats on your long awaited arrival, pre-arrival!

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

congratsl!! sorry i haven't been on the comp been sick all day. music forgive my blondeness i ship so many eggs, what breeds did i send u? yes, lol i got babies all over from here to fl, to cal and then some.

zz, i'll send ya few extra showgirl eggs with the seramas if i can. i will send them tomarrow i forgot today was fri so u will have ur other set on mon. i didn't want them to sit an extra day in the mail.

jordon, i should be able to send u yours next week. since i have been locking all pens eggs have now been picking up again. i'll try to get urs out asap too.

LOVE the pics, keep em comeing!!

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh musicnotes, those are just the CUTEST pictures! Do you have a brooder set up with a lamp? I get them out of the 'bator and snap a pic on the way to the brooder. I leave them in the brooder for a couple of hours and then get them out and gently fluff them up using a scrap of polar fleece fabric. Can't wait to see your next pics!

ZZ - so eggcited about your eggs! Hooray! Keep us updated!

My eggs - bad story. I received my parcel of cream brabanter and white rock bantam eggs today. Total destruction inside. They were packed in an egg carton with wood shavings in it, and then in some paper. There is 1 CB egg intact and 4 WRB, but they are all sloshy looking inside when candled. No fixed air cell. It does NOT look good. I am so bummed out. Post office must've been hard on that one, plus I think the packaging was a little lacking.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

So sorry to hear that Commander Moxon... :(

Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

Oh Claire...that just breaks my heart about the packaging. It is so much more REAL how the eggs are beginning of lives, now that I have a hatched a few. I'm sorry. I was telling Silkie a few weeks ago that I was going to start and egg & chick (all birds and their eggs, really) shipping business. There are sooooooooooo many people in need of this. I can't trust the PO as far as I can throw them! (no pun intended). Even overnight. I swear when you put "FRAGILE" on a package, they see that as "DROP, KICK, AND CRUSH"!

Well, on the brighter side of things, I am home from work. Got the brooder all set up last night. Having a hard time regulating the temp. Finally got it to pretty much sit at 96-98. I read that it should be 90 degrees. But, I came home to the 3 hatched chicks frolicking around on the wire and the 4th and largest egg, pipped! It has been pipped since about 4pm and just keeps on chirping in there.

The 3 are the most absolutely adorable little fuzzy butts I have ever seen. After we got them into the brooder, I have called them from the side and the littlest chick (we are calling it Blondie) come running to face on the outside of the homemade brooder. I talk to it just like I've talked to it for the past (almost) 3 weeks!

Pics will follow.
PS~Silkie- I purchased from you on BYC...I'm the one with the pourous Serama eggs (5 out of 9), 3 cochin, 1 sp1 (doa due to post office handling), buff brahma, and 1 with nothing written, so I wrote a ? on will be a surprise! I haven't had a chance to reply to your PM

Thumbnail by musicnotes
Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

Here is BLondie when I called her over to the side of the brooder. I did it 5 separate times and she came running EACH time. So adorable. Brunette is starting to do it, too.

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Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

Then she starts chirping back to my chirping :) Is that awesome, or what?? Go ahead all you Serama mommies...DROOL!

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Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

I call this, "chatter around the water cooler". Heehee.

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Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh gosh.. those lil fuzzy butts are so cute! That is wild how Blondie is talking to you! I love that..
Fantastic action shots..

I agree.. it's a shame that we have to take such a risk with such valuable packages!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Love the pics Musicnotes! They are adorable, and Blondie is already living up to her "singer" heritage.

A chick and egg shipping business would be super, but the cost I imagine would be prohibitive...but I can just imagine the trucks or cars with the logo on the would be so cute and recognizable!

Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

The 4th egg was the 1st to wiggle and the last to hatch. She was born sometime between 3am and 7am (yes, it was a long night!) Here she is at about 7am this morning :) Welcome little red-head !!

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Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

I let the room warm up a little before transferring the new chick to the brooder.
All the chicks welcomed her w/ open wings. "WELCOME TO THE MIX! Took you long enough."

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Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Congratulations! They are just darling!

Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks Kristin!
I wish I could stay and watch them all weekend, but I have a gig today AND tomorrow. I will miss them!!

Beaufort, MO

Silkiechick: I have Seramas also and just love them. My problem, though, is I'm afraid to put them outside without a really solid heat-holding building to put them in. I live in Missouri (zone 5) so it's not as cold here as PA. What kind of accomodations are yours in? Right now mine are in the house and let me tell you, their crow isn't so quiet when inside! :) I'd really like to get them outside, they've been in since last fall. Thanks!

Thumbnail by ivyturtle
Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

i have not had my first winter with my seramas yet and am dreading it very much.

Thumbnail by silkiechick
(Zone 7b)

I have a question whats the difference between the seramas and old english game bantams it's amazeing how similar they look to my OEGB'S

Beaufort, MO

Seramas are from Malaysia. They've been in the US a relatively short time. They probably look like yours somewhat because of the color of the roosters in the pix. Actually, they come in many, many color combinations, although 4 out of 7 of my roosters all look like the one in my picture.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

true malaysian seramas like mine come from malaysia. americanized seramas r usually crossed with oegb and sebrights ect to get certain color variations. a pure is smaller than an americanized. there is 2500+ color variations of seramas. japanease bantams r the closest breed to the pures since japs were used in the makeing of them from my understanding of it.

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