Roos for Adoption

Gao, Mali

Per request, this thread is for posting info regarding roos of any age who need homes. The roo owner should state any terms, including humane life and death, and shipping fees if applicable. And pictures are encouraged.

Anyone needing a roo may also post their request here.

Please finalize your agreements per dmail. It is free with your free membership. Click on "MAIL" link at top of page, then enter username.

Now, lets all work together and find roos for these homes. I mean homes for these roos!


Thumbnail by Chicken_Fairy
Clarkson, KY

Beauty roo. I'll check around anyway.

hey -I thought you lived in the south pole? Tx panhandle somewhere?

Lodi, United States

Finally--She's emerged! It is well known by readers of children's books that the CF is based in Africa:0)

I'll take my pictures and post today!

Foley, MO

Josh!!!!!! Where's Josh? Look! A D'Uccle roo just for him!

Lodi, United States

Okay--just because I can't take pictures doesn't mean these guys don't deserve a great home. They are listed on the Sacramento Craigslist for $5 each--but for real chicken slaves--nothing! and I will ship. I'll try to take better pictures, but the CF threatened me--if I don't post now, she'll send me 300 broilers.....

Anyway these are a Marans and a Barnevelder roo--about 12 weeks, best buddies. I also have 3 more younger Barnevelder roos.

Thumbnail by Catscan
(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH gosh I would take them beauties in a heartbeat. I have a few girls the same colors.

Lodi, United States

L2G2--Dmail me and they are yours! I've already shipped two to Texas so I have the bugs worked out.

Clarkson, KY

Is that lacing on the one? They are both beautiful, I know nothing about the types. I'd have to cull before I could get more. I don't want to end up with behavior problems from having too many. Siiigh.

Lodi, United States

Yup, the Barnevelders are double-laced:0)

Clarkson, KY

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's chickens
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's chickens
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's chickens

Wish we could teach that stinkin' hound by TF's place

Gao, Mali

My center of operations is in Mali, Africa (West). The rooster which is posted has a home, but isn't he a fine example of the selections available?! Now, catscan, get those nice looking specimens shipped off to Okie Country, before it gets hot again.

Grownut, your commandment would not work where I live. We always share chickens with the neighbors! And, by the way, the Chicken_Fairy KNOWS you have room for more... and that you could plant them a fall garden as well, just get off your, errrr, seat. Would you like some Plymouth Barred Rocks, or prefer Bantams of some sort? How about some ducks?


Thumbnail by Chicken_Fairy
londonderry, Australia

oh i see the D'Uccle patch i see it
i want it so bad
i will get it somday

Clarkson, KY

Geese, Oh Great CF, Geese. And a little bit of lacing in my flock of layers. It has appeared naturally in my mixed flock of PBR's and Black Sex-link twice. And as they are already PBR,BSL, JG mix, I think I should keep to that mix for a while. Room was not the issue, but safe housing -remember the fox-hopefully-roadkill?

Just got in onto my seat from my fall garden -what do you know about my seat??(Oh Great CF)

Foley, MO

Potagere? CF? Kinda like Mom? Tooth faery?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Nice looking RIR 7-month old roo for adoption in Florida....

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

i have a nice young giant blue cochin roo i could part with. :0)

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

hey, SC, coudl we get him here to me? i have two that i thought were dark brahmas, but their chap feathers are so heavy, and i got to thinking they looked like cochins, but they are supposed to be bantams! they are only about four months old, but look sorta like this guy, only black and white markings. not mottled, not splased or laced, just mixed coloring???

anyhow, this blue guy looks great! i wonder what he would make with my blue and splash Jersey Giants???

Gao, Mali

Grownut, post a request for White Embden Geese in your area. Craigslist and Freecycle. The fox is dead. The geese will protect your chickens and eat the weeds your goats do not eat. I am a Chicken Fairy, not a seat fairy!

CMoxon, thank you for posting the link. Anyone here from Florida? He is a nice little guy!

Patchoulit78, do you have a request? Or any loose teeth?

luckycharm_1, get some eggs and set to hatch October 1st... and perhaps attend a chicken swap to find your D'Uccles.

luvs2garden2000, once you have finished your coop, will you be taking the roos from Lodi?

Everyone, please post once adoptions have been finalized. Thank you all.


Thumbnail by Chicken_Fairy
Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

i'd have to check on ur zip at the po to see if i can ship to you, but i don't have any boxes. boots is almost the size of my standard buff brahmas. he is 3 times taller than my bantam cochins and frizzled cochins.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

CF, i have to wait to see what I have as far as roos now. So not going to get any more roos until I know

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

SC my zi pis 79036...

Clarkson, KY

CF -You're the one who started talking about my seat! Just wondered what and how you knew??!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

maybe CF thinks you need a new one! I know mine is getitng worn out lol

Gao, Mali

Grownut, correct, I see that I did indeed mention your chair cushion. Please disregard the deragatoriness of the misunderstanding. Meanwhile, get some geese and get over it!

Luvs2garden2000, Please keep in mind the longer you wait the bigger they get and the more it will cost in shipping. The Lodi roos are the best of quality and spoiled. However, I understand you have recieved MANY chickens lately, and so you are welcome to pass on the offer...

Catscan, please repost your roos with current pics, including the young ones. 'Twould be best if one took all... And PLEASE do not overhatch, until you are better prepared to place roos...

Any more roos available?

Anybody need some?


Lodi, United States

The CF scares me...she is so stern.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I will have some roos available when they are old enough to tell me that they are roos.

And yes, Catscan, she is stern!

I may also have some roos after this weekend when I go to pick up the rest of Jim's flock. I think he has 3 full grown roos, def. 1 light brahma roo and 1 barred rock roo. I will be able to take pics and all after we pick them up.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

gee, you guys are right, maybe it is a language barrier, or maybe a fake CF...

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

naw, she's the REAL DEAL cf!

I too may have a couple of roos... as soon as they start crowing! ugh! hopefully I only have a couple and not all four!

londonderry, Australia

she cant get me it is funny

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

CF has blessed me this year i've hatched almost all pullets. way to go CF!!!

Foley, MO

I think CF may be a "he".

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

do fairies have gender?

Gao, Mali


Thank you for the acknowledgement. Not many recieve an answer to that request, and you have certainly appreciated all you have received, and grieved all you have lost. Your helpfulness and willingness to share what you learn does not go un-noticed here in Africa. Now, you should be in need of some roos for those pullets, so don't forget to take in roos needing adoption! (Stern-ness intended)

Iowan, "Yankee Doodle" awaits his new home:

Washington State Button Quail:


"GOOSE" in CA, OH, WA, NY, CT:



Those oughta keep all the US reps busy a while!

Thumbnail by Chicken_Fairy
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

phew! CF my plate is full, but i will do my best.... who will help me?


Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

your very welcome CF, yes that is very true. normally i hatch 50-75% roos,lol but u have been most good to me this year with ur magic hatching dust. yep that is true, my flock is very special to me all r like my little kid's, they r first and formost very loved and spoiled pets. everything else is just an added blessing to that.

thank you, that really means alot, i was gonna ask u where u were from. lol, i have lots of roos i have 2-5 roos per pen, i have adopted many birds and rescued them, roos and hens as well as others. i'm known as the bird lady here i adopt cockatiels, parakets and other birds too, always a loveing home here for birds. sometimes i don't always have room for them but we make room till i can find them a forever home. i do not cull my xtra roos they go to pet homes or stay with me and the flock. :0)

Lodi, United States

I sold a roo--a BA/JG roo! The man came asking for the Marans or Barnevelder I had advertised on CraigsList--but he fell in love with the BA/JGs. It is going to live in the country near here--his last roo was taken by a coyote so he will be very protective of this one. So I still have 3 Barnevelder and 1 Marans roo! The Barnevelders are stunning--their backs look like dark peacocks feathers. I'll try to get a better picture tomorrow.

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

I just lined up a home for my roos (even if all four of the chicks are roos!) RooHoo!

My dear friend's kids just moved to the 'country' (Redding) and live on a farm...they are willing to take any roos I have because they are starting their own flock of chickens :o)

Must be nice to live where roos are allowed! sigh!

Lodi, United States


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

way to go Catscan! maybe i wlil list my seabrights and extra JGs on Craigs... they are SO tall and gangly, i think it will be two years before they are big enough to eat.... GULP can we SAY that on this thread?

good job AnjL too!

you guys are making me look bad, i better get to work...

Gao, Mali

ATTN all reps in luckycharm_1's area, please contact me...

Great work gals, now lets home some of these ducks and geese. The DF and the GF are on vacation, so the CF is filling in.

A White Peachick is available in Arizona... (there is no such thing as a PF, yet)


Thumbnail by Chicken_Fairy

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