Calling all Tropickids......Where are you?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

You'll be happy with new knees...I have new hips...
I'm not even aware of it anymore...

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Thanks Christi! Thanks RJ...I already have a 'new' I will be bionic for sure!! Now..if my hips just don't give!!!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

When I was young,nothing would taste better than fresh ripe and milky field corn,I'd jump off the tractor,pick me a ear and clean and eat it right in the field!!!!LOL

Well Patti has to go in and have her pituitary glands removed,I guess there is 4 of them,said he would probably leave one,maybe 2,just depends on how they look when he gets in there,they just about have to do with everything that goes on in your body!
I hope this will make her start to feel better!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, bless her heart. Sorry she must have this procedure, but with you, hope it is the answer to her problems. Will be praying for both of you.

So raw corn doesn't give you a tummy ache?


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Gosh Don, I do too! I don't think I have ever heard of someone having their pituitary glands out??? I know they have to do with a lot of things though.
I sure hope it solves her problems.
Hmmmm.....I never did like field corn....and I've had it a few times! If there is one thing I am funny's corn!
It was a very long time after we were married before I could eat canned or frozen 'store bought' corn. I was used to having the real!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I love sweet corn but not raw. lol. Gotta be cooked and have a little butter on there. We have found that the best way to cook corn on the cob is in a pressure cooker. It tastes sooooo good that way!! We no longer boil our corn. Too bland. It goes in the P.C.!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Thanks,I too hope this helps Patti,here lately she has not been doing very goood!

Raw field corn,when it hits it's peak at the milky stage is fantastic,you bite into it and it just spews everywhere!!!LOL

Never heard of cooking it in a pressure cooker,I would think it get too hard to eat!
I was raised bring,salted water to a boil,drop corn in for no more than 10 minutes at best!
Then get it out right away and eat!!!!

If you want the best tasting pop corn,take your bacon grease and use it to make pop corn!!!MMMMMMmmmm

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Gosh Don, my grandpa always grew black popcorn, and that's the way grandma always popped it...with bacon grease!! It was sooo good!!! And black popcorn didn't have the hulls that the corn nowadays has either! It was a little smaller grain...but ohhh so good!!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

We thought the same thing when we tried it but it didn't. It came out perfect!!!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

The secret is to keep it shaking so it doesn't burn!!!!
Black corn,never heard of it!
Like the hulless corn!!!

Oh, my, bacon grease! The Devil made it taste so good. I am beginning to have artery problems, so...

I visited a small island, Grand Turk, and an old lady had made her living room into a three table restaurant. Hre rice was maddeningly delicious. Finally I asked her what she put in it, and she said "A little bacon grease."

I tried making her rice, I cooked a whole pound of bacon, and separated out the greae. Then i cooked a small pot of rice, about a quart when done. I put in some of the grease, then more, then more. It didn't taste right until I'd put ALL of it in the rice.

Oh, my, I couldn't eat her rice anymore. How sad.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

When I cook beans,I prefer bacon instead of ham hocks!

Kealakekua, HI

my internet at home is down for a few more days..... having withdrawals

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